id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt pipe-0122 Emily Calkins The Right to Read: The How and Why of Supporting Intellectual Freedom for Teens 2014 .html text/html 6817 387 45 2.2 The Historical Genesis of Libraries In discussing the purpose of public libraries, Bivens-Tatum notes that: Public libraries began as instruments of enlightenment, hoping to spread knowledge and culture broadly to the people, who as free citizens of a democratic republic required access to that knowledge and culture to live fuller lives and to become better citizens.14 It becomes clear that the primary purpose of libraries wasn’t education (as he erroneously concludes from a claim like this)15 but was political. It begins with with an examination at how the enlightenment provides the ideological foundation and framework for public libraries and the historical processes that created the library as institution. cache/pipe-0122.html txt/pipe-0122.txt