id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
_005195542	Catholic Church. Consilium ad Exsequendam Constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia.	Instruction on translation of liturgical texts, 25 January, 1969	1969		.txt	text/plain	3969	180	57	Instruction on translation of liturgical texts, 25 January, 1969 / Consilium for the Implementation r^Wo\^CUurcL. CdMlIiuot <s^ 9*s*f•*****•» Co*>sMwfcoMeM* cJc ^cuzrci A.^/cy^ JCTH ‘jfruc L'O'l In accordance with article 36 of the Constitution Sacro- sanctum Concilium and n. 40 of the Instruction of the Congre- gation of Rites Inter Oecumenici, the work of translation of liturgical texts is thus laid down: It is the duty of the episcopal conferences to decide which texts are to be translated, to pre- pare or review the translations, to approve them, and “after approval, that is, confirmation by the Holy See” to promulgate them.	cache/_005195542.txt	txt/_005195542.txt