Microsoft Word - 5888-14722-8-CE.docx Exploratory  Subject  Searching  in     Library  Catalogs:  Reclaiming  the  Vision     Julia  Bauder  and     Emma  Lange     INFORMATION  TECHNOLOGY  AND  LIBRARIES  |  JUNE  2015             92   ABSTRACT   Librarians  have  had  innovative  ideas  for  ways  to  use  subject  and  classification  data  to  provide  an   improved  online  search  experience  for  decades,  yet  after  thirty-­‐plus  years  of  improvements  in  our   online  catalogs,  users  continue  to  struggle  with  narrowing  down  their  subject  searches  to  provide   manageable  lists  containing  only  relevant  results.  This  article  reports  on  one  attempt  to  rectify  that   situation  by  radically  reenvisioning  the  library  catalog  interface,  enabling  users  to  interact  with  and   explore  their  search  results  in  a  profoundly  different  way.  This  new  interface  gives  users  the  option  of   viewing  a  graphical  overview  of  their  results,  grouped  by  discipline  and  subject.  Results  are  depicted   as  a  two-­‐level  treemap,  which  gives  users  a  visual  representation  of  the  disciplinary  perspectives  (as   represented  by  the  main  classes  of  the  Library  of  congress  Classification)  and  topics  (as  represented   by  elements  of  the  Library  of  Congress  Subject  Headings)  included  in  the  results.   INTRODUCTION   Reading  library  literature  from  the  early  days  of  the  OPAC  era  is  simultaneously  inspiring  and   depressing.  The  enthusiasm  that  some  librarians  felt  in  those  days  about  the  new  possibilities  that   were  being  opened  by  online  catalogs  is  infectious.  Elaine  Svenonius  envisioned  a  catalog  that   could  interactively  guide  users  from  a  broad  single-­‐word  search  to  the  specific  topic  in  which  they   were  really  interested.1  Pauline  Cochrane  conceived  of  a  catalog  that  could  group  results  on   similar  aspects  of  a  given  subject,  showing  the  user  a  “systematic  outline”  of  what  was  available  on   the  subject  and  allowing  the  user  to  narrow  their  search  easily.2  Marcia  Bates  even  pondered   whether  “any  indexing/access  apparatus  that  does  not  stimulate,  intrigue,  and  give  pleasure  in  the   hunt  is  defective,”  since  “people  enjoy  exploring  knowledge,  particularly  if  they  can  pursue  mental   associations  in  the  same  way  they  do  in  their  minds.  .  .  .  Should  that  not  also  carry  over  into   enjoying  exploring  an  apparatus  that  reflects  knowledge,  that  suggests  paths  not  thought  of,  and   that  shows  relationships  between  topics  that  are  surprising?”3  However,  looking  back  thirty  years   later,  it  is  dispiriting  to  consider  how  many  of  these  visions  have  not  yet  been  realized.     The  following  article  reports  on  one  attempt  to  rectify  that  situation  by  radically  reenvisioning  the   library  catalog  interface,  enabling  users  to  interact  with  and  explore  their  search  results  in  a     profoundly  different  way.  The  idea  is  to  give  users  the  option  of  viewing  a  graphical  overview  of   their  results,  grouped  by  discipline  and  subject.  This  was  achieved  by  modifying  a  VuFind-­‐based     Julia  Bauder  (  is  Social  Studies  and  Data  Services  Librarian,  and     Emma  Lange  (  is  an  undergraduate  student  and  former  library  intern,   Grinnell  College,  Grinnell,  Iowa.     EXPLORATORY  SUBJECT  SEARCHING  IN  LIBRARY  CATALOGS:  RECLAIMING  THE  VISION  |  BAUDER  AND  LANGE   doi:  10.6017/ital.v34i2.5888   93   discovery  layer  to  allow  users  to  choose  between  a  traditional,  list-­‐based  view  of  their  search   results  and  a  visualized  view.  