graph [ node [ id 0 label "The Shared Cataloging System of the Ohio College Library Center" types "item" ] node [ id 1 label "card" types "keyword" ] node [ id 2 label "An Analysis of Cost Factors in Maintaining and Updating Card Catalogs" types "item" ] node [ id 3 label "The Recon Pilot Project: A Progress Report" types "item" ] node [ id 4 label "A Book Catalog at Stanford" types "item" ] node [ id 5 label "Automated Book Order and Circulation Control Procedures at the Oakland University Library" types "item" ] node [ id 6 label "The Recon Pilot Project: A Progress Report, November 1969 - April 1970" types "item" ] node [ id 7 label "An Interactive Computer-Based Circulation System for Northwestern University: The Library Puts It to Work" types "item" ] node [ id 8 label "Computer Based Acquisitions System at Texas A&I University" types "item" ] node [ id 9 label "Booth Library On-Line Circulation System (BLOC)" types "item" ] node [ id 10 label "Brown University Library Fund Accounting System" types "item" ] node [ id 11 label "Subject Reference Lists Produced by Computer" types "item" ] node [ id 12 label "Creation of Computer Input in an Expanded Character Set" types "item" ] node [ id 13 label "catalog" types "keyword" ] node [ id 14 label "Cost Comparison of Computer Versus Manual Catalog Maintenance" types "item" ] node [ id 15 label "Concept of an On-Line Computerized Library Catalog" types "item" ] node [ id 16 label "Costs of Library Catalog Cards Produced by Computer" types "item" ] node [ id 17 label "FRBRization of a Library Catalog: Better Collocation of Records, Leading to Enhanced Search, Retrieval, and Display" types "item" ] node [ id 18 label "Performance of Ruecking's Word-compression Method When Applied to Machine Retrieval from a Library Catalog" types "item" ] node [ id 19 label "Participatory Networks: The Library As Conversation" types "item" ] node [ id 20 label "The New York Public Library Automated Book Catalog Subsystem" types "item" ] node [ id 21 label "File Structure for an On-Line Catalog of One Million Titles" types "item" ] node [ id 22 label "Engine Of Innovation: Building the High Performance Catalog" types "item" ] node [ id 23 label "OPAC Design Enhancements and Their Effects on Circulation and Resource Sharing within the Library Consortium Environment" types "item" ] node [ id 24 label "BIBLIOS Revisited" types "item" ] node [ id 25 label "Toward a Twenty-First Century Catalog" types "item" ] node [ id 26 label "History of Library Computerization" types "item" ] node [ id 27 label "Returning Classification to the Catalog" types "item" ] node [ id 28 label "Usability of the VuFind Next-Generation Online Catalog" types "item" ] node [ id 29 label "Prospector: A Multivendor, Multitype, and Multistate Western Union Catalog" types "item" ] node [ id 30 label "Technical Communications" types "item" ] node [ id 31 label "Text Analysis and Visualization Research on the Hetu Dangse During the Qing Dynasty of China" types "item" ] node [ id 32 label "Production of Library Catalog Cards and Bulletin Using an IBM 1620 Computer and an IBM 870 Document Writing System" types "item" ] node [ id 33 label "An Informal Survey of the CTI Backup System" types "item" ] node [ id 34 label "The Next Generation Library Catalog: A Comparative Study of the OPACs of Koha, Evergreen, and Voyager" types "item" ] node [ id 35 label "Editorial: How Do You Know Whence They Will Come?" types "item" ] node [ id 36 label "Multimedia Catalog: COM and Online" types "item" ] node [ id 37 label "Picture Perfect: Using Photographic Previews to Enhance Realia Collections for Library Patrons and Staff" types "item" ] node [ id 38 label "Editorial" types "item" ] node [ id 39 label "User Experience with a New Public Interface for an Integrated Library System" types "item" ] node [ id 40 label "MARCIVE: A Cooperative Automated Library System" types "item" ] node [ id 41 label "Next-Generation Library Catalogs and the Problem of Slow Response Time" types "item" ] node [ id 42 label "line" types "keyword" ] node [ id 43 label "Circulation Control: Off-line, On-line, of Hybrid" types "item" ] node [ id 44 label "Shawnee Mission's On-Line Cataloging System" types "item" ] node [ id 45 label "On-Line and Back at S.F.U." types "item" ] node [ id 46 label "Two Types of Designs for On-Line Circulation Systems" types "item" ] node [ id 47 label "Development of a Gold-standard Pashto Dataset and a Segmentation App" types "item" ] node [ id 48 label "Design of Library Systems for Implementation with Interactive Computers" types "item" ] node [ id 49 label "On-Line Acquisitions by LOLITA" types "item" ] node [ id 50 label "Conversion of Bibliographic Information to Machine Readable Form Using On-Line Computer Terminals" types "item" ] node [ id 51 label "file" types "keyword" ] node [ id 52 label "Computer-Based Subject Authority Files at the University of Minnesota Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 53 label "Metadata Provenance and Vulnerability" types "item" ] node [ id 54 label "An Interactive Computer-Based Circulation System: Design and Development" types "item" ] node [ id 55 label "Monitoring Network and Service Availability with Open-Source Software" types "item" ] node [ id 56 label "A File Storage Service on a Cloud Computing Environment for Digital Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 57 label "Examining Attributes of Open Standard File Formats for Long-term Preservation and Open Access" types "item" ] node [ id 58 label "The Use of Automatic Indexing for Authority Control" types "item" ] node [ id 59 label "Application of the Variety-Generator Approach to Searches of Personal Names in Bibliographic Data Bases--Part 2. Optimization of Key-Sets, and Evaluation of Their Retrieval Efficiency" types "item" ] node [ id 60 label "Statistics on Headings in the MARC File" types "item" ] node [ id 61 label "Are Your Digital Documents Web Friendly?: Making Scanned Documents Web Accessible" types "item" ] node [ id 62 label "METS as an 'Intermediary' Schema for a Digital Library of Complex Scientific Multimedia" types "item" ] node [ id 63 label "The Binary Vector as the Basis of an Inverted Index File" types "item" ] node [ id 64 label "On-Line Serials System at Laval University Library" types "item" ] node [ id 65 label "Multipurpose Cataloging and Indexing System (CAIN) at the National Agricultural Library" types "item" ] node [ id 66 label "A Computer-Accessed Microfiche Library" types "item" ] node [ id 67 label "Methods of Randomization of Large Files with High Volatility" types "item" ] node [ id 68 label "Efficiently Processing and Storing Library Linked Data using Apache Spark and Parquet" types "item" ] node [ id 69 label "Digitization of Text Documents Using PDF/A" types "item" ] node [ id 70 label "Name-Title Entry Retrieval From a MARC File" types "item" ] node [ id 71 label "A 21st Century Technical Infrastructure for Digital Preservation" types "item" ] node [ id 72 label "File Size and the Cost of Processing MARC Records" types "item" ] node [ id 73 label "Benign Neglect: Developing Life Rafts for Digital Content" types "item" ] node [ id 74 label "SCOPE: A Cost Analysis of an Automated Serials Record System" types "item" ] node [ id 75 label "A Hybrid Access Method for Bibliographic Records" types "item" ] node [ id 76 label "File Organization of Library Records" types "item" ] node [ id 77 label "cataloging" types "keyword" ] node [ id 78 label "Book Reviews" types "item" ] node [ id 79 label "The Path toward Global Interoperability in Cataloging" types "item" ] node [ id 80 label "Revisions to Contributed Cataloging in a Cooperative Cataloging Database" types "item" ] node [ id 81 label "Cataloging Theory in Search of Graph Theory and Other Ivory Towers" types "item" ] node [ id 82 label "CatQC and Shelf-Ready Material: Speeding Collections to Users While Preserving Data Quality" types "item" ] node [ id 83 label "An Overview of the Current State of Linked and Open Data in Cataloging" types "item" ] node [ id 84 label "A Comparison of OCLC, RLG/RLIN, and WLN" types "item" ] node [ id 85 label "oclc" types "keyword" ] node [ id 86 label "OCLC's Database Conversion: A User's Perspective" types "item" ] node [ id 87 label "A Case Study on the Path to Resource Discovery" types "item" ] node [ id 88 label "“Just-in-Case” Answers: The Twenty-FirstCentury Vertical File" types "item" ] node [ id 89 label "Editorial: A Confession, a Speculation, and a Farewell" types "item" ] node [ id 90 label "number" types "keyword" ] node [ id 91 label "A MARC Based SDI Service" types "item" ] node [ id 92 label "Bell Laboratories' Library Real-Time Loan System (BELLREL)" types "item" ] node [ id 93 label "Corporate Author Entry Records Retrieved by Use of Derived Truncated Search Keys" types "item" ] node [ id 94 label "Appendix I" types "item" ] node [ id 95 label "A Scatter Storage Scheme for Dictionary Lookups" types "item" ] node [ id 96 label "Trends at a Glance: A Management Dashboard of Library Statistics" types "item" ] node [ id 97 label "Regional Numerical Union Catalog on Computer Output Microfiche" types "item" ] node [ id 98 label "The “Black Box”: How Students Use a Single Search Box to Search for Music Materials" types "item" ] node [ id 99 label "A Simulation Model for Purchasing Duplicate Copies in a Library" types "item" ] node [ id 100 label "Predicting the Need for Multiple Copies of Books" types "item" ] node [ id 101 label "MARC Program Research and Development: A Progress Report" types "item" ] node [ id 102 label "Library Mechanization at Auburn Community College" types "item" ] node [ id 103 label "Subject Access to a Data Base of Library Holdings" types "item" ] node [ id 104 label "bibliographic" types "keyword" ] node [ id 105 label "Bibliographic Classification in the Digital Age: Current Trends & Future Directions" types "item" ] node [ id 106 label "In the Name of the Name: RDF literals, ER attributes and the potential to rethink the structures and visualizations of catalogs" types "item" ] node [ id 107 label "Design Principles for a Comprehensive Library System" types "item" ] node [ id 108 label "AACR2: OCLC's Implementation and Database" types "item" ] node [ id 109 label "Revitalizing the Library OPAC: Interface, Searching, and Display Challenges" types "item" ] node [ id 110 label "A Candid Look at Collected Works: Challenges of Clustering Aggregates in GLIMIR and FRBR" types "item" ] node [ id 111 label "USA Standard for a Format for Bibliographic Information Interchange on Magnetic Tape" types "item" ] node [ id 112 label "Beyond VIAF" types "item" ] node [ id 113 label "Techniques for Special Processing of Data within Bibliographic Text" types "item" ] node [ id 114 label "Content Designators for Machine-Readable Records: A Working Paper" types "item" ] node [ id 115 label "MARC International" types "item" ] node [ id 116 label "catalog card" types "keyword" ] node [ id 117 label "Letter from the Editor" types "item" ] node [ id 118 label "blank" types "keyword" ] node [ id 119 label "cost" types "keyword" ] node [ id 120 label "table" types "keyword" ] node [ id 121 label "Bibliographic Retrieval from Bibliographic Input; the Hypothesis and Construction of a Test" types "item" ] node [ id 122 label "Search across Different Media: Numeric Data Sets and Text Files" types "item" ] node [ id 123 label "libraries" types "keyword" ] node [ id 124 label "Editorial: "The Air is Full of People"" types "item" ] node [ id 125 label "New Strategies in Library Services Organization: Consortia University Libraries in Spain" types "item" ] node [ id 126 label "Taking the Long Way Around: Improving the Display of HathiTrust Records in Primo" types "item" ] node [ id 127 label "Video Technologies: Neologism or Library Trend" types "item" ] node [ id 128 label "Enhancing Visibility of Vendor Accessibility Documentation" types "item" ] node [ id 129 label "Wireless Networks in Medium-sized Academic Libraries: A National Survey" types "item" ] node [ id 130 label "Online Ticketed-Passes" types "item" ] node [ id 131 label "Services to Mobile Users: The Best Practice from the Top-Visited Public Libraries in the US" types "item" ] node [ id 132 label "Virtual Reality" types "item" ] node [ id 133 label "Academic Libraries on Social Media: Finding the Students and the Information They Want" types "item" ] node [ id 134 label "Graphs in Libraries: A Primer" types "item" ] node [ id 135 label "Improved Delivery of Library Materials: The Cleveland Experience" types "item" ] node [ id 136 label "Applying Gamification to the Library Orientation" types "item" ] node [ id 137 label "Gaps in IT and Library Services at Small Academic Libraries in Canada" types "item" ] node [ id 138 label "Public Libraries and Internet Access across the United States: A Comparison by State 2004–2006" types "item" ] node [ id 139 label "Digital Resource Sharing and Library Consortia in Italy" types "item" ] node [ id 140 label "Near-field Communication (NFC)" types "item" ] node [ id 141 label "Academic Uses of Google Earth and Google Maps in a Library Setting" types "item" ] node [ id 142 label "MetaSearching and Beyond: Implementation Experiences and Advice from an Academic Library" types "item" ] node [ id 143 label "Editorial Board Thoughts: Arts into Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics – STEAM, Creative Abrasion, and the Opportunity in Libraries Today" types "item" ] node [ id 144 label "News and Announcements" types "item" ] node [ id 145 label "Black, White, and Grey" types "item" ] node [ id 146 label "Dispelling Five Myths about E-books" types "item" ] node [ id 147 label "Public Libraries Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Creating a New Service Model" types "item" ] node [ id 148 label "Cultivating Digitization Competencies" types "item" ] node [ id 149 label "Contactless Services" types "item" ] node [ id 150 label "Using GIS to Measure In-Library Book-Use Behavior" types "item" ] node [ id 151 label "Google Us!" types "item" ] node [ id 152 label "From Dreamweaver to Drupal: A University Library Website Case Study" types "item" ] node [ id 153 label "A Comparative Analysis on the Effect of the Chosen ILSes on Systems and Technical Services Staffing Models" types "item" ] node [ id 154 label "User Experience Testing in the Open Textbook Adaptation Workflow" types "item" ] node [ id 155 label "Smartphones: A Potential Discovery Tool" types "item" ] node [ id 156 label "On Educating Patrons On Privacy And Maximizing Library Resources" types "item" ] node [ id 157 label "Design and Development of a Himalayan Studies Information System for India: A Proposed Model" types "item" ] node [ id 158 label "Evaluation and Comparison of Discovery Tools: An Update" types "item" ] node [ id 159 label "Editorial Board Thoughts: Adding Value in the Internet Age--Libraries, Openness, and Programmers" types "item" ] node [ id 160 label "Geographic Information and Technologies in Academic Research Libraries: An ARL Survey of Services and Support" types "item" ] node [ id 161 label "Likes, Comments, Views" types "item" ] node [ id 162 label "Hitting the Road towards a Greater Digital Destination: Evaluating and Testing DAMS at the University of Houston Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 163 label "Social Contexts of New Media Literacy: Mapping Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 164 label "Assessing the Treatment of Patron Privacy in Library 2.0 Literature" types "item" ] node [ id 165 label "Metadata to Support Next-Generation Library Resource Discovery: Lessons from the eXtensible Catalog, Phase 1" types "item" ] node [ id 166 label "Animated Subject Maps for Book Collections" types "item" ] node [ id 167 label "The Development and Administration of Automated Systems in Academic Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 168 label "Library Management Practices in the Libraries of Pakistan" types "item" ] node [ id 169 label "Usability Test Results for a Discovery Tool in an Academic Library" types "item" ] node [ id 170 label "Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)" types "item" ] node [ id 171 label "Rural Public Libraries and Digital Inclusion: Issues and Challenges" types "item" ] node [ id 172 label "Current Trends and Goals in the Development of Makerspaces at New England College and Research Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 173 label "Editorial Board Thoughts: Issue Introduction to Student Essays" types "item" ] node [ id 174 label "Content Management Systems: Trends in Academic Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 175 label "Improving ITAL's Peer Review" types "item" ] node [ id 176 label "Challenges and Strategies for Educational Virtual Reality" types "item" ] node [ id 177 label "Peer Reading Promotion in University Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 178 label "Hackathons and Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 179 label "Identifying Key Steps for Developing Mobile Applications & Mobile Websites for Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 180 label "Misinformation and Bias in Metadata Processing: Matching in Large Databases" types "item" ] node [ id 181 label "Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statements on Academic Library Websites" types "item" ] node [ id 182 label "China Academic Library and Information System: An Academic Library Consortium in China" types "item" ] node [ id 183 label "Technology Integration in Storytime Programs: Provider Perspectives" types "item" ] node [ id 184 label "Privacy and User Experience in 21st Century Library Discovery" types "item" ] node [ id 185 label "The New User Environment: The End of Technical Services?" types "item" ] node [ id 186 label "Navigating Uncharted Waters" types "item" ] node [ id 187 label "Strong Copyright + DRM + Weak Net Neutrality = Digital Dystopia?" types "item" ] node [ id 188 label "Making Disciplinary Research Audible" types "item" ] node [ id 189 label "Bridging the Gap" types "item" ] node [ id 190 label "Linked Data in Libraries: A Case Study of Harvesting and Sharing Bibliographic Metadata with BIBFRAME" types "item" ] node [ id 191 label "Public Access Technologies in Public Libraries: Effects and Implications" types "item" ] node [ id 192 label "Digitization of Libraries, Archives, and Museums in Russia" types "item" ] node [ id 193 label "Letter from the Editor (June 2019)" types "item" ] node [ id 194 label "Critical Success Factors for Integrated Library System Implementation in Academic Libraries: A Qualitative Study" types "item" ] node [ id 195 label "Authentication and Access: Accommodating Public Users in an Academic World" types "item" ] node [ id 196 label "The Role of the Library in the Digital Economy " types "item" ] node [ id 197 label "Editorial: Singularity--Are We There Yet?" types "item" ] node [ id 198 label "Machine Assistance in Collection Building: New Tools, Research, Issues, and Reflections" types "item" ] node [ id 199 label "ISAD Ad Hoc Committee Reports" types "item" ] node [ id 200 label "Weathering the Twitter Storm" types "item" ] node [ id 201 label "Wikis in Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 202 label "Editorial Board Thoughts: Developing Relentless Collaborations and Powerful Partnerships" types "item" ] node [ id 203 label "Information Technology and Libraries at 50: The 1980s in Review" types "item" ] node [ id 204 label "Filling the Gap in Database Usability" types "item" ] node [ id 205 label "A Library Website Redesign in the Time of COVID" types "item" ] node [ id 206 label "Editorial: Koyaanisqatsi" types "item" ] node [ id 207 label "The Impact of COVID-19 on the Use of Academic Library Resources" types "item" ] node [ id 208 label "TV Whites Spaces in Public Libraries: A Primer" types "item" ] node [ id 209 label "A Framework for Measuring Relevancy in Discovery Environments" types "item" ] node [ id 210 label "Analytics and Privacy" types "item" ] node [ id 211 label "A Library in the Palm of Your Hand: Mobile Services in Top 100 University Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 212 label "Success Factors and Strategic Planning: Rebuilding an Academic Library Digitization Program" types "item" ] node [ id 213 label "Assessing Sufficiency and Quality of Bandwidth for Public Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 214 label "Persistent URLs and Citations Offered for Digital Objects by Digital Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 215 label "Mobile Technologies & Academics: Do Students Use Mobile Technologies in Their Academic Lives and are Librarians Ready to Meet this Challenge?" types "item" ] node [ id 216 label "Web Accessibility, Libraries, and the Law" types "item" ] node [ id 217 label "Algorithmic Literacy and the Role for Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 218 label "The Internet Public Library (IPL): An Exploratory Case Study on User Perceptions" types "item" ] node [ id 219 label "An Evaluation of Finding Aid Accessibility for Screen Readers" types "item" ] node [ id 220 label "50 Years of ITAL/JLA" types "item" ] node [ id 221 label "Library Network Analysis and Planning (LIB-NAT)" types "item" ] node [ id 222 label "Generating Collaborative Systems for Digital Libraries: a Model-Driven Approach" types "item" ] node [ id 223 label "Libraries and Information Services in a Post-Technological Society" types "item" ] node [ id 224 label "User Experience Methods and Maturity in Academic Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 225 label "Institutional Political and Fiscal Factors In the Development of Library Automation, 1967-71." types "item" ] node [ id 226 label "Alexa, Are You Listening? " types "item" ] node [ id 227 label "Information Technology and Libraries at 50: The 1990s in Review" types "item" ] node [ id 228 label "Cable Library Survey Results" types "item" ] node [ id 229 label "Investigations into Library Web-Scale Discovery Services" types "item" ] node [ id 230 label "LibraryVPN" types "item" ] node [ id 231 label "The Provision of Mobile Services in US Urban Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 232 label "Decision-Making in the Selection, Procurement, and Implementation of Alma/Primo: The Customer Perspective" types "item" ] node [ id 233 label "Meeting Users Where They Are" types "item" ] node [ id 234 label "What More Can We Do to Address Broadband Inequity and Digital Poverty?" types "item" ] node [ id 235 label "Gender, Technology, and Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 236 label "The Next Generation Integrated Library System: A Promise Fulfilled?" types "item" ] node [ id 237 label "Accessibility of Tables in PDF Documents" types "item" ] node [ id 238 label "Product Ownership of a Legacy Institutional Repository" types "item" ] node [ id 239 label "Building a Culture of Resilience in Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 240 label "Usability as a Method for Assessing Discovery" types "item" ] node [ id 241 label "Linking Libraries to the Web: Linked Data and the Future of the Bibliographic Record" types "item" ] node [ id 242 label "Automated Fake News Detection in the Age of Digital Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 243 label "Geographic Information Systems: Tools for Displaying In-Library Use Data" types "item" ] node [ id 244 label "Perceived Quality of Reference Service with WhatsApp" types "item" ] node [ id 245 label "Editorial Board Thoughts: Musings on the Demise of Paper" types "item" ] node [ id 246 label "Levels of Machine Readable Records" types "item" ] node [ id 247 label "Policies Governing Use of Computing Technology in Academic Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 248 label "Data Center Consolidation at the University at Albany" types "item" ] node [ id 249 label "Editorial: Tails Wagging Dogs" types "item" ] node [ id 250 label "Measuring Library Broadband Networks to Address Knowledge Gaps and Data Caps" types "item" ] node [ id 251 label "Consortia Building: A Handshake and a Smile, Island Style" types "item" ] node [ id 252 label "Library Computerization in the United Kingdom" types "item" ] node [ id 253 label "Editorial Board Thoughts" types "item" ] node [ id 254 label "Experiences of Migrating to Open Source Integrated Library Systems" types "item" ] node [ id 255 label "President's Message" types "item" ] node [ id 256 label "User Authentication in the Public Areas of Academic Libraries in North Carolina" types "item" ] node [ id 257 label "Editorial Board Thoughts: Libraries as Makerspace?" types "item" ] node [ id 258 label "Content-Based Information Retrieval and Digital Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 259 label "Visualizations for Digital Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 260 label "Discovery Focus as Impetus for Organizational Learning" types "item" ] node [ id 261 label "Letter from the Editors: March 2023" types "item" ] node [ id 262 label "One Law with Two Outcomes: Comparing the Implementation of CIPA in Public Libraries and Schools" types "item" ] node [ id 263 label "Telecommunications Primer" types "item" ] node [ id 264 label "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" types "item" ] node [ id 265 label "Editorial Board Thoughts: Reinvesting in Our Traditional Personnel Through Knowledge Sharing and Training" types "item" ] node [ id 266 label "Application Level Security in a Public Library: A Case Study" types "item" ] node [ id 267 label "study" types "keyword" ] node [ id 268 label "Reference Rot in the Repository: A Case Study of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) in an Academic Library" types "item" ] node [ id 269 label "A Technology-Dependent Information Literacy Model within the Confines of a Limited Resources Environment" types "item" ] node [ id 270 label "Student Use of Library Computers: Are Desktop Computers Still Relevant in Today's Libraries?" types "item" ] node [ id 271 label "A General Planning Methodology for Automation" types "item" ] node [ id 272 label "Usability Test Results for Encore in an Academic Library" types "item" ] node [ id 273 label "Information Seeking in Academic Research: A Study of the Sociology Faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison" types "item" ] node [ id 274 label "It is Our Flagship: Surveying the Landscape of Digital Interactive Displays in Learning Environments" types "item" ] node [ id 275 label "Exploring Final Project Trends Utilizing Nuclear Knowledge Taxonomy: An Approach Using Text Mining" types "item" ] node [ id 276 label "Touchable Online Braille Generator" types "item" ] node [ id 277 label "blind" types "keyword" ] node [ id 278 label "feedback" types "keyword" ] node [ id 279 label "force" types "keyword" ] node [ id 280 label "braille" types "keyword" ] node [ id 281 label "Accessibility of Vendor-Created Database Tutorials for People with Disabilities" types "item" ] node [ id 282 label "tutorials" types "keyword" ] node [ id 283 label "Static vs. Dynamic Tutorials: Applying Usability Principles to Evaluate Online Point-of-Need Instruction." types "item" ] node [ id 284 label "accessibility" types "keyword" ] node [ id 285 label "Tech Tools in Pandemic-Transformed Information Literacy Instruction" types "item" ] node [ id 286 label "Tending a Wild Garden: Library Web Design for Persons with Disabilities" types "item" ] node [ id 287 label "Are PDF Documents Accessible?" types "item" ] node [ id 288 label "people" types "keyword" ] node [ id 289 label "Editorial Board Thoughts: A Considerable Technology Asset that Has Little to Do with Technology." types "item" ] node [ id 290 label "Editorial Board Thoughts: The Ten Commandments of Interacting with Nontechnical People" types "item" ] node [ id 291 label "vendors" types "keyword" ] node [ id 292 label "disabilities" types "keyword" ] node [ id 293 label "Editorial: Reflections on What We Mean by “Forever”" types "item" ] node [ id 294 label "pasig" types "keyword" ] node [ id 295 label "sun" types "keyword" ] node [ id 296 label "carr" types "keyword" ] node [ id 297 label "“Good Night, Good Day, Good Luck”" types "item" ] node [ id 298 label "chat" types "keyword" ] node [ id 299 label "Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to Analyze Library Chat Reference Transcripts" types "item" ] node [ id 300 label "Topic Modeling as a Tool for Analyzing Library Chat Transcripts" types "item" ] node [ id 301 label "Extending IM beyond the Reference Desk: A Case Study on the Integration of Chat Reference and Library-Wide Instant Messaging Network" types "item" ] node [ id 302 label "Expanding and Improving Our Library’s Virtual Chat Service" types "item" ] node [ id 303 label "topic" types "keyword" ] node [ id 304 label "Applying Topic Modeling for Automated Creation of Descriptive Metadata for Digital Collections" types "item" ] node [ id 305 label "reference" types "keyword" ] node [ id 306 label "Spatiotemporal Distribution Change of Online Reference During the Time of COVID-19 " types "item" ] node [ id 307 label "Automatic Retrieval of Biographical Reference Books" types "item" ] node [ id 308 label "RLIN and OCLC as Reference Tools" types "item" ] node [ id 309 label "Reference Information Extraction and Processing Using Random Conditional Fields" types "item" ] node [ id 310 label "Reference is Dead, Long Live Reference: Electronic Collections in the Digital Age" types "item" ] node [ id 311 label "good" types "keyword" ] node [ id 312 label "lda" types "keyword" ] node [ id 313 label "words" types "keyword" ] node [ id 314 label "data" types "keyword" ] node [ id 315 label "BIBCON--A General Purpose Software System for MARC-Based Book Catalog Production" types "item" ] node [ id 316 label "An Algorithm for Compaction of Alphanumeric Data" types "item" ] node [ id 317 label "MARC II and COBOL" types "item" ] node [ id 318 label "A Low-Cost Library Database Solution" types "item" ] node [ id 319 label "President’s Message" types "item" ] node [ id 320 label "The Importance of Identifying and Accommodating E-Resource Usage Data for the Presence of Outliers. The Negative Impacts of Inaccurate E-Journal Usage Data." types "item" ] node [ id 321 label "Is This a Geolibrary? A Case of the Idaho Geospatial Data Center" types "item" ] node [ id 322 label "Measuring Information System Project Success through a Software-Assisted Qualitative Content Analysis" types "item" ] node [ id 323 label "Checklist for Cassette Recorders Connected to CRTs" types "item" ] node [ id 324 label "A Computer System for Effective Management of a Medical Library Network" types "item" ] node [ id 325 label "Can Bibliographic Data be Put Directly onto the Semantic Web?" types "item" ] node [ id 326 label "Providing Bibliographic Services From Machine-Readable Data Bases--The Library's Role" types "item" ] node [ id 327 label "From Digital Library to Open Datasets" types "item" ] node [ id 328 label "A Regional Serials Program Under National Serials Data Program Auspices: Discussion Paper Prepared for Ad Hoc Serials Discussion Group" types "item" ] node [ id 329 label "Mapping for the Masses: GIS Lite & Online Mapping Tools in Academic Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 330 label "Harvesting Information from a Library Data Warehouse" types "item" ] node [ id 331 label "User Testing with Microinteractions" types "item" ] node [ id 332 label "ITAL Editorial Board Thoughts: Events in the Life of ITAL" types "item" ] node [ id 333 label "LC/MARC on MOLDS; An Experiment in Computer-Based Interactive Bibliographic Storage, Search, Retrieval, and Processing" types "item" ] node [ id 334 label "President's Message: Data Discovery" types "item" ] node [ id 335 label "Principles of Format Design" types "item" ] node [ id 336 label "On the Clouds: A New Way of Computing" types "item" ] node [ id 337 label "The Minnesota Union List of Serials" types "item" ] node [ id 338 label "Recon Pilot Project: A Progress Report, April-September 1970" types "item" ] node [ id 339 label "Analyzing Digital Collections Entrances: What Gets Used and Why It Matters" types "item" ] node [ id 340 label "Managing In-Library Use Data: Putting a Web Geographic Information Systems Platform through its Paces" types "item" ] node [ id 341 label "Business Intelligence in the Service of Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 342 label "The Benefits of Enterprise Architecture for Library Technology Management: An Exploratory Case Study" types "item" ] node [ id 343 label "Standards for Library Automation and ISAD's Committee on Technical Standards for Library Automation (TESLA)" types "item" ] node [ id 344 label "Automation of Acquisitions at Parkland College" types "item" ] node [ id 345 label "The Ad Hoc Discussion Group on Serials Data Bases: Its History, Current Position, and Future" types "item" ] node [ id 346 label "Of the People for the People: Digital Literature Resource Knowledge Recommendation Based on User Cognition" types "item" ] node [ id 347 label "The Map as a Search Box: Using Linked Data to Create a Geographic Discovery System" types "item" ] node [ id 348 label "How Long the Wait until We Can Call It Television" types "item" ] node [ id 349 label "Eclipse Editor for MARC Records" types "item" ] node [ id 350 label "Click Analytics: Visualizing Website Use Data" types "item" ] node [ id 351 label "subject" types "keyword" ] node [ id 352 label "The Impact of Web Search Engines on Subject Searching in OPAC" types "item" ] node [ id 353 label "Seeing the Wood for the Trees: Enhancing Metadata Subject Elements with Weights" types "item" ] node [ id 354 label "Classification of Library Resources by Subject on the Library Website: Is There an Optimal Number of Subject Labels?" types "item" ] node [ id 355 label "Using Server-Side Include Commands for Subject Web-Page Management: An Alternative to Database-Driven Technologies for the Smaller Academic Library" types "item" ] node [ id 356 label "Simon Fraser University Computer Produced Map Catalogue" types "item" ] node [ id 357 label "assignFAST: An Autosuggest based tool for FAST Subject Assignment" types "item" ] node [ id 358 label "Automatic Format Recognition of MARC Bibliographic Elements: A Review and Projection" types "item" ] node [ id 359 label "Enhancing OPAC Records for Discovery" types "item" ] node [ id 360 label "pacific" types "keyword" ] node [ id 361 label "university" types "keyword" ] node [ id 362 label "Enterprise Digital Asset Management System Pilot: Lessons Learned" types "item" ] node [ id 363 label "Using Open Access Institutional Repositories to Save the Student Symposium during the COVID-19 Pandemic" types "item" ] node [ id 364 label "Are Ivy League Libraries’ Websites ADA Compliant?" types "item" ] node [ id 365 label "Letter from the Editor (June 2018)" types "item" ] node [ id 366 label "Management Planning for Library Systems Development" types "item" ] node [ id 367 label "Bento Box User Experience Study at Franklin University" types "item" ] node [ id 368 label "That's My Bailiwick: A Library-Sponsored Faculty Research Web Server" types "item" ] node [ id 369 label "Factors Affecting University Library Website Design" types "item" ] node [ id 370 label "Local Hosting of Faculty-Created Open Education Resources" types "item" ] node [ id 371 label "technical" types "keyword" ] node [ id 372 label "Selective Dissemination of MARC: A User Evaluation" types "item" ] node [ id 373 label "sdi" types "keyword" ] node [ id 374 label "seldom" types "keyword" ] node [ id 375 label "A MARC II-Based Program for Retrieval and Dissemination" types "item" ] node [ id 376 label "marc" types "keyword" ] node [ id 377 label "The British Library's Approach to AACR2" types "item" ] node [ id 378 label "MARC Format Simplification" types "item" ] node [ id 379 label "Batch Ingesting into EPrints Digital Repository Software" types "item" ] node [ id 380 label "The Library of Congress View on Its Relation to the ALA MARC Advisory Committee" types "item" ] node [ id 381 label "Comparisons of LC Proofslip and MARC Tape Arrival Dates at the University of Chicago Library" types "item" ] node [ id 382 label "MONOCLE" types "item" ] node [ id 383 label "Entry/Title Compression Code Access to Machine Readable Bibliographic Files" types "item" ] node [ id 384 label "Teaching with MARC Tapes" types "item" ] node [ id 385 label "Processing of MARC Tapes for Cooperative Use" types "item" ] node [ id 386 label "The MARC Sort Program" types "item" ] node [ id 387 label "services" types "keyword" ] node [ id 388 label "Editorial Board Thoughts: Library Analytics and Patron Privacy" types "item" ] node [ id 389 label "Library Services Navigation: Improving the Online User Experience" types "item" ] node [ id 390 label "Cloud Computing: Case Studies and Total Cost of Ownership" types "item" ] node [ id 391 label "Migration of a Research Library's ICT-Based Services to a Cloud Platform" types "item" ] node [ id 392 label "university libraries" types "keyword" ] node [ id 393 label "resources" types "keyword" ] node [ id 394 label "Research on Knowledge Organization of Intangible Cultural Heritage Based on Metadata" types "item" ] node [ id 395 label "MyLibrary: A Digital Library Framework and Toolkit" types "item" ] node [ id 396 label "Information Discovery Insights Gained from MultiPAC, a Prototype Library Discovery System" types "item" ] node [ id 397 label "Off-campus Access to Licensed Online Resources through Shibboleth" types "item" ] node [ id 398 label "Testing for Transition" types "item" ] node [ id 399 label "Engelond: A Model for Faculty-Librarian Collaboration in the Information Age" types "item" ] node [ id 400 label "Standardized Costs for Automated Library Systems" types "item" ] node [ id 401 label "costs" types "keyword" ] node [ id 402 label "Cost Analysis of an Automated and Manual Cataloging and Book Processing System" types "item" ] node [ id 403 label "equipment" types "keyword" ] node [ id 404 label "computer" types "keyword" ] node [ id 405 label "Public Library Computer Waiting Queues: Alternatives to the First-Come-First-Served Strategy" types "item" ] node [ id 406 label "The Impact of Information Technology on Library Anxiety: The Role of Computer Attitudes" types "item" ] node [ id 407 label "Microcomputer Backup to Online Circulation" types "item" ] node [ id 408 label "Development of a Technical Library to Support Computer Systems Evaluation" types "item" ] node [ id 409 label "Computer-to-Computer Communication in the Acquisition Process" types "item" ] node [ id 410 label "Data Processing Library: A Very Special Library" types "item" ] node [ id 411 label "An Evidence-Based Review of Academic Web Search Engines, 2014-2016: Implications for Librarians’ Practice and Research Agenda" types "item" ] node [ id 412 label "google scholar" types "keyword" ] node [ id 413 label "academic" types "keyword" ] node [ id 414 label "Checking Out The Impact of a Digital Trend on Academic Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 415 label "Academic Web Site Design and Academic Templates: Where Does the Library Fit In?" types "item" ] node [ id 416 label "google books" types "keyword" ] node [ id 417 label "search" types "keyword" ] node [ id 418 label "“Am I on the library website?”" types "item" ] node [ id 419 label "Autocomplete as Research Tool: A Study on Providing Search Suggestions" types "item" ] node [ id 420 label "Usability Testing of a Large, Multidisciplinary Library Database: Basic Search and Visual Search" types "item" ] node [ id 421 label "A Dynamic Methodology for Improving the Search Experience" types "item" ] node [ id 422 label "Usability Studies of Faceted Browsing: A Literature Review" types "item" ] node [ id 423 label "The Internet as a Source of Academic Research Information: Findings of Two Pilot Studies" types "item" ] node [ id 424 label "Using a Native XML Database for Encoded Archival Description Search and Retrieval" types "item" ] node [ id 425 label "Primo New User Interface: Usability Testing and Local Customizations Implemented in Response" types "item" ] node [ id 426 label "Applying Hierarchical Task Analysis