id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ital-10604 Lewis, Colby Lil The Open Access Citation Advantage: Does It Exist and What Does It Mean for Libraries? 2018-09-26 16 .pdf application/pdf 6513 382 47 In a more recent study published in February 2018, Piwowar et al. examine the prevalence of OA and average relative citation (ARC) based on three sample groups of one hundred thousand articles each: “(1) all journal articles assigned a Crossref DOI, (2) recent journal articles indexed in Web of Science, and (3) articles viewed by users of Unpaywall, an open-source browser extension that lets users find OA articles using oaDOI.”16 Unlike the 1science study, Piwowar et al. had a twofold purpose: to examine the prevalence of OA articles available on the web and whether an OACA exists based on their sample findings. cache/ital-10604.pdf txt/ital-10604.txt