id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt 05-prairie_011-1804 James Fenimore Cooper 05-prairie_011-1804 1804 .txt text/plain 4698 185 70 The semi-barbarous hunters from the Canadas, the same description of population, a little more enlightened, from the States, and the metiffs or half-breeds, who claimed to be ranked in the class of white men, were scattered among the different Indian tribes, or gleaned a scanty livelihood in solitude, amid the haunts of the beaver and the bison; or, to adopt the popular nomenclature of the country of the buffaloe.[15] It was, therefore, no unusual thing for strangers to encounter each other in the endless wastes of the west. It is the fashion of old age to relish these ancient traditions, and, for that matter, I can say that I don't dislike to listen to them myself. cache/05-prairie_011-1804.txt txt/05-prairie_011-1804.txt