id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195273 Catholic Church. Pope (1963-1978 : Paul VI). Apostolic exhortation Marialis cultus 1974 .txt text/plain 19562 770 60 Division of the Treatise 1 PART ONE Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Liturgy (1-25) 4 Section I: The Blessed Virgin in the Revised Roman Liturgy (2-15) 4 Section II: The Blessed Virgin as the Model of the Church in Divine Worship (16-25) 12 PART TWO The Renewal of Devotion to Mary (24-39) 17 Section I: Trinitarian, Christological and Ecclesial Aspects of Devotion to the Blessed Virgin (25-28) 17 Section II: Four Guidelines for Devotion to the Blessed Virgin: Biblical, Liturgical, Ecumenical and Anthropologi- cal (29-39) 21 PART THREE Observations on Two Exercises of Piety: the Angelus and the Rosary (40-55) 30 The Angelus (41) 30 The Rosary (42-55) 31 CONCLUSION Theological and Pastoral Value of Devotion to the Blessed Virgin (56-57) 38 Epilogue (58) 42 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 INTRODUCTION OCCASION AND PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENT DIVISION OF THE TREATISE Venerable Brothers: Health and the Apostolic Blessing: From the moment when we were called to the See of Peter, we have constantly striven to enhance devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, not only with the intention of Interpreting the sentiments of the Church and our own personal inclination but also because, as is well known, this devotion forms a very noble part of the whole sphere of that sacred worship In which there intermingle the highest expressions of wisdom and of religion ^ On the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph (the Sunday within the octave of Christmas) the Church meditates with profound rev- erence upon the holy life led In the house at Nazareth by Jesus, 5 the Son of God and Son of Man, Mary his Mother, and Joseph the just man (cf. cache/_005195273.txt txt/_005195273.txt