id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt pipe-0191 Emily Ford On the ALA Membership Pyramid 2008 .html text/html 2914 108 58 And, as Venturi, Scott Brown, and Izenour did in Learning from Las Vegas, Brookover and Burns in Pop Goes the Library argue that understanding, anticipating, and accommodating popular taste is a professional responsibility: You don’t have to like pop culture to embrace its importance in your library. As Denise Scott Brown wrote a year before the publication of Learning from Las Vegas,  “…liking the whole of pop culture is as irrational as hating the whole of it, and it calls forth the vision of a general and indiscriminate hopping on the pop bandwagon, where everything is good and judgment is abandoned rather than deferred. cache/pipe-0191.html txt/pipe-0191.txt