id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt istl-1549 Science and Technology Undergraduate Students' Use of the Internet, Cell Phones and Social Networking Sites to Access Library Information .html text/html 4266 261 61 Among those who connected to the company's Wi-Fi networks, 62% used smartphones, 30 % used tablets, 71% used laptops and 38% used Wi-Fi music players to connect on-the-go. Specifically, we were interested in finding out: (1) how often students use the Internet and for what purposes; (2) what devices they use to access library information remotely; (3) for what purposes student use their cell-phones and whether they use them to access library resources, including our social networking sites; and (4) which social networking sites students use and for what purposes. cache/istl-1549.html txt/istl-1549.txt