314 College & Research Libraries March 2020 starting points that provide readers with an initial foray into the issues and concerns LAM staff face. Additional scholarship can now follow by using this volume as a springboard for an even richer variety of case studies and interviews. These considerations aside, the book will be of value for archivists, librarians, museum curators, and staff working in university and cultural heritage contexts. The volume will also be useful for graduate students taking courses in special collections or archives at schools of information and library science. The helpful case studies provide literary glimpses into how LAMs collaborate with each other, engage users, and use technology to improve access to information. Ultimately, the volume provides readers with “a fresh understanding and ap- preciation of what makes many cultural institutions successful” (xiv).—Christopher J. Anderson, Yale University The Future Academic Librarian’s Toolkit: Finding Success on the Job Hunt and in Your First Job. Megan Hodge, ed. Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2019. 318p. Paper, $62.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-8957-9). LC 2019-022297. This book is divided into five sections, beginning with an orientation to academic librarianship and ending with the search for one’s second profes- sional position. The descriptive section titles tell the reader exactly what to expect from each part, and they deliver on their promises. Librarians or MLIS students short on time will benefit from the many “Try This” sections scattered throughout every chapter. These include short lists of action steps the reader can take. Chapter 1, “An Introduction to Academic Librarianship” by J.E. Callas, is everything an aspiring librarian unfamiliar with academia would want or need to know. What is the mission of an academic library? Does institution size matter? How does a librarian earn tenure? Readers are urged not to skip this thoroughly informative chapter. No further chapters were needed for part I; this one does an excellent job of explain- ing academic librarianship. Chapter 2, “Making Yourself Marketable for Academic Librarian Positions” by K. Sobel, begins the second section. The primary foci are planning your job search, gaining applied experience in an academic library, taking courses that will serve you well, and formatting a CV. Although the chapter wandered a bit far from its stated marketability goal when it delved into social media, the writing is informative and practical. Its tone is accessible and encourag- ing while not palliating the subject for the reader. Chapter 3, “The Academic Job Search” by P.A. Mosley, gives excellent advice on how to prepare for an academic interview. Mosley describes pitfalls to avoid in the application process, such as using a generic cover letter, failing to provide references up front, or sticking to a one- page limit for a CV. A rich description of what to expect in an on-campus interview follows. This section is particularly important reading for potential interviewees, as it will guide them through a variety of common experiences from dinner to the presentation. Some of the most helpful guidance in this chapter is that which helps applicants navigate interpersonal landmines: for example, “avoid coming across as someone who will immediately change things or express- ing disapproval for things that are not done in the way you were taught in library school” (61). Expanding on the general job search information in the previous chapter, “Troubleshoot- ing the Job Search” by R. Hodson, M. Sullivan, and K. Williams provides advice on how to Book Reviews 315 approach some of the major roadblocks one might expect in the search process. The reader is asked to center themselves within one of six different job-seeker personas to determine how to approach their candidacy and the interview. For example, a “library veteran” who has sub- stantial work experience in a paraprofessional position ought to be prepared to answer how they will handle transitioning into a professional role. The authors also suggest approaches for describing transferrable skills in such a way to make it easy to connect to a library-related context. Another noteworthy section outlines a sample schedule for keeping a job search man- ageable and well-organized. Checking job boards daily, scheduling time to write applications weekly, reflecting on progress, and rewarding yourself monthly are sound advice. In part III, “Working within the Academy,” the authors aim to acclimate new academic librarians to their jobs. Chapter 5, “You’re Hired! Now What? Positioning Yourself for Success in a New Job” by Z.T. Wilkinson, covers many things that those new to the profession would need to have an awareness of when they launch their careers. Enumerating these is helpful, as many supervisors may miss some of this key information during onboarding. Practicalities such as procedures for requesting vacation time and how and when you will be evaluated are all essential in a new position. Chapter 6, “Liaison Librarianship” by J. Glover, thoroughly covers the duties that may be expected of a librarian in this role. The