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_005195414	Catholic Church. Pope (1963-1978 : Paul VI).	Decree issued Motu proprio : Restructuring of the Consilium de laicis in which it takes the name Pontifical Council for the Laity, Apostolatus Peragendi ; decree issued Motu proprio : definitive structuring of the Pontifical Commission Justice and Peace, Iustitiam et Pacem, December 10, 1976	1976		.txt	text/plain	2786	80	42	3 In particular, the Pontifical Council has the tasks of: 1 encouraging the laity to participate in the Church's life and mis- sion, both—and this is the principal way—as members of associations for the apostolate and as individual Christians; 2 evaluating, guiding, and, if necessary, fostering initiatives regarding the apostolate of lay people in the various spheres of society, with due regard for the competence of other bodies of the Roman Curia in this matter; 3 dealing with all questions concerning: • international and national organizations of the lay apostolate, with due regard for the competence of the Secretariat of State or Papal Sec- retariat; • Catholic societies for the promotion of the apostolate and the spirit- ual life and activity of the laity, without interference in the rights of the Sacred Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples regarding societies fostering missionary cooperation exclusively; • pious associations (i.e., archconfraternities, confraternities, pious unions, sodalities of all kinds), in consultation with the Sacred Congrega- tion for Religious and Secular Institutes whenever it is a case of an as- sociation erected by a Religious Family or a Secular Institute; • lay Third Orders, with regard only to questions concerning the acti- vity of their apostolate, and thus without interference in the competence of the Sacred Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes for other questions; • associations of both clerics and lay people, with due regard for the competence of the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy in the matter of the observance of the general laws of the Church (cf. During these ten years the Commission has studied carefully and put into practice the doctrine and precepts of the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes and other Church documents.	cache/_005195414.txt	txt/_005195414.txt