In  the  visualized  view,  results  are  depicted  as  a  two-­‐level  treemap,   which  gives  users  a  visual  representation  of  the  disciplinary  perspectives  (as  represented  by  the   main  classes  of  the  Library  of  Congress  Classification  [LCC])  and  topics  (as  represented  by   elements  of  the  Library  of  Congress  Subject  Headings  [LCSH])  included  in  the  results.  An  example   of  this  visualized  view  can  be  seen  in  figure  1.   Figure  1.  Visualization  of  the  Results  for  a  Search  for  “Climate  Change.”   Subsequent  sections  of  this  paper  summarize  the  library-­‐science  and  computer-­‐science  literature   that  provides  the  theoretical  justification  this  project,  explain  how  the  visualizations  are  created,   and  report  on  the  results  of  usability  testing  of  the  visual  interface  with  faculty,  academic  staff,  and   undergraduate  students.     INFORMATION  TECHNOLOGY  AND  LIBRARIES  |  JUNE  2015     94   LITERATURE  REVIEW   Exploratory  Subject  Searching  in  Library  Catalogs   Since  Charles  Ammi  Cutter  published  his  Rules  for  a  Printed  Dictionary  Catalogue  in  1876,  most   library  catalogs  have  been  premised  on  the  idea  that  users  have  a  very  good  idea  of  what  they  are   looking  for  before  they  begin  to  interact  with  the  catalog.4  In  this  classic  view,  users  are  either   conducting  known-­‐item  searches—they  know  the  titles  or  the  author  of  the  books  they  want  to   find—or  they  know  the  exact  subject  on  which  they  are  interested  in  finding  books.  Yet  research   has  shown  that  known-­‐item  searches  are  only  about  half  of  catalog  searches,5  and  that  users  often   have  a  very  difficult  time  expressing  their  information  needs  with  enough  detail  to  construct  a   specific  subject  search.  Instead,  much  of  the  time,  users  approach  the  catalog  with  only  a  vaguely   formulated  information  need  and  an  even  vaguer  sense  of  what  words  to  type  into  the  catalog  to   get  the  resources  that  would  solve  their  information  need.6   Even  in  the  earliest  days  of  the  OPAC  era,  librarians  were  aware  of  this  problem.  Some  of  them,   including  Elaine  Svenonius  and  Pauline  Cochrane,  speculated  about  better  use  of  subject  and   classification  data  to  try  to  help  users  who  enter  too-­‐short,  overly  broad  searches  focus  their   results  on  the  information  that  they  truly  want.  One  of  Cochrane’s  many  ideas  on  this  topic  was  to   use  subject  and  classification  data  “to  present  a  systematic  outline  of  a  subject,”  which  would  let   users  see  all  of  the  different  aspects  of  that  subject,  as  reflected  in  the  library’s  classification   system  and  subject  headings,  and  the  various  locations  where  those  materials  could  be  found  in   the  library.7  Svenonius  suggested  using  library  classifications  to  help  narrow  users’  searches  to   appropriate  areas  of  the  catalog.  For  example,  she  suggests,  if  a  user  enters  “freedom”  as  a  search   term,  the  system  might  be  programmed  to  present  to  the  user  contexts  in  which  “freedom”  is  used   in  the  Dewey  Decimal  Classification,  such  as  “freedom  of  choice”  or  “freedom  of  the  press.”  Once   the  user  selects  a  one  of  these  phrases,  Svenonius  continued,  the  system  could  present  the  user   with  additional  contextual  information,  again  allow  the  user  to  specify  which  context  is  desired,   and  then  guide  the  user  to  the  exact  call  number  range  for  information  on  the  topic.  