author’s attention to connecting with faculty in liaison areas will be particularly valuable to first-time liaison librarians. A bit of advice is of- fered that resonates far beyond the role of a liaison as well: “developing and maintaining soft skills can dramatically improve our ability to connect our patrons with the resources that will enable them to excel” (121). The value of building informal relationships with liaison faculty in a social setting is also presented. Although several assessment methods for determining the effectiveness of liaison work are presented, none is quite robust enough to satisfy. In the end, this will be in the hands of the liaison librarian’s primary evaluator. One of the most urgent messages presented in this chapter is the advice that new librarians adopt early on a documentation mindset. Having appropriate documentation of activities and interaction with faculty is essential for successful promotion, tenure, and annual evaluation documents. Chapter 7, “A Primer for New Teachers” by C. Benjes-Small, is a comprehensive orienta- tion to basic library pedagogy. Most of the advice presented is sound and will be very helpful to new library instructors (for example, the idea of focusing conversations with faculty on student learning rather than the librarian’s preferences). If a faculty member cannot attend a library instruction session, the suggestion that they send “a colleague ... who is familiar with the course and would be willing to attend in her place” is unusual (136). If your library has a faculty attendance policy, it is likely that explaining it would suffice. The section on lesson planning includes the essential information needed for success in this area, especially to man- age cognitive load and start from the end—what you want students to be able to do after the lesson. Although brief, the passage on assessment will serve as a useful foundation for new librarians. A key takeaway here is that “the point of assessment is not to gather data to fill up your files; it should be used to improve your teaching and student learning experiences” (143). Chapter 8, “Academic Librarian Roles beyond Public Services” is introduced by M. Hodge, the book’s editor. It contains profiles of academic librarian specialties that may not be as well-known to new librarians. These include Digital Scholarship Librarian (by A. Kozi- ura), Academic Data Librarian (M. Henderson), Scholarly Communications Librarian (J.E. Martin), Special Collections and Archives Librarian: Unicorns of the Library (A. Pellerin and 316 College & Research Libraries March 2020 M.D. Johnson), and Preservation Librarian (F. Durant and B. Smith). The profiles share basic requirements, what each does on a regular basis, the opportunities for advancement they do or do not offer, and resources for learning more about the position. They are short but well- curated and would benefit both new academic librarians and those considering a move away from reference and/or instruction. Part IV, “Establishing Yourself within the Profession,” shifts to practical advice for those on-the-job at any level. This information needs to find its way to more seasoned academic librarian readers; it is truly beneficial for managers and anyone interested in generating more professional “wins.” Of all the sections in the book, this is the most essential reading for in- spiring long-term career success. Chapter 9, “Networking and Conferences” by A. Hartsell- Gundy, offers a variety of ways in which one can network—up to and including conference attendance. Hartsell-Gundy offers straightforward advice on how to balance your conference schedule, ways to make travel more affordable, and tips on starting authentic conversations. Chapter 10, “Negotiating, Persuading, and Influencing: Putting Your Ideas to Work” by R.M. Waltz, encourages the reader to spend time getting to know their organizational context through Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal’s four frames. Change management is also covered in some depth, and Waltz does a brilliant job of simplifying these complex processes. Although heavy in theory, this chapter helps the reader lay a foundation for more effective future actions. The appendices included will help readers implement theory and should not be skipped over. If one chapter could be required reading for all with publishing requirements, it should be chapter 11, “A Rhetorical Approach to Writing for Publication” by M.S. Broussard. Without condescension or judgment, Broussard validates the reader’s struggle to produce academic manuscripts and offers ways to mitigate the challenges inherent in the topic formation and writing processes. Expect to come away from this chapter ready to hone ideas, overcome writer’s block, prewrite, and prepare a manuscript for publication. Chapter 12, “Plan Your Impact: Stacking Your Skills to Make Yourself Irreplaceable” by K.D. Deards and L.S. Lo, will help librarians gain influence and recognition. They advocate that putting substantive thought and effort into crafting a professional presence will appear effortless to your peers. The section on saying no in a positive way to authority figures will be helpful to