id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
_005195597	Sheen, Fulton J. (Fulton John), 1895-1979.	The love that waits for you	1951		.txt	text/plain	47235	2364	80	For example the elderly mother with arthritis, her limbs twisted like old olive trees in the Garden of Gethsem- ane, never complaining, always rejoicing as she says fifty ro- saries a day for Russia ; a young bride writing in her diary : “Keep me, 0 Lord, close to Thy Kingdom that I may sanctify the flesh and make it the chariot run- ning its course to the supernal crown of the spirit”; Bishops in China pushing wheelbarrows through their diocese, preaching in one city and another as the Communists burn their churches and schools, but always like the Apostles whom they succeed, re- joicing that they can suffer for their Lord; a young husband with an unfaithful wife, who in consecrated and dedicated con- tinence, eats daily of the Bread of Life, that the bride may one day return to both home and Faith; religious women in con- vents offering prayers of thanks to God when told they had an incurable disease, throwing themselves on their knees and offering their suffering in repa- ration for the sins of the world; soldiers returning from the bat- tles of a World War entering the Trappists to spend their lives in silence and prayer in the great battle against the powers of darkness; a young woman, hero- ine of war, rescuing soldiers, feeding the diseased and then after contracting it, writing to TASTE AND SEE THAT THE LORD IS SWEET 99 me saying: “All I want really — is to love God morel \ a Jewish psychiatrist leaving a good prac- tice to enter one of the strictest orders in the Church to pray for his own people in the world; a brilliant woman fasting for life from meat and fish, if need be, in order to bring “fallen-aways” back to the embrace of the Mas- ter. To further that intimate bond between us may these broadcasts flower and blossom in the Eter- nal Triangle: You and me, in and through God.	cache/_005195597.txt	txt/_005195597.txt