id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
_005195398	Gillis, James M. (James Martin), 1876-1957.	Crucial questions	1940		.txt	text/plain	18347	1098	81	Address delivered on October 20, 1940 In religion, as in all other departments of hu- man life, complete intellectual honesty is indispen- sable. But seeking God he did not confine ‘WHERE NOW IS THY GOI)‘ 37 himself to pages of print; unlike the alchemists of his day (sometimes I wonder if they were really more foolish or superstitious than materialists of our day) he did not lock himself in a laboratory with fire and bellows and copper retorts to wrest from the chemical elements and physical forces the secret of being and of motion.	cache/_005195398.txt	txt/_005195398.txt