id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt austen-emma_007-1815 austen austen-emma_007-1815 1815 .txt text/plain 2418 133 81 At last, with some hesitation, Harriet said-- Miss Woodhouse, as you will not give me your opinion, I must do as well as I can by myself; and I have now quite determined, and really almost made up my mind--to refuse Mr. Martin. She had heard, as soon as she got back to Mrs. Goddard's, that Mr. Martin had been there an hour before, and finding she was not at home, nor particularly expected, had left a little parcel for her from one of his sisters, and gone away; and on opening this parcel, she had actually found, besides the two songs which she had lent Elizabeth to copy, a letter to herself; and this letter was from him, from Mr. Martin, and contained a direct proposal of marriage. cache/austen-emma_007-1815.txt txt/austen-emma_007-1815.txt