id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt pipe-0019 Sarah Crissinger A Critical Take on OER Practices: Interrogating Commercialization, Colonialism, and Content 2015 .html text/html 14716 745 60 I then suggest ways to correct for whiteness in LIS diversity programs by providing mentorship to diverse applicants struggling to navigate the whiteness of the profession and concurrently working in solidarity to dismantle whiteness from within.1 By April Hathcock Failure of Diversity Initiatives in LIS It is no secret that librarianship has traditionally been and continues to be a profession dominated by whiteness (Bourg, 2014; Branche, 2012; Galvan, 2015; Hall, 2012; Honma, 2006), which is a theoretical concept that can extend beyond the realities of racial privilege to a wide range of dominant ideologies based on gender identity, sexual orientation, class, and other categories. You mentioned mentorship as a way to correct for whiteness in LIS diversity programs, and I would also like to share that this is already a component of ARL’s diversity programs. cache/pipe-0019.html txt/pipe-0019.txt