College and Research Libraries and periodicals to a departmental library, with the explanation that there simply wasn't any more shelving space. I n two weeks the required expansion was pro- vided. Gradually, by methods running the gamut of persuasion all the way from presidential ukase to subterfuge, univer- sity librarians are taking over the depart- mental libraries. Library schools are working toward the day when they will develop departmental librarians who are specialists in the subject itself as well as in its bibliography. I t is a goal worth striv- ing for, although in this feverish age it seems impossible of attainment. A Handbook of Medical Library Practice AH A N D B O O K O F M E D I C A L L I B R A R Y P R A C T I C E is in preparation by a com- mittee of the Medical Library Associa- tion. Based on a preliminary manuscript by M . Irene Jones of the medical science department, Detroit Public Library, this book will be the result of the combined efforts of a group of medical librarians who are trying here to collect and present in orderly fashion those differences in ma- terial and procedures which distinguish a medical library from a general one. T h e i r intention is to give chiefly the added information a general librarian needs upon entering the medical field. F a r from be- ing a complete manual of procedure, the volume presupposes some general knowl- edge of library methods and tools. It will form, as its title indicates, a supple- mentary handbook of special practices and reference equipment for medicine. Particularly full treatment will be given subject headings, classification, reference books, rare books, and the history of medicine. T h e contents will comprise the following chapters: I. T h e medical library and the librarian, by J u d i t h W a l l e n H u n t ; I I . Selection and ordering of books and periodicals, by Bertha B. H a l l a m ; I I I . Cataloging, by L . Margueriete P r i m e ; I V . Subject headings, by Isabelle T . Anderson; V . Classification, by M a r y Louise Marshall and M . Irene Jones; V I . Reference, by Eileen R. C u n n i n g h a m ; V I I . Pamphlets, pictures, microfilm, etc., by Eleanor Fair and Lillia M . D . T r a s k with the collaboration of Ethel W i g - more; V I I I . Rare books and the history of medicine, by Chauncey D . Leake and G e r t r u d e L . Annan. T h i s editorial committee, under the chairmanship of J a n e t Doe, hopes for publication in the spring of 1941. In- quiries may be addressed to the secretary of the association, Anna C. H o l t , 25 Shat- tuck St., Boston. 240 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES