id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ital-3219 Hutt, Arwen; Stuart, Michael; Suchy, Daniel; Westbrook, Bradley D. Employing Virtualization in Library Computing: Use Cases and Lessons Learned 2009-09-01 6 .pdf application/pdf 4471 179 41 This paper provides a broad overview of virtualization technology and explains its benefits and drawbacks by describing some of the ways virtualization has been used at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Libraries.2 n Virtualization overview Virtualization is used to partition the physical resources (processor, hard drive, network card, etc.) of one com- puter to run one or more instances of concurrent, but not necessarily identical, operating systems (OSs). n Conclusion As our use cases illustrate, there are numerous potential applications and benefits of virtualization technology in the library environment. cache/ital-3219.pdf txt/ital-3219.txt