id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt istl-2570 Science Librarianship and Social Justice: Part Two Intermediate Concepts .html text/html 5460 301 48 The NSBP student chapter then requested the department instead use the phrase “Black, Indigenous, and People of Color” and the initialization “BIPOC” in order to bring to the forefront the lived experience of their Black and Indigenous faculty members, students, and applicants, and to indicate they understood non-white people were not a monolith and did not deserve to be treated as one. Additionally, it is worth noting that words using ‘under-’ to describe particular student groups, such as URM, are being criticized and critiqued as being white-centered, deficit thinking, and removing distinct attributes of students (Williams 2020). cache/istl-2570.html txt/istl-2570.txt