She  concluded,   “Thus  by  contextualizing  vague  words,  such  as  freedom,  within  perspective  hierarchies,  the   computer  might  guide  a  user  from  an  ineptly  or  imprecisely  articulated  search  request  to  one  that   is  quite  specific.”8   Ideas  such  as  these  had  little  impact  on  the  design  of  production  library  catalogs  until  the  late   1990s,  when  a  Dutch  company,  MediaLab  Solutions,  began  developing  AquaBrowser,  which   features  a  word  cloud  composed  of  synonyms  and  other  words  related  to  the  search  term  and   allows  users  to  refocus  their  search  by  clicking  on  these  words.9  AquaBrowser  became  available  in   the  United  States  in  the  mid-­‐2000s,  shortly  before  North  Carolina  State  University  launched  its   Endeca-­‐based  catalog  in  2006.10     While  AquaBrowser’s  word  cloud  is  certainly  visually  striking,  the  feature  that  these  and  most  of   the  subsequent  “next-­‐generation”  library  catalogs  implement  that  has  had  the  most  impact  on   search  behavior  is  faceting.  Facets,  while  not  as  sophisticated  as  the  systems  envisioned  by     EXPLORATORY  SUBJECT  SEARCHING  IN  LIBRARY  CATALOGS:  RECLAIMING  THE  VISION  |  BAUDER  AND  LANGE   doi:  10.6017/ital.v34i2.5888   95   Svenonius  and  Cochrane,  are  partial  solutions  to  the  problems  they  lay  out.  Facets  can  serve  to   give  users  a  high-­‐level  overview  of  what  is  available  on  a  topic,  based  on  classification,  format,   period,  or  other  factors.  They  can  also  help  guide  a  user  from  an  impossibly  broad  search  to  a   more  focused  one.  Various  studies  have  shown  that  faceted  interfaces  are  effective  at  helping   users  narrow  their  searches,  as  well  as  helping  them  discover  more  relevant  materials  than  they   did  when  performing  similar  tasks  on  nonfaceted  interfaces.11  However,  studies  have  also  shown   that  users  can  become  overwhelmed  by  the  number  and  variety  of  facets  available  and  the  number   of  options  shown  under  each  facet.12   Visual  Interfaces  to  Document  Corpora   When  librarians  were  pondering  how  to  create  a  better  online  library  catalog,  computer  scientists   were  investigating  the  broader  problem  of  helping  users  to  navigate  and  search  large  databases   and  collections  of  documents  effectively.  Visual  interfaces  have  been  one  of  the  methods  computer   scientists  have  investigated  for  providing  user-­‐friendly  navigation,  with  perhaps  the  most   prominent  early  advocate  for  visual  interfaces  being  Ben  Shneiderman.13  In  recent  years,   Shneiderman  and  other  researchers  have  built  and  tested  various  types  of  experimental  visual   interfaces  for  different  forms  of  information-­‐seeking.14  However,  with  a  few  exceptions,  most  of   these  visual  interfaces  have  remained  in  a  laboratory  rather  than  a  production  setting.15  With  the   exception  of  the  “date  slider,”  a  common  interface  feature  that  displays  a  bar  graph  showing  dates   related  to  the  search  results  and  allows  users  to  slide  handles  to  include  or  exclude  times  from   their  search  results,  few  current  document  search  systems  present  users  with  any  kind  of  visual   interface.   METHOD   The  Grinnell  College  Libraries  use  VuFind,  open-­‐source  software  originally  developed  at  Villanova   University  as  a  discovery  layer  to  use  over  a  traditional  ILS.  VuFind  in  turn  makes  use  of  Apache   Solr,  a  powerful  open-­‐source  indexing  and  search  platform,  and  SolrMarc,  code  developed  within   the  library  community  that  facilitates  indexing  MARC  records  into  Solr.  Using  SolrMarc,  MARC   fields  and  subfields  are  mapped  to  various  fields  in  the  Solr  index;  for  example,  the  contents  of   MARC  field  020,  subfield  a,  and  field  773,  subfield  z,  are  both  mapped  to  a  Solr  index  field  called   “isbn.”  More  than  fifty  Solr  fields  are  populated  in  our  index.  