id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195420 Brooks, James, 1810-1873. Defence of President Fillmore : before a meeting of the American party, held at Cincinnati, Friday evening, May 30, 1856 1856 .txt text/plain 8506 305 64 It is the absolute subjection of our own will, mind, and interests to the authorized will and interests of others in our common country ; it is, in short, the elevation of man on earth almost to divinity in heaven ; and he who can govern himself in alt things is not only a man, but almost a demi- god ; and yet are we told, that men fresh from the darkest parts of Europe — from its poor-houses even—men, whom noblemen sent over here to re- lieve their estates—the very seethings and scum of Europe, which she has vomited forth from the inability of her own stomach to contain it, become, by some immaculate conceptipn, the moment they place their feet on our soil, gifted with the power and genius of self-government, though all existing history and existing fact show that Europe itself, at home, is incapable of self-government ! (Cheers.) I am here, from the banks of the Hudson, on this Ohio, to in- quire why it is, that in some parts of your State, there is an opposition raised among men, acting with you in some things, to an eminent citizen at my own State, whom we have always delighted to honor, and whom, on all occasions whatever, that a proper opportunity offered, we have honored before all other men, and whom, as the opportunity offers, once more, I doubt not, we shall honor more than ever. cache/_005195420.txt txt/_005195420.txt