id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ital-3175 Yee, Martha M. Can Bibliographic Data be Put Directly onto the Semantic Web? 2009-06-01 26 .pdf application/pdf 14836 468 42 | YEE 73 Model Entity FRBR FRAD Place term for the place coordinates other geographical information Discipline Genre/form Name type of name scope of usage dates of usage language of name script of name transliteration scheme of name Identifier type of identifier identifier string suffix Controlled access point type of controlled access point status of controlled access point designated usage of controlled access point undifferentiated access point language of base access point script of base access point script of cataloguing transliteration scheme of base access point transliteration scheme of cataloguing source of controlled access point base access point addition Rules citation for rules rules identifier Agency name of agency agency identifier location of agency attributes/properties in FrBr compared to FraD (cont.) 74 iNForMaTioN TECHNoloGY aND liBrariEs | JuNE 2009 attributes/properties in rDa compared to YCr Model Entity RDA YCR Work title of the work form of work date of work place of origin of work medium of performance numeric designation key signatory to a treaty, etc. other distinguishing characteristic of the work original language of the work history of the work identifier for the work nature of the content coverage of the content coordinates of cartographic content equinox epoch intended audience system of organization dissertation or theses information key identifier for work language-based identifier (preferred lexical label) variant language-based identifier (alternate lexical label) language-based identifier (preferred lexical label) for work language-based identifier for work (preferred lexical label) identified by PrincipalCreator in combination with uniform title language-based identifier (preferred lexical label) for work identified by title alone (uniform title) supplied title for work variant title for work original language of work responsibility for work original publication statement of work dates associated with work original publication/release/broadcast date of work copyright date of work creation date of work date of first recording of a work date of first performance of a work finding date of naturally occurring object original publisher/distributor/broadcaster of work places associated with work original place of publication/distribution/broadcasting for work country of origin of work place of creation of work place of first recording of work place of first performance of work finding place of naturally occurring object original method of publication/distribution/broadcast of work serial or integrating work original numeric and/or alphabetic designations—beginning serial or integrating work original chronological designations— beginning serial or integrating work original numeric and/or alphabetic designations—ending serial or integrating work original chronological designations— ending encoding of content of work genre/form of content of work original instrumentation of musical work instrumentation of musical work—number of a particular instrument instrumentation of musical work—type of instrument original voice(s) of musical work voice(s) of musical work—number of a particular type of voice voice(s) of musical work—type of voice original key of musical work numeric designation of musical work coordinates of cartographic work equinox of cartographic work original physical characteristics of work original extent of work original dimensions of work mode of issuance of work CaN BiBlioGraPHiC DaTa BE PuT DirECTlY oNTo THE sEMaNTiC wEB? | YEE 69 Entities/classes in rDa, FrBr, FraD compared to Yee Cataloging rules (YCr) RDA, FRBR, and FRAD YCR Group 1: Work Work Group 1: Expression Expression Surrogate Group 1: Manifestation Manifestation Title-manifestation Serial title Group 1: Item Item Group 2: Person Person Fictitious character Performing animal Group 2: Corporate body Corporate body Corporate subdivision Place as jurisdictional corporate body Conference or other event as corporate body creator Jurisdictional corporate subdivision Family (RDA and FRAD only) Group 3: Concept Concept Group 3: Object Object Group 3: Event Event or historical period as subject Group 3: Place Place as geographic area Discipline Genre/form Name Identifier Controlled access point Rules (FRAD only) Agency (FRAD only) APPENDIx. cache/ital-3175.pdf txt/ital-3175.txt