id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
_005195855	University of Pennsylvania. Department of History.	Translations and reprints from the original sources of European history.	1897		.txt	text/plain	11306	615	69	But if certain [Novatian^ clerics seek admission to the catholic church when it already has a bishop or presbyter of its own appointment, it is plain that the bishop of the church shall retain the dignity of “bishop,” while he who is styled “bishop” by the so-called “Pure,” shall have the rank of presbyter : this, at least, unless the bishop be pleased to grant him a share in the honorary title of “bishop;” if he is not so minded, he should certainly find a place for him as rural bishop or presbyter, that he may seem to retain fully his clerical status. Bishops to be ap- pointed according to rule.	cache/_005195855.txt	txt/_005195855.txt