Our  visualization  system  was  built  on   top  of  VuFind’s  Solr  index  and  visualizes  data  taken  directly  from  the  index.     The  visualizations  are  created  in  Javascript  using  the  D3.js  visualization  library,  and  they  are   designed  to  implement  Shneiderman’s  Visual  Information  Seeking  Mantra:  “Overview  first,  zoom   and  filter,  then  details-­‐on-­‐demand.”16  The  goal  was  to  give  users  the  option  of  viewing  a  graphical   overview  of  their  results,  grouped  by  disciplinary  perspective  and  topic,  and  then  allow  them  to   zoom  in  on  the  results  from  specific  perspectives  or  on  specific  topics.  Once  they  have  used  the   interactive  visualization  to  narrow  their  search,  they  can  choose  to  see  a  traditional  list  of  results   with  full  bibliographic  details  about  the  items.  This  would,  ideally,  provide  a  version  of  the     INFORMATION  TECHNOLOGY  AND  LIBRARIES  |  JUNE  2015     96   systematic  outline  that  Cochrane  envisioned.  It  should  also  support  users  as  they  attempt  to   narrow  down  their  search  results  and  focus  on  a  specific  aspect  of  their  chosen  subject  without   overwhelming  them  with  long  lists  of  results  or  of  facets.   Currently,  we  are  visualizing  values  of  two  fields,  one  containing  the  first  letter  of  the  items’   Library  of  Congress  Classification  (LCC)  numbers  and  the  other  containing  elements  of  the  items’   Library  of  Congress  Subject  Headings  (LCSH).  This  data  is  visualized  as  a  two-­‐level  treemap.17   First,  large  boxes  are  drawn  representing  the  number  of  items  matching  the  search  within  each   letter  of  the  LCC.  Within  the  largest  of  these  boxes,  smaller  boxes  are  drawn  showing  the  most   common  elements  of  the  subject  headings  for  items  matching  that  search  within  that  LCC  main   class.  Less  common  subject  heading  elements  are  combined  into  an  additional  small  box,  labeled   “X  more  topics”;  clicking  on  that  box  zooms  in  so  that  users  only  see  results  from  one  LCC  main   class,  and  it  displays  all  of  the  LCSH  headings  applied  to  items  in  that  group.  Similarly,  users  can   click  on  any  of  the  smaller  LCC  boxes,  which  do  not  contain  LCSH  boxes  in  the  original   visualization,  to  zoom  in  on  that  LCC  main  class  and  see  the  LCSH  subject  headings  for  it.  Both  the   large  and  the  small  boxes  are  sized  to  represent  what  proportion  of  the  results  were  in  that  LCC   main  class  or  had  that  LCSH  subject  heading.     This  is  easier  to  explain  with  a  concrete  example.  Let’s  say  a  student  were  to  search  for  “climate   change”  and  click  on  the  option  to  visualize  the  results.  You  can  see  what  this  looks  like  in  figure  1.   Instead  of  seeing  a  list  of  nearly  two  thousand  books,  the  student  now  sees  a  visual  representation   of  the  disciplinary  perspectives  (as  represented  by  the  main  classes  of  the  LCC)  and  topics  (as   represented  by  elements  of  the  LCSH)  included  in  the  results.  Users  could  click  to  zoom  in  on  any   main  class  within  the  LCC  to  see  all  of  the  topics  covered  by  books  in  that  class,  as  in  figure  2,   where  the  student  has  zoomed  in  on  “S  –  Agriculture.”  Or  users  could  click  on  any  topic  facet  to  see   a  traditional  results  list  of  books  with  that  topic  facet  in  that  main  class.  At  any  zoom  level,  users   could  choose  to  return  to  the  traditional  results  list  by  clicking  on  the  “List  Results”  option.18   We  launched  this  feature  in  our  catalog  midway  through  the  spring  2014  semester.  Formal   usability  testing  was  completed  with  five  advanced  undergraduates,  three  staff,  and  two  faculty   members  in  the  summer  of  2014.  (See  appendix  A  for  the  outline  of  the  usability  test.)  One  first-­‐ year  student  completed  usability  testing  in  the  fall  2014  semester.  The  usability  study  asked   participants  to  complete  a  set  list  of  nine  specific,  predetermined  tasks.  Some  tasks  involved  the   use  of  now-­‐standard  catalog  features,  such  as  saving  results  to  a  list  and  emailing  results  to  oneself,   while  about  half  of  the  tasks  involved  navigation  of  the  visualization  tool,  which  was  entirely  new   to  the  participants.  Each  participant  received  the  same  tasks  and  testing  experience  regardless  of   their  status  as  a  student,  faculty,  or  staff,  and  each  academic  division  was  represented  among  the   participants.       EXPLORATORY  SUBJECT  SEARCHING  IN  LIBRARY  CATALOGS:  RECLAIMING  THE  VISION  |  BAUDER  AND  LANGE   doi:  10.6017/ital.v34i2.5888   97     Figure  2.  Visualization  of  the  Results  for  a  Search  for  “Climate  Change,”  Filtered  to  Show  Only   Results  with  Library  of  Congress  Classification  Numbers  Starting  with  S.   RESULTS   Usability  testing  revealed  no  major  obstacles  in  the  way  of  users’  ability  to  navigate  the   visualization  feature;  the  visualized  search  results  were  quickly  deciphered  by  the  participants   with  the  assistance  of  the  context  set  by  the  study’s  outlined  tasks.  Familiarity  with  library   catalogs  in  general,  and  the  Grinnell  College  Libraries  catalog  in  particular,  showed  no  marked   impact  on  users’  performance.  No  particular  user  group  performed  as  an  outlier  in  regards  to   users’  general  ability  to  complete  tasks  or  the  time  required  to  do  so.     The  most  common  issue  to  arise  during  the  session  concerned  the  visualization’s  truncated  text,   which  appears  in  the  far  left  column  of  results  when  the  descriptor  text  contains  too  many   characters  for  the  space  allocated.  (An  example  of  this  truncated  text  can  be  seen  in  figure  1.)  The     INFORMATION  TECHNOLOGY  AND  LIBRARIES  |  JUNE  2015     98   subject  boxes  appearing  in  the  furthest  left  column  contain  the  least  results,  and  therefore  receive   the  least  space  within  the  visualization.  This  limited  space  sometimes  results  in  truncated  text.   The  full-­‐text  can  be  viewed  by  hovering  over  the  truncated  text  box,  but  few  users  discovered  this   capability.  Another  common  concern  involved  a  participant’s  ability  to  switch  their  search  results   from  the  default  list  view  to  the  visualized  view.  All  participants  were  capable  of  selecting  the   “Visualize  These  Results”  button  required  to  produce  the  visualization,  but  a  handful  of   participants  expressed  that  they  feared  they  would  not  find  that  option  if  they  were  not  prompted   to  do  so.   Participants  remarked  that  the  visualization  initially  appeared  daunting  but  then  quickly  became   comfortable  navigating  the  results.  Most  participants,  including  staff,  stated  that  they  found  the   tool  useful  and  intended  to  use  it  in  the  future  during  the  course  of  their  typical  work  at  the  college.   CONCLUSION   Librarians  have  had  innovative  ideas  for  ways  to  use  subject  and  classification  data  to  provide  an   improved  online  search  experience  for  decades,  yet  after  thirty-­‐plus  years  of  improvements  in   online  catalogs,  users  continue  to  struggle  with  narrowing  down  their  searches  to  produce   manageable  lists  containing  only  relevant  results.19  Computer  scientists  have  been  advocating  for   interfaces  to  support  visual  information-­‐seeking  since  the  1980s.  