Method to Discovery Layer Evaluation" types "item" ] node [ id 427 label "Analysis of Search Key Retrieval on a Large Bibliographic File" types "item" ] node [ id 428 label "Open Search Environments: The Free Alternative to Commercial Search Services" types "item" ] node [ id 429 label "Lessons Learned: A Primo Usability Study" types "item" ] node [ id 430 label "Exploratory Subject Searching in Library Catalogs: Reclaiming the Vision" types "item" ] node [ id 431 label "OpenSearch and SRU: A Continuum of Searching" types "item" ] node [ id 432 label "Using Ajax to Empower Dynamic Searchinb" types "item" ] node [ id 433 label "Evaluating Web-Scale Discovery Services: A Step-by-Step Guide" types "item" ] node [ id 434 label "LaneConnex: An Integrated Biomedical Digital Library Interface" types "item" ] node [ id 435 label "Everyone’s Invited: A Website Usability Study Involving Multiple Library Stakeholders" types "item" ] node [ id 436 label "What’s in a word? : Rethinking facet headings in a discovery service" types "item" ] node [ id 437 label "OCLC Search Key Usage Patterns in a Large Research Library" types "item" ] node [ id 438 label "Solving SEO Issues in DSpace-based Digital Repositories" types "item" ] node [ id 439 label "Library Discovery Products: Discovering User Expectations through Failure Analysis" types "item" ] node [ id 440 label "Statistical Behavior of Search Keys" types "item" ] node [ id 441 label "web" types "keyword" ] node [ id 442 label "The Current State and Challenges in Democratizing Small Museums’ Collections Online" types "item" ] node [ id 443 label "Library-Authored Web Content and the Need for Content Strategy" types "item" ] node [ id 444 label "Web Services and Widgets for Library Information Systems" types "item" ] node [ id 445 label "President's Column" types "item" ] node [ id 446 label "Semantic Web for Reliable Citation Analysis in Scholarly Publishing" types "item" ] node [ id 447 label "User-Centered Design of a Web Site for Library and Information Science Students: Heuristic Evaluation and Usability Testing" types "item" ] node [ id 448 label "Tagging: An Organization Scheme for the Internet" types "item" ] node [ id 449 label "VR Hackfest" types "item" ] node [ id 450 label "A Systematic Approach Towards Web Preservation" types "item" ] node [ id 451 label "Content Management for the Virtual Library" types "item" ] node [ id 452 label "A Semantic Model of Selective Dissemination of Information for Digital Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 453 label "Beyond Information Architecture: A Systems Integration Approach to Web-site Design" types "item" ] node [ id 454 label "Selecting a Web Content Management System for an Academic Library Website" types "item" ] node [ id 455 label "Bibliographic Displays in Web Catalogs: Does Conformity to Design Guidelines Correlate with User Performance?" types "item" ] node [ id 456 label "The Internet, the World Wide Web, Library Web Browsers, and Library Web Servers" types "item" ] node [ id 457 label "research" types "keyword" ] node [ id 458 label "Web Content Strategy in Practice within Academic Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 459 label "Library Use of Web-based Research Guides" types "item" ] node [ id 460 label "Negotiating a Text Mining License for Faculty Researchers" types "item" ] node [ id 461 label "That Was Then, This Is Now: Replacing the Mobile-Optimized Site with Responsive Design" types "item" ] node [ id 462 label "citations" types "keyword" ] node [ id 463 label "science" types "keyword" ] node [ id 464 label "coverage" types "keyword" ] node [ id 465 label "microsoft" types "keyword" ] node [ id 466 label "articles" types "keyword" ] node [ id 467 label "Detection of Information Requirements of Researchers Using Bibliometric Analyses to Identify Target Journals" types "item" ] node [ id 468 label "The Open Access Citation Advantage: Does It Exist and What Does It Mean for Libraries?" types "item" ] node [ id 469 label "engines" types "keyword" ] node [ id 470 label "review" types "keyword" ] node [ id 471 label "academic web" types "keyword" ] node [ id 472 label "students" types "keyword" ] node [ id 473 label "Adoption of E-Book Readers Among College Students: A Survey" types "item" ] node [ id 474 label "Emergency Remote Library Instruction and Tech Tools" types "item" ] node [ id 475 label "Collaboration and Integration" types "item" ] node [ id 476 label "Mobile Website Use and Advanced Researchers: Understanding Library Users at a University Marine Sciences Branch Campus" types "item" ] node [ id 477 label "Supporting Faculty’s Instructional Video Creation Needs for Remote Teaching: A Case Study on Implementing eGlass Technology in a Library Multimedia Studio Space" types "item" ] node [ id 478 label "Testing Information Literacy in Digital Environments: ETS's iSkills Assessment" types "item" ] node [ id 479 label "How COVID Affected our Python Class at the Worcester Public Library" types "item" ] node [ id 480 label "Facilitating Research Consultations Using Cloud Services: Experiences, Preferences, and Best Practices" types "item" ] node [ id 481 label "Using Augmented and Virtual Reality in Information Literacy Instruction to Reduce Library Anxiety in Nontraditional and International Students" types "item" ] node [ id 482 label "Navigation Design and Library Terminology" types "item" ] node [ id 483 label "libguides" types "keyword" ] node [ id 484 label "Tending to an Overgrown Garden" types "item" ] node [ id 485 label "Up Against the Clock: Migrating to LibGuides v2 on a Tight Timeline" types "item" ] node [ id 486 label "version" types "keyword" ] node [ id 487 label "testing" types "keyword" ] node [ id 488 label "Self-Archiving with Ease in an Institutional Repository: Microinteractions and the User Experience" types "item" ] node [ id 489 label "Modeling a Library Web Site Redesign Process: Developing a User-Centered Web Site Through Usability Testing" types "item" ] node [ id 490 label "task" types "keyword" ] node [ id 491 label "Usability Testing for Greater Impact: A Primo Case Study" types "item" ] node [ id 492 label "website" types "keyword" ] node [ id 493 label "Usability Study of a Library's Mobile Website: An Example from Portland State University" types "item" ] node [ id 494 label "Let's Get Virtual: An Examination of Best Practices to Provide Public Access to Digital Versions of Three-Dimensional Objects" types "item" ] node [ id 495 label "A Library Website Migration" types "item" ] node [ id 496 label "From Static and Stale to Dynamic and Collaborative: The Drupal Difference" types "item" ] node [ id 497 label "Editorial and Technological Workflow Tools to Promote Website Quality" types "item" ] node [ id 498 label "usability" types "keyword" ] node [ id 499 label "assets" types "keyword" ] node [ id 500 label "metadata" types "keyword" ] node [ id 501 label "Transitioning from XML to RDF: Considerations for an effective move towards Linked Data and the Semantic Web" types "item" ] node [ id 502 label "Managing Metadata for Philatelic Materials" types "item" ] node [ id 503 label "No Need to Ask" types "item" ] node [ id 504 label "The MOSC Project: Using the OAI-PMH to Bridge Metadata Cultural Differences across Museums, Archives, and Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 505 label "Metadata Creation Practices in Digital Repositories and Collections: Schemata, Selection Criteria, and Interoperability" types "item" ] node [ id 506 label "Stateful Library Analysis and Migration System (SLAM)" types "item" ] node [ id 507 label "ThManager: An Open Source Tool for Creating and Visualizing SKOS" types "item" ] node [ id 508 label "Evaluation of Semi-Automatic Metadata Generation Tools: A Survey of the Current State of the Art" types "item" ] node [ id 509 label "Editorial Board Thoughts: Metadata Training in Canadian Library Technician Programs" types "item" ] node [ id 510 label "Dublin Core, DSpace, and a Brief Analysis of Three University Repositories" types "item" ] node [ id 511 label "Batch Loading Collections into DSpace: Using Perl Scripts for Automation and Quality Control" types "item" ] node [ id 512 label "dam" types "keyword" ] node [ id 513 label "living" types "keyword" ] node [ id 514 label "lab" types "keyword" ] node [ id 515 label "enterprise" types "keyword" ] node [ id 516 label "feb" types "keyword" ] node [ id 517 label "preservation" types "keyword" ] node [ id 518 label "Practical Limits to the Scope of Digital Preservation" types "item" ] node [ id 519 label "case" types "keyword" ] node [ id 520 label "hathitrust" types "keyword" ] node [ id 521 label "primo" types "keyword" ] node [ id 522 label "hathigenius" types "keyword" ] node [ id 523 label "state" types "keyword" ] node [ id 524 label "President’s Message: Rebuilding Our Identity, Together" types "item" ] node [ id 525 label "division" types "keyword" ] node [ id 526 label "President’s Message: Imagination and Structure in Times of Change" types "item" ] node [ id 527 label "lita" types "keyword" ] node [ id 528 label "President's Message: The Year in Review--Everything Open" types "item" ] node [ id 529 label "Editorial: The Space in Between, or, Why ITAL Matters" types "item" ] node [ id 530 label "Joining Together" types "item" ] node [ id 531 label "Editorial: LITA and ITAL: Forty and Still Counting" types "item" ] node [ id 532 label "Facing What’s Next, Together" types "item" ] node [ id 533 label "President's Message: Membership, Leadership, Emerging Leaders, and LITA" types "item" ] node [ id 534 label "Sustaining LITA" types "item" ] node [ id 535 label "Highlights of LITA Board Meetings" types "item" ] node [ id 536 label "President's Message: Reflections on Membership" types "item" ] node [ id 537 label "President's Column: For The Record" types "item" ] node [ id 538 label "President’s Message: UX Thinking and the LITA Member Experience" types "item" ] node [ id 539 label "President's Column: Making an Impact in the Time That is Given to Us" types "item" ] node [ id 540 label "In the Middle of Difficulty Lies Opportunity" types "item" ] node [ id 541 label "President’s Message: The End and New Beginnings" types "item" ] node [ id 542 label "President's Column: Reflections on LITA's Past and Future" types "item" ] node [ id 543 label "President's Message: For The Record" types "item" ] node [ id 544 label "President's Message: 50 Years" types "item" ] node [ id 545 label "Editorial: Farewell and Thank You" types "item" ] node [ id 546 label "Guest Editorial: Organizational Structure--Yesterday Informs the Present" types "item" ] node [ id 547 label "President's Message: Moving Forward" types "item" ] node [ id 548 label "President’s Message: BTOP, Broadband, E-Rate, and LITA" types "item" ] node [ id 549 label "Moving Forward with LITA" types "item" ] node [ id 550 label "LITA President’s Message: Updates from the 2019 ALA Midwinter Meeting" types "item" ] node [ id 551 label "President's Message: LITA Forever" types "item" ] node [ id 552 label "A Framework for Member Success" types "item" ] node [ id 553 label "Ontology for the User-Learner Profile Personalizes the Search Analysis of Online Learning Resources" types "item" ] node [ id 554 label "learner" types "keyword" ] node [ id 555 label "profile" types "keyword" ] node [ id 556 label "thematic" types "keyword" ] node [ id 557 label "ontology" types "keyword" ] node [ id 558 label "An Evolutive Process to Convert Glossaries into Ontologies" types "item" ] node [ id 559 label "Seeing through Vocabularies" types "item" ] node [ id 560 label "universities" types "keyword" ] node [ id 561 label "learning" types "keyword" ] node [ id 562 label "Use of Language-Learning Apps as a Tool for Foreign Language Acquisition by Academic Libraries Employees" types "item" ] node [ id 563 label "An Omeka S Repository for Place- and Land-Based Teaching and Learning" types "item" ] node [ id 564 label "Bridging the Gap: Self-Directed Staff Technology Training" types "item" ] node [ id 565 label "Reducing Psychological Resistance to Digital Repositories" types "item" ] node [ id 566 label "work" types "keyword" ] node [ id 567 label "Editorial Board Thoughts: Doesn't Work" types "item" ] node [ id 568 label "Writing Your First Scholarly Article: A Guide for Budding Authors in Librarianship" types "item" ] node [ id 569 label "Digital Collections Are a Sprint, Not a Marathon: Adapting Scrum Project Management Techniques to Library Digital Initiatives" types "item" ] node [ id 570 label "Editorial Board Thoughts: Eating Our Own Dogfood" types "item" ] node [ id 571 label "resistance" types "keyword" ] node [ id 572 label "repositories" types "keyword" ] node [ id 573 label "faculty" types "keyword" ] node [ id 574 label "At the Click of a Button" types "item" ] node [ id 575 label "Digital Faculty Development" types "item" ] node [ id 576 label "psychologists" types "keyword" ] node [ id 577 label "repository" types "keyword" ] node [ id 578 label "We Can Do It for Free! " types "item" ] node [ id 579 label "Building an Open Source Institutional Repository at a Small Law School Library: Is it Realistic or Unattainable?" types "item" ] node [ id 580 label "Creating and Managing a Repository of Past Exam Papers" types "item" ] node [ id 581 label "Balancing Community and Local Needs" types "item" ] node [ id 582 label "Japanese Military “Comfort Women” Knowledge Graph: Linking Fragmented Digital Records" types "item" ] node [ id 583 label "japanese military" types "keyword" ] node [ id 584 label "comfort" types "keyword" ] node [ id 585 label "women" types "keyword" ] node [ id 586 label "comfort women" types "keyword" ] node [ id 587 label "knowledge" types "keyword" ] node [ id 588 label "Information Security in Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 589 label "Digitizing the Non-Digital: Creating a Global Context for Events, Artifacts, Ideas, and Information" types "item" ] node [ id 590 label "records" types "keyword" ] node [ id 591 label "Missing Items: Automating the Replacement Workflow Process" types "item" ] node [ id 592 label "Digital Collection Management through the Library Catalog" types "item" ] node [ id 593 label "The Recon Pilot Project: A Progress Report, October 1970-May 1971" types "item" ] node [ id 594 label "autocomplete" types "keyword" ] node [ id 595 label "suggestions" types "keyword" ] node [ id 596 label "open" types "keyword" ] node [ id 597 label "Assessing the Effectiveness of Open Access Finding Tools" types "item" ] node [ id 598 label "Afghanistan Digital Library Initiative: Revitalizing an Integrated Library System" types "item" ] node [ id 599 label "Determining Textbook Cost, Formats, and Licensing with Google Books API: A Case Study from an Open Textbook Project" types "item" ] node [ id 600 label "President's Message: Open Access/Open Data" types "item" ] node [ id 601 label "The Free Software Alternative: Freeware, Open Source Software, and Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 602 label "Editor's Comments: Odds and Ends" types "item" ] node [ id 603 label "book" types "keyword" ] node [ id 604 label "Cataloging Geometry" types "item" ] node [ id 605 label "High School Library Data Processing" types "item" ] node [ id 606 label "A Simple Scheme for Book Classification Using Wikipedia" types "item" ] node [ id 607 label "Circulation Systems Past and Present" types "item" ] node [ id 608 label "Electronic Order Transmission" types "item" ] node [ id 609 label "Review of EPUB 3: Best Practices" types "item" ] node [ id 610 label "Library Space Information Model Based on GIS — A Case Study of Shanghai Jiao Tong University" types "item" ] node [ id 611 label "A Lesson in Interactive Television Programming: The Home Book Club on QUBE" types "item" ] node [ id 612 label "circulation" types "keyword" ] node [ id 613 label "Automation and the Service Attitudes of ARL Circulation Managers" types "item" ] node [ id 614 label "A Cost Effectiveness Model for Comparing Various Circulation Systems" types "item" ] node [ id 615 label "groups" types "keyword" ] node [ id 616 label "visual" types "keyword" ] node [ id 617 label "results" types "keyword" ] node [ id 618 label "Evaluating the Impact of the Long-S upon 18th-Century Encyclopedia Britannica Automatic Subject Metadata Generation Results" types "item" ] node [ id 619 label "basic" types "keyword" ] node [ id 620 label "symposium" types "keyword" ] node [ id 621 label "institutional" types "keyword" ] node [ id 622 label "classification" types "keyword" ] node [ id 623 label "A Comprehensive Approach to Algorithmic Machine Sorting of Library of Congress Call Numbers" types "item" ] node [ id 624 label "A Fast Algorithm for Automatic Classification" types "item" ] node [ id 625 label "ddc" types "keyword" ] node [ id 626 label "udc" types "keyword" ] node [ id 627 label "bibliographic classification" types "keyword" ] node [ id 628 label "lcc" types "keyword" ] node [ id 629 label "faceted" types "keyword" ] node [ id 630 label "model" types "keyword" ] node [ id 631 label "list" types "keyword" ] node [ id 632 label "A Rapid Implementation of a Reserve Reading List Solution in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic" types "item" ] node [ id 633 label "Automatic Processing of Personal Names for Filing" types "item" ] node [ id 634 label "KWIC Index to Government Publications" types "item" ] node [ id 635 label "Scientific Serial Lists" types "item" ] node [ id 636 label "standards" types "keyword" ] node [ id 637 label "department" types "keyword" ] node [ id 638 label "homepages" types "keyword" ] node [ id 639 label "league" types "keyword" ] node [ id 640 label "ivy" types "keyword" ] node [ id 641 label "cultural" types "keyword" ] node [ id 642 label "intangible" types "keyword" ] node [ id 643 label "heritage" types "keyword" ] node [ id 644 label "intangible cultural" types "keyword" ] node [ id 645 label "cultural heritage" types "keyword" ] node [ id 646 label "headings" types "keyword" ] node [ id 647 label "Cumulating the Supplements to the Seventh Edition of LC Subject Headings" types "item" ] node [ id 648 label "form" types "keyword" ] node [ id 649 label "The Structure and Form of Folksonomy Tags: The Road to the Public Library Catalog" types "item" ] node [ id 650 label "authority" types "keyword" ] node [ id 651 label "aacr2" types "keyword" ] node [ id 652 label "The Significance of Information in the Ordinary Conduct of Life" types "item" ] node [ id 653 label "tools" types "keyword" ] node [ id 654 label "Letter from the Editors" types "item" ] node [ id 655 label "Editorial Board Thoughts: Tools of the Trade" types "item" ] node [ id 656 label "documentation" types "keyword" ] node [ id 657 label "accessible" types "keyword" ] node [ id 658 label "nagios" types "keyword" ] node [ id 659 label "monitoring" types "keyword" ] node [ id 660 label "network" types "keyword" ] node [ id 661 label "Open Source Wifi Hotspot Implementation" types "item" ] node [ id 662 label "Administering an Open-Source Wireless Network" types "item" ] node [ id 663 label "Playing Tag In the Dark: Diagnosing Slowness In Library Response Time" types "item" ] node [ id 664 label "host" types "keyword" ] node [ id 665 label "Employing Virtualization in Library Computing: Use Cases and Lessons Learned" types "item" ] node [ id 666 label "appendix" types "keyword" ] node [ id 667 label "define" types "keyword" ] node [ id 668 label "wireless" types "keyword" ] node [ id 669 label "An Assessment of Student Satisfaction with a Circulating Laptop Service" types "item" ] node [ id 670 label "access" types "keyword" ] node [ id 671 label "The Middle Mile: The Role of the Public Library in Ensuring Access to Broadband" types "item" ] node [ id 672 label "Public Libraries, Values, Trust, and E-Government" types "item" ] node [ id 673 label "Editorial Board Thoughts: Is Open Access the Answer?" types "item" ] node [ id 674 label "Site License Initiatives in the United Kingdom: The PSLI and NESLI Experience" types "item" ] node [ id 675 label "Utilizing Technology to Support and Extend Access to Students and Job Seekers during the Pandemic" types "item" ] node [ id 676 label "pass" types "keyword" ] node [ id 677 label "entry" types "keyword" ] node [ id 678 label "online" types "keyword" ] node [ id 679 label "Hidden Online Surveillance: What Librarians Should Know to Protect Their Own Privacy and That of Their Patrons" types "item" ] node [ id 680 label "Online Workplace Training in Libraries" types "item" ] node [ id 681 label "covid-19" types "keyword" ] node [ id 682 label "fall" types "keyword" ] node [ id 683 label "distribution" types "keyword" ] node [ id 684 label "texts" types "keyword" ] node [ id 685 label "electronic" types "keyword" ] node [ id 686 label "Electronic Library for Scientific Journals: Consortium Project in Brazil" types "item" ] node [ id 687 label "title" types "keyword" ] node [ id 688 label "Title-Only 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Architecture" types "item" ] node [ id 703 label "Comparing Fiche and Film: A Test of Speed" types "item" ] node [ id 704 label "Google Scholar and 100 Percent Availability of Information" types "item" ] node [ id 705 label "Critical Technology" types "item" ] node [ id 706 label "public" types "keyword" ] node [ id 707 label "Gathering Strength to Combat Access Inequality" types "item" ] node [ id 708 label "app" types "keyword" ] node [ id 709 label "reality" types "keyword" ] node [ id 710 label "Do You Believe in Magic? 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Library Information, Security, and Social Engineering" types "item" ] node [ id 752 label "Searchable Signatures: Context and the Struggle for Recognition" types "item" ] node [ id 753 label "Building Library Community Through Social Media" types "item" ] node [ id 754 label "media" types "keyword" ] node [ id 755 label "mash" types "keyword" ] node [ id 756 label "server" types "keyword" ] node [ id 757 label "Information Retrieval Using a Middleware Approach" types "item" ] node [ id 758 label "majax" types "keyword" ] node [ id 759 label "google" types "keyword" ] node [ id 760 label "Discovering the Library with Google Earth" types "item" ] node [ id 761 label "Copyright: Regulation Out of Line with our Digital Reality?" types "item" ] node [ id 762 label "Editorial: ALA and Our Carbon Footprint" types "item" ] node [ id 763 label "ala" types "keyword" ] node [ id 764 label "Highlights of ISAD Board Meeting" types "item" ] node [ id 765 label "meeting" types "keyword" ] node [ id 766 label "music" types "keyword" ] node [ id 767 label "An Automated Music Programmer (MUSPROG)" types "item" ] node [ id 768 label "frbr" types "keyword" ] node [ id 769 label "mar" types "keyword" ] node [ id 770 label "relationships" types "keyword" ] node [ id 771 label "names" types "keyword" ] node [ id 772 label "Application of the Variety-Generator Approach to Searches of Personal Names in Bibliographic Data Bases--Part 1. 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"item" ] node [ id 790 label "books" types "keyword" ] node [ id 791 label "The International Children’s Digital Library: A Case Study in Designing for a Multilingual, Multicultural, Multigenerational Audience" types "item" ] node [ id 792 label "HathiTrust as a Data Source for Researching Early Nineteenth-Century Library Collections" types "item" ] node [ id 793 label "rare" types "keyword" ] node [ id 794 label "physical" types "keyword" ] node [ id 795 label "special" types "keyword" ] node [ id 796 label "unlv" types "keyword" ] node [ id 797 label "Building Pathfinders with Free Screen Capture Tools" types "item" ] node [ id 798 label "states" types "keyword" ] node [ id 799 label "internet" types "keyword" ] node [ id 800 label "public libraries" types "keyword" ] node [ id 801 label "limitations" types "keyword" ] node [ id 802 label "cooperation" types "keyword" ] node [ id 803 label "italian" types "keyword" ] node [ id 804 label "nfc" types "keyword" ] node [ id 805 label 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