id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt 04-pioneers_020-1793 James Fenimore Cooper 04-pioneers_020-1793 1793 .txt text/plain 3313 98 63 The limits of the view, in the west, were marked by an undulating outline of bright light, as if, reversing the order of nature, numberless suns might momentarily he expected to heave above the horizon. With her arm locked in that of Miss Grant, the young mistress of the mansion walked slowly up and down the hall, musing on scenes that were rapidly recurring to her memory, and possibly dwelling, at times, in the sanctuary of her thoughts, on the strange occurrences that had led to the introduction to her father's family of one whose Manners so singularly contradicted the inferences to be drawn from his situation. cache/04-pioneers_020-1793.txt txt/04-pioneers_020-1793.txt