Finally,  hardware  and  software   have  improved  to  the  point  where  many  of  these  ideas  can  be  implemented  feasibly,  even  by   relatively  small  libraries.  Now  is  the  time  to  put  some  of  them  into  production  and  see  how  well   they  work  for  library  users.  The  particular  visualizations  reported  in  this  article  may  or  may  not   be  the  best  possible  visualizations  of  bibliographic  data,  but  we  will  never  know  which  of  these   ideas  might  prove  to  be  the  revolution  that  library  discovery  interfaces  need  until  we  try  them.         EXPLORATORY  SUBJECT  SEARCHING  IN  LIBRARY  CATALOGS:  RECLAIMING  THE  VISION  |  BAUDER  AND  LANGE   doi:  10.6017/ital.v34i2.5888   99   Appendix  A.  Usability  Testing  Instrument   Introductory  Questions   Before  we  look  at  the  site,  I’d  like  to  ask  you  just  a  few  quick  questions.   —Have  you  searched  for  materials  using  the  Grinnell  College  libraries’  website  before?  If  so,  what   for  and  when?  (For  students  only:  Could  you  please  estimate  how  many  research  projects  you’ve   done  at  Grinnell  College  using  the  library  catalog?)   In  the  Grinnell  College  Libraries,  we’re  testing  out  a  new  tool  in  our  catalog  that  presents  search   results  in  a  different  way  than  you  are  used  to.  Now  I’m  going  to  read  you  a  short  explanation  of   why  we  created  this  tool  and  what  we  hope  the  tool  will  do  for  you  before  we  start  the  test.   Research  is  a  conversation:  a  scholar  reads  writings  by  other  scholars  in  the  field,  then  enters  into   dialogue  with  them  in  his  or  her  own  writing.  Most  of  the  time,  these  conversations  happen  within   the  boundaries  of  a  single  discipline,  such  as  chemistry,  sociology,  or  art  history,  even  when  many   disciplines  are  discussing  similar  topics.  But  when  you  do  a  search  in  a  library  catalog,  writings   that  are  part  of  many  different  conversations  are  all  jumbled  together  in  the  results.  It’s  like  being   thrown  into  one  big  room  where  all  of  these  scholars,  from  all  of  these  different  disciplines,  are   talking  over  each  other  all  at  once.  Our  new  visualization  tool  aims  to  help  you  sort  all  of  these   writings  into  the  separate  conversations  in  which  they  originated.     Scenarios   Now  I  am  going  to  ask  you  to  try  doing  some  specific  tasks  using  3Search.  You  should  read  the   instructions  aloud  for  all  tasks  individually  prior  to  beginning  each.  And  again,  as  much  as  possible,   it  will  help  us  if  you  can  try  to  think  out  loud  as  you  go  along.     Please  begin  by  reading  the  first  scenario  aloud  and  then  begin  the  first  scenario.  If  you  are  unsure   whether  you  finished  the  task  or  not,  please  ask  me.  I  can  confirm  if  the  task  has  been  completed.   Once  you  are  done  with  Scenario  1,  please  continue  onto  Scenario  2  by  reading  it  aloud  and  then   beginning  the  task.  Continue  this  process  until  all  scenarios  are  finished.  If  you  cannot  complete  a   task,  please  be  honest  and  try  to  explain  briefly  why  you  were  unsuccessful  and  continue  to  the   next.     1. Pretend  that  you  are  writing  a  paper  about  issues  related  to  privacy  and  the  Internet.  Do  a   search  in  3Search  with  the  words  “privacy  Internet.”   2. Please  select  the  first  WorldCat  result  and  attempt  to  determine  whether  you  have  access   to  the  full  text  of  this  book.  If  not,  please  indicate  where  you  could  request  the  full  text   through  the  InterLibrary  Loan  service.   3. Go  back  to  your  initial  search  results.  