id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt istl-1928 Suiting Library Instruction to the Myers-Briggs Personality Types... .html text/html 6850 404 39 (2000) (Georgia Tech engineering students) ISTJ (16.9) INTJ (12.3) ENTP (11.8) ESTJ (9.2) ISTP (7.7) INTP (7.2) Staiger (1990) (Electrical engineering students from three universities) ISTJ (15) ENTJ (10.9) INTJ (10.5) ESTJ (9.7) INTP (8.4) Sloan and Jens (1992) (Colorado School of Mines engineering students) ISTJ (14) INTP (12) ENTP (9) INTJ (9) Rosati (1997) (Canadian sample of engineering students) ISTJ (18.1) ESTJ (10.3) INTP (9.4) INTJ (8.5) ISTP (8.2) The Myers-Briggs personality typology and the Holland Vocational typology of work environments and individuals offer insights about engineering students and faculty that librarians may apply to instruction. cache/istl-1928.html txt/istl-1928.txt