many progressing through the academic librarianship ranks. Heed the authors’ advice on getting your message across in a way that conveys dedication to your work. There are tables full of examples ready for implementation. The book concludes with part V, “Preparing for Your Next Position.” Chapter 13, “Making the Most of and Moving beyond Your First Professional Position: Strategies for Success” by S. Hare and A. Versluis, is the sole chapter in the section. The authors recommend developing a peer network and making sure your work is visible in the field. An emphasis on incorporat- ing a reflective practice into your daily work is unique to this chapter. The authors insist that there is no right or wrong length of time that librarians should stay in a position. “Generally speaking,” they say, “running toward a new position and the opportunities that it offers is a more effective strategy than running away from your current position.” The authors of this volume are experienced academic librarians from colleges and uni- versities throughout the United States. Many are in leadership positions within their orga- nizations. Their chapters are thoroughly referenced, and many also provide recommended reading lists. Overall, this succinct volume offers the aspiring academic librarian precisely the overview of the field and the practical, actionable advice they need. This information is meant Book Reviews 317 to be implemented. Those new to the profession will benefit from a cover-to-cover reading, while some may only need to read a chapter here and there to fill in gaps in their knowledge. It is laudable that Hodge has edited these many authors’ works into a handbook that flows well for the reader. Inevitably there is minor overlap between chapters, limited mostly to the subjects of informal networking and online presence. This is essential reading for aspiring academic librarians, MLIS students with an undecided specialty, and those who mentor these individuals.—Ginger H. Williams, Wichita State University Matthew Reidsma. Masked by Trust: Bias in Library Discovery. Sacramento, CA: Library Juice Press, 2019. 194p. Paper, $28.00 (ISBN 978-1-63400-083-3). LCCN 2019010995. In his book, Masked by Trust: Bias in Library Discovery, Reidsma addresses the increasing use and misplaced trust in search engines, and how library software developers have integrated Google-like elements into discovery systems. Since libraries license these systems, users believe that they are more reliable than web, or general purpose, search engines. However, the author asserts that, since library discovery systems are created by people with biases, they are not as neutral as vendors and libraries claim. Reidsma references several important researchers throughout the text, such as Safiya Umoja Noble, Cathy O’Neil, Carole Cadwalladr, and others, who have published works regarding algorithmic bias. These, in addition to his own research into algorithms in library systems, help support the author’s assertion that library systems are not immune from bias, thereby making the case that even library systems are not neutral. The first chapter focuses on a lengthy but necessary discussion of algorithms. The author notes that engineers and the general public think of algorithms and their use differently and asks the question “how do you write an equation that allows a person to retain their dignity and humanity when you are trying to calculate the ‘lowest valued customer’” (11). Reidsma men- tions that search algorithms are difficult to analyze as they are proprietary, comparing them to black boxes. Other interesting sections of this chapter focus on social aspects of algorithms, the trust users put into them, that users are effectively “sold” that search algorithms are objective and neutral information-gathering tools, including the factors that go into the development of algorithms, as well as how they affect people. He discusses Noble’s research on Dylan Roof’s mass murder of nine black church attendees in Charleston, South Carolina, including Roof’s citing of Google’s search results that drove his decision, which is a disturbing sentiment. Reidsma ends the chapter with questions regarding the perceived objectivity of algorithms, as well as asking about the similarities and differences between search engines and library discovery systems, including if either of them warrant the “blind trust” applied to them by users (30). Reidsma covers a lot of ground in the second chapter on search engines. He discusses why users put so much trust in search engines and rankings and how developers have imple- mented similar elements into library discovery systems. The author presents more valuable information presented by Noble regarding her own research on algorithms and biased results that the reader should pay close attention to, as well as Cadwalladr’s research, which presents the question of ethical responsibilities that companies have regarding their responsibilities in addressing issues with their algorithms. The third chapter centers on library discovery with a good explanation of the similarities and differences of library discovery systems and search engines. The author makes several