id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _003394476 Catholic Knights of America. Supreme Council. Tenth biennial report of the Supreme Council, Catholic Knights of America : William S. O'Rourke, Supreme Secretary for term ending April 30, 1895. 1895 .txt text/plain 9045 903 101 I n t e r e s t on daily balances 1,172 64 7 Statement showing Receipts from O'Brien's Sureties and Real E s t a t e transferred to t h e Order from the same source. 49,897 20 Total receipts, W . & O. B. F u n d 1,266,413 23 Cash received f r o m O'Brien's sureties 16,894 76 Cash received for Rent 297 92 I n t e r e s t on daily balances from Toledo Banks 1,172 64 Supreme Initiation Fees .• 3,669 00 Amount of warrants drawn on General F u n d $ 46,404 38 Amount of w a r r a n t s drawn on W. & O. B. F u n d 1,202,800 00 Amount of warrants drawn in favor of Sinking F u n d Commissioners (5^> of W. & O. B.) cache/_003394476.txt txt/_003394476.txt