id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt 04-pioneers_022-1793 James Fenimore Cooper 04-pioneers_022-1793 1793 .txt text/plain 4353 157 70 It seems that he was of the party that Judge Temple had designated as his surveyors; and he embraced the opportunity of the pause that succeeded the retreat of young Edwards to take up the discourse, and with a narration of their further proceedings, after his own manner. A very just and apposite figure, Judge Temple, observed the sheriff; and the garrison under the command of Jack Frost make formidable sorties--you understand what I mean by sorties, monsieur; sallies, in English--and sometimes drive General Spring and his troops back again into the low countries. cache/04-pioneers_022-1793.txt txt/04-pioneers_022-1793.txt