id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ital-9966 Guay, Beth A Case Study on the Path to Resource Discovery 2017-09-17 31 .pdf application/pdf 6417 215 42 Background: EEBO, Related Resources and Bibliographic Records Much has been written on EEBO’s inception and continuing development as a collection of digital reproductions of microfilm reproductions of pre-1700 print resources, and on its scholarly value (Kitchuk, 2007; Martin, 2007; Gadd, 2009; Mak, 2013; Folger Shakespeare Library, 2015).12 Alfred Pollard and Gilbert Redgrave’s A short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640 (“STC”), and the “companion” volume, Donald Wing's Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America, and of English books printed in other countries, 1641-1700 (“Wing”), respectively, were used in selecting the print resources for filming.13 Gadd (2009, 683) pinpointed the STC as “a catalogue of editions (or more accurately, editions and issues) not copies although, of course, the A CASE STUDY ON THE PATH TO RESOURCE DISCOVERY | GUAY | doi:10.6017/ital.v36i3.9966 25 information about any edition is derived primarily from the surviving copies … Each entry gives the location of known copies …” 14 The “successor” to STC and Wing, the English Short Title Catalog (ESTC), “includes records for every item listed in STC, every item in Wing, every item in the Eighteenth Century Short Title Catalogue … and newspapers and other serials which began publication before 1801” and is freely available online from the British Library.15 16 Gadd (2009, 685-686) offered this critique concerning EEBO’s bibliographic data and relationship to the ESTC: EEBO’s relationship with the original STC and Wing is straightforward and clear; EEBO’s relationship with electronic ESTC, on the other hand, is less well-known. This resulted in a project to identify OCLC record numbers (OCN) for addition to OCLC’s Chadwyck-Healey Early English Books Online (EEBO) KBART file.1 Initially, the project was an attempt to adapt cataloging workflows to a new environment in which the copy cataloging of e-resources takes place within discovery system tools rather than traditional cataloging utilities and MARC record set or individual record downloads into online catalogs. cache/ital-9966.pdf txt/ital-9966.txt