id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt 01-deerslayer_005-1740 James Fenimore Cooper 01-deerslayer_005-1740 1740 .txt text/plain 7201 261 72 What's your sentiments, Hurry, touching these p'ints? That you've made a vast mistake, old man, in calling savage blood human blood, at all. And I thought they would have killed you with their we'pons, Judith, returned Deerslayer; it was an awful risk for a female to run in the face of a dozen Mingos! Did that make you come out of the cabin, in spite of their rifles, too? asked the girl, with more real interest than she would have cared to betray, though with an indifference of manner that was the result of a good deal of practice united to native readiness. cache/01-deerslayer_005-1740.txt txt/01-deerslayer_005-1740.txt