id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt 04-pioneers_024-1793 James Fenimore Cooper 04-pioneers_024-1793 1793 .txt text/plain 4288 138 69 Marmaduke, with his daughter, her friend, and young Edwards, continued on the high grassy banks at the outlet of the placid sheet of water, watching the dark object that was moving across the lake, until it entered the shade of the western hills, and was lost to the eye. Would it stand to reason, that such a fish should live and be catched in this here little pond of water, where it's hardly deep enough to drown a man, as you'll find in the wide ocean, where, as every body knows that is, everybody that has followed the seas, whales and grampuses are to be seen, that are as long as one of the pine-trees on yonder mountain? cache/04-pioneers_024-1793.txt txt/04-pioneers_024-1793.txt