id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt 01-deerslayer_001-1740 James Fenimore Cooper 01-deerslayer_001-1740 1740 .txt text/plain 5842 202 70 Whatever may be the changes produced by man, the eternal round of the seasons is unbroken. Harkee, Master Deerslayer, since we are on the subject, we may as well open our minds to each other in a man-to-man way; answer me one question; you have had so much luck among the game as to have gotten a title, it would seem, but did you ever hit anything human or intelligible: did you ever pull trigger on an inimy that was capable of pulling one upon you? cache/01-deerslayer_001-1740.txt txt/01-deerslayer_001-1740.txt