id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ital-10085 Zillner, Tom; Morgan, Eric Lease Book Reviews 2017-09-17 5 .pdf application/pdf 4602 249 62 but of course only six computer sci- ence researchers have actually expe- rienced the SnarfleTM interface, and it requires a $25,000 workstation and $10,000 in virtual reality gear to work, plus it is s-1-o-w. Pardon the sarcastic riff, but there is a lot of won- derful user interface work that is cer- tainly not finding its way onto mainstream computer users' desk- tops, or to the library or information center. Similarly, it seems, in the library and information world, at least in most people's routine interactions with OPACs and data- bases. cache/ital-10085.pdf txt/ital-10085.txt