id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt istl-1402 Building the Collections of the California Digital Library .html text/html 2863 104 34 The elements of the California Digital Library initiative include: Creation of the California Digital Library as a new entity independent of, but integrated with existing campus library systems; Development of digital collections beginning with the charter collection: Science, Technology, and Industry; Creation of mechanisms for more effective intercampus library collaboration and resource sharing; and Using the digital library as a foundation for development of new methods for scholarly communication, including digitization of unique UC materials and development of new methods of access to the knowledge created by University faculty and the unique content stored in UC libraries, museums and other specialized units. Establish a digital collection with the critical mass needed to investigate a variety of issues relating to scholarly and scientific communication, including storage, preservation, standards, delivery mechanisms, electronic publishing, user training, and appropriate business models for digital collections. cache/istl-1402.html txt/istl-1402.txt