Please  choose  “Explore  these  results”  of  the  EBSCO   database  results.  Choose  an  article.  If  you  have  unlimited  texting,  have  the  article’s     INFORMATION  TECHNOLOGY  AND  LIBRARIES  |  JUNE  2015     100   information  texted  to  your  cell  phone.  Then,  add  the  article  to  a  new  list  for  future   reference  throughout  this  project.   4. Go  back  to  your  initial  search  results.  For  Grinnell  College’s  Collections  results,  click  on  the   “Explore  these  results”  link.  Then  click  on  the  “Visualize  Results”  link  to  visualize  the   results.  Which  disciplines  appear  to  have  the  greatest  interest  in  this  topic?   5. When  privacy  and  the  Internet  are  discussed  in  the  context  of  law,  what  are  some  of  the   topics  that  are  frequently  covered  in  these  discussions?   6. One  specific  topic  you  are  considering  is  the  legal  issues  around  libel  and  slander  on  the   Internet.  How  many  resources  do  the  libraries  have  on  that  specific  topic?   7. Click  on  “Q  –  Science,”  to  see  the  results  authored  by  theoretical  computer  scientists.  Based   on  these  results,  what  are  some  of  the  topics  that  are  frequently  covered  in  their   discussions  when  these  computer  scientists  discuss  privacy  and  the  Internet?   8. Pretend  that  you  are  writing  this  paper  for  a  computer  science  class  and  you  are  supposed   to  address  your  topic  from  a  computer  science  perspective.  Please  narrow  your  results  to   only  show  results  that  are  in  the  format  of  a  book.  Based  on  this  new  visualization,  what   might  be  some  good  topics  to  consider?   9. Add  one  of  these  books  to  the  list  you  created  in  step  3.  Please  email  all  of  the  items  on  this   list  to  yourself.   Debriefing   Thank  you.  That  is  it  for  the  computer  tasks.  I  have  a  few  quick  questions  for  you  now  that  you   have  gotten  a  chance  to  use  the  site.   1. What  do  you  think  about  3Search?  Is  it  something  that  you  would  use?  Why  or  why  not?   2. What  is  your  favorite  thing  about  3Search?   3. What  is  your  least  favorite  thing  about  3Search?   4. Did  you  find  the  visualization  function  useful?  Why  or  why  not?   5. Do  you  have  any  recommendations  for  changes  to  the  way  this  site  looks  or  works?         EXPLORATORY  SUBJECT  SEARCHING  IN  LIBRARY  CATALOGS:  RECLAIMING  THE  VISION  |  BAUDER  AND  LANGE   doi:  10.6017/ital.v34i2.5888   101   REFERENCES     1.     Elaine  Svenonius,  “Use  of  Classification  in  Online  Retrieval,”  Library  Resources  &  Technical   Services  27,  no.  1  (1983):  76–80,     2.     Pauline  A.  Cochrane,  “Subject  Access—Free  or  Controlled?  The  Case  of  Papua  New  Guinea,”  in   Redesign  of  Catalogs  and  Indexes  for  Improved  Online  Subject  Access:  Selected  Papers  of  Pauline   A.  Cochrane  (Phoenix:  Oryx,  1985),  275.  Previously  published  in  Online  Public  Access  to  Library   Files:  Conference  Proceedings:  The  Proceedings  of  a  Conference  Held  at  the  University  of  Bath,  3– 5  September  1984  (Oxford:  Elsevier,  1985).   3.     Marcia  Bates,  “Subject  Access  in  Online  Catalogs:  A  Design  Model,”  Journal  of  the  American   Society  for  Information  Science  37,  no.  6  (1986):  363,­‐ 4571(198611)37:6<357::AID-­‐ASI1>3.0.CO;2-­‐H   4.     Charles  Ammi  Cutter,  Rules  for  a  Printed  Dictionary  Catalog  (Washington,  DC:  Government   Printing  Office,  1876).   5.     David  Ward,  Jim  Hahn,  and  Kirsten  Feist,  “Autocomplete  as  a  Research  Tool:  A  Study  on   Providing  Search  Suggestions,”  Information  Technology  &  Libraries  31,  no.  4  (2012):  6–19,;  Suzanne  Chapman  et  al.,  “Manually  Classifying   User  Search  Queries  on  an  Academic  Library  Web  Site,”  Journal  of  Web  Librarianship  7  (2013):   401–21,   6.     