id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt pipe-0239 Leigh Anne Vrabel A Short Distance Correctly: 13 Ways of (Not) Writing (Contrarian) Librarianship 2011 .html text/html 8464 374 65 For example, if my daughter wants the latest Harry Potter novel, I won’t satisfy her by saying: “I’m not going to waste my money on that Potter book when there are millions of blog posts that you could read for free and lots of used paperbacks that I could get you at library book sale for almost nothing.” While a certain portion of the population might choose the library out of ethical consideration, or fondness for the past, the laws of economics and physics will prevail in the long-run: people will get their ebooks where friction is least, and if that means free books on the Internet, that’s where they will go. cache/pipe-0239.html txt/pipe-0239.txt