id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt homer-odyssey_22-800 homer homer-odyssey_22-800 -800 .txt text/plain 4595 166 82 Then she went inside to call the women and tell them what had happened; whereon they came from their apartment with torches in their hands, and pressed round Ulysses to embrace him, kissing his head and shoulders and taking hold of his hands. When she saw all the corpses and such a quantity of blood, she was beginning to cry out for joy, for she saw that a great deed had been done; but Ulysses checked her, Old woman, said he, rejoice in silence; restrain yourself, and do not make any noise about it; it is an unholy thing to vaunt over dead men. cache/homer-odyssey_22-800.txt txt/homer-odyssey_22-800.txt