id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt istl-2697 Science Librarianship and Social Justice: Part Four Capstone Concepts .html text/html 11065 473 47 We have written these four columns with the following goals To engage readers in meaningful and intentional conversations around justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) and ask them to reflect on their own practices To expose readers to scaffolded social justice concepts as pertinent to serving and teaching people of diverse backgrounds To demonstrate the relevance of social justice concepts by using examples that intersect with science librarianship We have added J (Justice) to EDI to increase the emphasis on Justice work alongside the work of equity, diversity, and inclusion and to acknowledge that social justice work and words are evolving. At each level, we have offered social justice concepts beginning from a foundational level scaffolded up to this current capstone level and partnered each concept with examples based in academic libraries and the sciences. cache/istl-2697.html txt/istl-2697.txt