id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt istl-1411 STS Forum for Science & Technology Library Research [Conference Report] .html text/html 205 6 12 From nine abstracts submitted, the following three were selected based on criteria of timeliness, scholarship, and relevance to science and technology librarianship: Stretching the Dollars for Library Materials in Science and Technology in Illinois, by Virginia Baldwin, Associate Professor, Booth Library Eastern Illinois University An Investigation of the Efficacy of Intelligent Agents in Collection Development, by Jennifer Weintraub, Collection Development Librarian, Mann Library, Cornell University The Work Demands and Information Seeking Behavior of Ph.D. Physics Students: A Comparison Across Roles, by Kevin McDonough, Reference and Research Support Librarian, Library Research cache/istl-1411.html txt/istl-1411.txt