id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
_005195579	John XXIII, Pope, 1881-1963.	Letters to French Social Weeks, 1959-1962.	1962		.txt	text/plain	8124	269	53	On the other hand, if there are, alas, young people who hold aloof from social life, if there are adolescents who become “so- cial misfits,” is it not because they have, almost in every case, grown up without a home or in a home where there was no real love? At Grenoble, where a bishop who is following attentively the course of social problems is preparing to receive you, sur- rounded by a select and wideawake group, you are going to discuss a subject that falls within the , framework of a basic aim of the Social Weeks.	cache/_005195579.txt	txt/_005195579.txt