id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195725 Pius XII, Pope, 1876-1958. Proofs for the existence of God in the light of modern natural science : address 1951 .txt text/plain 5751 206 54 The proofs for the existence of God in the light of modern natural science : address / of Pope Pius SAINT MARY’S ^ From these “modes of being” of the world around us which, in greater or lesser degrees of comprehension, are noted with equal evidence by both the philosopher and the human mind in general, there are two which modern science has, in a marvelous degree, fathomed, verified and deepened beyond all expectations: (1) the mutability of things, in- cluding their origin and their end; and (2) the teleological order which stands out in every corner of the cosmos. cache/_005195725.txt txt/_005195725.txt