id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
_003394092	Clump, Cyril C.	A progressive course of Catholic social action : part I, the great human family	1946		.txt	text/plain	18319	1155	75	It is, therefore, evident that man makes no pact or agreement with other men in the Great Human Family to live with them: man is born into a family, - 7 -a smaller group within the Great , Human Family —and so becomes at once a member of human society, and continues his life in it, sharing in the benefits all men receive and enjoy by living in society, and in his turn helping others in the Great Human Family; I I . Because man is naturally inclined to live with other men in society, and he cannot, if living alone, develop the God-given powers of his mind and body, therefore we say that man has a social nature.	cache/_003394092.txt	txt/_003394092.txt