308 College & Research Libraries May 2012 challenges of preserving digital objects, metadata about these objects, user experi- ences with these digital objects, and infor- mation about the dynamic relationship between these technologies and culture, will find this book useful.—Anders Selhorst, Guilford Technical Community College. Lesley S. J. Farmer. Instructional Design for Librarians and Information Profes- sionals. New York: Neal-Schuman, 2011. 229p. alk. paper, $80.00 (ISBN 9781555707361). LC 2011-31233. Intended as a handbook for working librarians as well as a textbook for library and information science courses, this book aims to improve librarians’ instruc- tion by making the planning process more systematic. Farmer follows Robert A. Reiser’s and John V. Dempsey’s 2007 definition of instructional design as an iterative process that moves reflectively through the stages of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evalu- ation. Early in the book, Farmer observes that the instructional design process has several characteristics that makes it well suited for the kinds of instruction engaged in by librarians. Instructional design is learner centered (for individual learners as well as groups); goal oriented (both learners and instructors know the goals); performance focused (learners are asked to demonstrate their new knowledge or skills); data driven (data is generated by both teachers and learners, throughout the process); and self-correcting (the instruc- tor analyzes the data collected and makes adjustments to each step in the process). Farmer has strong credentials in in- struction. Her PhD is in adult education, she has worked as a K–12 library media specialist and currently teaches in and coordinates the librarianship program at California State University, Long Beach. Her publications include more than twenty books and numerous articles. She received ALA’s Beta Phi Mu Award in 2011 for distinguished contributions to education in librarianship. In each of the book’s nine chapters, Farmer’s exposition takes a broad view of instructional design, while her varied examples link the material to libraries. Chapter Two, “Instructional Design Over- view,” illustrates this approach. Farmer introduces several instructional design models; each either is broad enough to apply to libraries or fits particular needs that libraries have. Within this survey of models, she provides a succinct, highly useful case study that illustrates the AD- DIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model’s application to a school library setting. The case study’s steps are easily transferable to other types of libraries. She also introduces BLAAM (Blended Librarians Adapted AD- DIE Model), which better fits the smaller scale of most instruction in academic libraries. Rapid Prototyping (discussed further in the chapter on design content decisions) is a technology design process that academic librarians might find use- ful for designing online tutorials. Farmer suggests that, for efficiency, libraries adopt one model for all their instructional design. Subsequent chapters (learners in in- structional design; preplanning; design content decisions; instructional delivery; technology; instructional systems; and management issues) follow a common format. Farmer first identifies core fea- tures and issues that must be considered for a given stage or aspect of instruction Index to advertisers AIAA 212 Annual Reviews 211 Bowker/RCL 312 CHOICE Reviews Online 278 Digital Libr. Sys. Grp. cvr 4, 259,261 EBSCO 206 ISTE cover 2 Modern Language Assoc. cover 3 Peter Lang Publishing 232 Peterson Institute 205 Philosophy Documentation Ctr. 216 Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics 208-209 Society for American Archivists 302 Book Reviews 309 design. Then she takes up more specific topics and processes, providing (often in list format) actionable information to guide readers in their own instructional design work. The chapter text is followed by a sample lesson or instructional design that illustrates the material presented. These end-of-chapter samples represent a mix of educational settings, from kinder- garten/first grade through eighth grade, high school, undergraduates, and even a videoconference for school librarians. References conclude each chapter. Farmer presents complex material effectively. She uses metadiscourse well to signal a new direction, link what a source says to her own thoughts on the topic, or move from content to examples. The section headings within each chap- ter are carefully chosen to orient the reader to new topics in the text. Farmer is also skilled at supporting her presenta- tion with an extensive, diverse array of sources, some as recent as the year this book was published. For example, in chapter 4, “Preplanning,” her discussion of the process of determining assessment of instruction incorporates, in summary form, the American Association of Higher Education’s nine principles for assessment of learning. Readers can work with the summary, because enough detail is given to allow this; or they can follow the cita- tion if they need further elaboration. These useful summaries appear throughout the book, and Farmer often adapts them to libraries by adding italicized examples to each point or list item. A particularly effec- tive instance of adaptation is the list, also in chapter 4, of ten educational settings in which instructional design can be used. Beyond “teacher-directed group