id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195656 Catholic Church. Pope (1958-1963 : John XXIII). On the missions : encyclical letter. 1960 .txt text/plain 11188 402 58 To this end, as Our predecessor Pius XII, of venerable memory, has already urged, it will not be difficult to convince oneself of the value and importance of the fraternal help that - 20 - international Catholic organizations will be able to give to the lay apostolate in mission countries, either on the scientific level with the study of Christian solutions, especially in the social problems of the new nations, or, above all, on the apostolic level for the organization of an active Christian laity. NATIVE STUDENTS IN WESTERN COUNTRIES Our immediate predecessor urged bishops to provide, in a spirit of fraternal and disinterested collaboration, for the spiritual assistance of young Catholics coming into their dioceses from mission countries, to enable them to follow studies and to acquire the experience which they will put into practice when they assume directive functions in their own countries.79 They are exposed to intellectual and moral dangers in a society that is not their own and that often, unfortunately, is not such as to support their faith and encourage their virtue. cache/_005195656.txt txt/_005195656.txt