id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ital-5378 Bennett, Rick; O'Neill, Edward T.; Kammerer, Kerre assignFAST: An Autosuggest based tool for FAST Subject Assignment 2014-03-25 10 .pdf application/pdf 2705 183 50 The version used for this example shows: See Heading USE Authorized Heading when a See heading is returned, or simply the Authorized Heading otherwise. USE Feature films Motion pictures Motorcars (Automobiles) USE Automobiles Motion picture music Background music for motion pictures USE Motion picture music Motion pictures for the hearing impaired USE Films for the hearing impaired Documentaries, Motion picture USE Documentary films Mother of God USE Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint The headings in assignFAST are ranked by how often they are used in WorldCat, so headings that are more common appear at the top. cache/ital-5378.pdf txt/ital-5378.txt