id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
_005195386	Vatican Council (2nd : 1962-1965 : Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano)	Constitution on the church : Second Vatican Council : Nov. 21, 1964	1965		.txt	text/plain	37148	2413	80	Church linked with non-Catho- lics, 15 Church’s work for, 1 citizens of a heavenly kingdom, 13 89 common dignity of the people of God, 32 common sharing of gifts, 13 desire aroused by the Spirit, 15 the eucharistic sacrifice, 3 Christianity: ( see also Church) all called to, 13 messianic people, 9 the people of God, 9-17 related to non-Christians, 16 Church : ( see also Catholic Church; Christianity; Kingdom of God; Mystical Body; etc.) appearance in time, 48 bride of Christ, 7 building of God, 6 diversity among its members, 13 earthly glory, 8 eschatological nature of, 48-51 established by Christ, 18 in exile on earth, 6 foreshadowed in the Old Cove- nant, 2 foundation and mission, 5 guided by the Spirit, 4 hierarchical structure, 18-29 holy Temple, 6 images, 6 inauguration and growth, 3 indefectibly holy, 39 inner nature and universal mis- sion, 1 intention to join, 14 local congregations or churches, 26 mandate to evangelize the world, 17 Mary as type of, 63 members in likeness of Christ, 7 mission, 37 mother and virgin, 64 mystery of the, 2-8 necessary for salvation, 14 new Israel, 9 one complex reality, 8 perfection in heaven, 48 place of particular Churches in, 13 religious orders in, 43 reveals the mystery of the Lord, 8 sheepfold, 6 spouse, 6 tillage of God, 6 united with souls in heaven, 49 visible incorporation of mem- bers, 14 visible social structure, 8 Church Unity: (see Christian Unity; Unity of the Church) By divine institution Holy Church is ordered and gov- erned with a wonderful diversity.	cache/_005195386.txt	txt/_005195386.txt