id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _004723754 Tholen, H. J. Persecuted Mexico 1935 .txt text/plain 14245 520 56 H. J, THOLEN. MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS “ Young Bill” White, in the Em- porta Gazette and reprinted in the Hays Daily News on February 19, 1935, said: “Josephus Daniels, the New Deal’s Ambassador to Mexico, is under heavy fire in Congress and outside of it be- cause of a speech he made several months ago in Mexico City. The people will not stand it any longer than they have to wait for enough guns and bullets with which to arm and the order to go forward,' Speaking at a mass meeting of pro- test against the war upon religion in Mtexico, Dr. Edward Lodge Cur- ran of Brooklyn, New York, said: 46 '‘In the columns of the New York Times and Herald Tribune on Satur- day, January 26, 1935, appeared cer- tain statements given by Lazaro Cardenas, President of Mexico, dur- ing an interview with foreign cor- respondents in Mexico City,’ Dr: Curran said: “Such statements, for the most part, were an insult to the intelligence of any informed cor- respondent and a tissue of historical and hysterical falsehoods. cache/_004723754.txt txt/_004723754.txt