N.  J.  Belkin,  R.  N.  Oddy,  and  H.  M.  Brooks,  “ASK  for  Information  Retrieval:  Part  I.  Background   and  Theory,”  Journal  of  Documentation  (1982):  61–71,;   Christine  Borgman,  “Why  Are  Online  Catalogs  Still  Hard  to  Use?,”  Journal  of  the  American   Society  for  Information  Science  (1996):  493–503,­‐ 4571(199607)47:7<493::AID-­‐ASI3>3.0.CO;2-­‐P;  Karen  Markey,  “The  Online  Library  Catalog:   Paradise  Lost  and  Paradise  Regained?,”  D-­‐Lib  Magazine  13,  no.  1/2  (2007),   7.     Cochrane,  “Subject  Access—Free  or  Controlled?,”  275.   8.     Svenonius,  “Use  of  Classification  in  Online  Retrieval,”  78–79.   9.     Jasper  Kaizer  and  Anthony  Hodge,  “AquaBrowser  Library:  Search,  Discover,  Refine,”  Library  Hi   Tech  News  (December  2005):  9–12,   10.    Kristen  Antelman,  Emily  Lynema,  and  Andrew  Pace,  “Toward  a  Twenty-­‐First  Century  Library   Catalog,”  Information  Technology  &  Libraries  25,  no.  3  (2006):  128–39,   11.    Tod  Olson,  “Utility  of  a  Faceted  Catalog  for  Scholarly  Research,”  Library  Hi  Tech  (2007):  550– 61,;  Jody  Condit  Fagan,  “Usability  Studies  of     INFORMATION  TECHNOLOGY  AND  LIBRARIES  |  JUNE  2015     102     Faceted  Browsing:  A  Literature  Review,”  Information  Technology  and  Libraries  29,  no.  2   (2010):  58-­‐66,   12.    Kathleen  Bauer,  “Yale  University  Library  VuFind  Test—Undergraduates,”  November  11,  2008,   accessed  September  9,  2014,   13.    See,  for  example,  Ben  Shneiderman,  “The  Future  of  Interactive  Systems  and  the  Emergence  of   Direct  Manipulation,”  Behaviour  &  Information  Technology  1  (1982):  237–56,;  Ben  Shneiderman,  “Dynamic  Queries  for   Visual  Information  Seeking,”  IEEE  Software  11  (1994):  70–77,   14.    See,  for  example,  Aleks  Aris  et  al.,  “Visual  Overviews  for  Discovering  Key  Papers  and   Influences  Across  Research  Fronts,”  Journal  of  the  American  Society  for  Information  Science  &   Technology  60  (2009):  2219–28,;  Furu  Wei  et  al.,   “TIARA:  A  Visual  Exploratory  Text  Analytic  System,”  in  Proceedings  of  the  16th  ACM  SIGKDD   International  Conference  on  Knowledge  Discovery  and  Data  Mining  (Washington,  DC:  ACM,   2010),  153–62,;  Cody  Dunne,  Ben  Shneiderman,   Robert  Gove,  Judith  Klavans,  and  Bonnie  Dorr,  “Rapid  Understanding  of  Scientific  Paper   Collections:  Integrating  Statistics,  Text  Analysis,  and  Visualization,”  Journal  of  the  American   Society  for  Information  Science  &  Technology  63  (2012):  2351–69,   15.    The  most  notable  exception  is  Carrot2  (,  a  search  tool  that  will   automatically  cluster  web  search  results  and  display  visualizations  of  those  clusters.   16.    Ben  Shneiderman,  “The  Eyes  Have  It:  A  Task  by  Data  Type  Taxonomy  for  Information   Visualizations,”  September  1996,  accessed  April  27,  2014,­‐66.pdf.   17.    Ben  Shneiderman,  “Treemaps  for  Space-­‐Constrained  Visualization  of  Hierarchies:  Including   the  History  of  Treemap  Research  at  the  University  of  Maryland,”  Institute  for  Systems   Research,  accessed  October  6,  2014,­‐history.   18.    To  explore  this  feature  in  our  catalog,  go  to,   do  a  search,  and  click  on  the  “Visualize  Results”  link  in  the  upper  right.   19.    A  recent  Project  Information  Literacy  report  found  that  the  two  aspects  of  research  that  first-­‐ year  students  found  most  difficult  were  “coming  up  with  keywords  to  narrow  down  searches”   and  “filtering  and  sorting  through  irrelevant  results  from  online  searches.”  Alison  J.  Head,   Learning  the  Ropes:  How  Freshmen  Conduct  Course  Research  Once  They  Enter  College  (Project   Information  Literacy,  December  5,  2013),,  15.