id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt 04-pioneers_032-1793 James Fenimore Cooper 04-pioneers_032-1793 1793 .txt text/plain 3138 134 75 There was very little similarity in the manners or opinions of the two; but as they both belonged to the more intelligent class of a very small community, they were, of course, known to each other, and as their meeting was at a point where silence would have been rudeness, the following conversation was the result of their interview: A fine evening, Mr. Edwards, commenced the lawyer, whose disinclination to the dialogue was, to say the least, very doubtful; we want rain sadly; that's the worst of this climate of ours, it's either a drought or a deluge. Well, Mr. Edwards, said Lippet, dropping all reserve from his manner, you are called a curious man; but if you can tell me how a jury is to be prevented from finding a verdict of guilty, if this case comes fairly before them, and the proof is clear, I shall acknowledge that you know more law than I do, who have had a license in my pocket for three years. cache/04-pioneers_032-1793.txt txt/04-pioneers_032-1793.txt