id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195653 Paul VI, Pope, 1897-1978. On collegiality : letter to all bishops, December 18, 1964. 1965 .txt text/plain 1653 56 60 PAUL VI December 18, 1964 Letter entitled Ad Vos Imprimis sent by POPE PAUL VI to all bishops on December 18, 1964 OUR thoughts turn first of all to you while we await the dawn of that happy day in which the memory of the Incarnation of the Word of God is renewed and this mystery is celebrated. We believe there is no better way of celebrating the touching solemnity of the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ than to unite our soul to yours, and to add 3 our praise to God to the choir with which you preach Christmas, to add our prayers to those which rise from your hearts, and our joy to the joy with which the entire body of the Catholic bishops looks to Christ, who appeared among us as the least of the brethren, but also as our true Saviour, Master and Lord. cache/_005195653.txt txt/_005195653.txt