id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ital-8953 Bosseau, Don L. Technical Communications 1974-09-01 14 .pdf application/pdf 8086 456 56 ANNOUNCEMENTS Resolution WHEREAS, the American Library As- sociation is the chief advocate for librari- ans and laymen seeking to provide citizens of the United States with the highest quality library and information service, and WHEREAS, a major effort will be re- quired of this Association and of all sup- porters of libraries in the next few years as the country's leaders determine long- range national positions in such matters as copyright, intellectual freedom, federal support of libraries, and a national plan for libraries and information services, and WHEREAS, the effectiveness of this effort will depend on the concerted effort of all those concerned with library service, including library users, citizens groups, government officials and librarians them- selves from all aspects and ranks of the profession; THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that all the committees, chapters and di- visions of the American Library Associa- tion take definite steps to increase mutual efforts within the Association and with other associations seeking ways to strength- en the common effort toward the provision of quality library service to all people. SAL/NET-Satellite Libmry Information Network This project is designed to experiment in the extension of library services to sparsely populated regions of the Rocky Mountain and northern plains states. cache/ital-8953.pdf txt/ital-8953.txt