instruc- tion,” librarians can also use instructional design in one-on-one tutorial teaching (reference interviews and thesis con- sultations); learning groups (when they include a librarian); committee-guided group learning (professional develop- ment offerings, such as library confer- ences and workshops); and collaborative institutional planning (where two or more institutions, or units within the same orga- nization, offer services together). What follows are three instances of Farmer’s broad approach to instructional design that took me beyond my habitual view of my instructional role. First, Farm- er reminds us that standardized textbooks don’t usually contain much in the way of contextual material. Therefore, “providing resources in support of curriculum is the most basic function done by librarians.” This is a common component of instruc- tion for school librarians. For academic li- brarians, however, this comment reminds us that we can also use our instructional design skills to suggest, adapt, or cocreate curricular materials focused on library re- sources. Second, Farmer asserts the advan- tages of learner-generated instructional resources. Because information technol- ogy tools (especially Web 2.0) can be easy to use, they enable learners to focus more of their attention on course content. Thus, learners can readily demonstrate their understanding of both course content and information literacy by creating a Web page, video, class blog, or mixed media album. Librarians can collaborate with course instructors on the design, informa- tion literacy instruction, and evaluation of these kinds of assignments. Farmer notes that such assignments align with the edu- cational philosophies of constructivism and student-centered curriculum. Third, Farmer’s discussion of steps in the process of structuring instructional strategies— how we plan to help learners engage with and process our curriculum—contains an important takeaway message for aca- demic librarians. In our instructional role as change agents, we should strive to have an influence on all the steps in structur- ing instructional strategies—even those that we haven’t traditionally thought of as within our purview. Where can we do more to strengthen learning of our curric- ulum? Farmer’s discussion suggests that librarians can help learners manipulate curricular information by demonstrat- ing ways to locate key information, and take notes on it, from a difficult-to-read 310 College & Research Libraries May 2012 scholarly book or journal article. We can look for ways to help learners make the curriculum personally meaningful so that they will accept the new information and be more likely to incorporate it into long-term memory. We can ensure that the curriculum includes a robust way for learners to act on the new information. Instructional Design for Librarians and Information Professionals provides an infor- mative and thought-provoking addition to the book-length offerings on instruc- tional design that have direct applicability for academic librarians. Other relevant titles include Laurie Richlin’s Blueprint for Learning (Stylus, 2006); Steven J. Bell and John D. Shank’s Academic Librarianship by Design: A Blended Librarian’s Guide to Tools and Techniques (American Library Asso- ciation, 2007); and Valeda Frances Dent’s Keeping the User in Mind (Chandos, 2009). In sum, there is much to appreciate in Farmer’s book, and little to criticize. I noticed several small editing errors, and the sample instructional design in chapter 3 needs clarification of the librarian’s role in the design and the lesson. But these are very minor blemishes in a strong and use- ful work. For me, the book’s greatest value resides in the opportunities it opens up for reexamining my options as a teacher through multiple lenses. Rather than limiting my concerns to the typical ones (selecting content; deciding how students will practice the skills I’m teaching; timing my classroom sessions; and assessment), Farmer invites me to consider much more. As I thought about topics such as the range of considerations in the preplanning stage of instructional design, how I might use the “Learning Activity Collaborative Plan- ning Checklist” to work more effectively with course instructors, and how I might employ agile design, I realized that Farm- er’s book has expanded my perspectives as a teacher and as a librarian.—Glenn Ellen Starr Stilling, Appalachian State University. Getting Started with Cloud Computing: A LITA Guide. Eds. Edward M. Cor- rado and Heather Lea Moulaison. New York: Neal-Schuman Publisher, Inc., 2011. 214p. alk. paper, $65 (ISBN 9781555707491). LC 2011-017261. A model volume appropriate for all types of libraries, Getting Started with Cloud Computing: A LITA Guide introduces and grounds readers to the changes, chal- lenges, and innovations promised by cloud computing. Roy Tennant’s foreword succinctly sums up the book as “chapter and verse” on how to effectively deploy them in your library. Within its opening chapter, “Perspectives on Cloud Com- puting in Libraries,” coeditors Heather Lea Moulaison and Edward M. Corrado provide a starting point for librarians with little knowledge of cloud computing and explain both its promises and realities. As experts in library technology topics, Mou- laison and Corrado vetted and edited each contribution to this guide, which covers librarians’ special concerns about data and issues of privacy, security, and own- ership that, perhaps, other organizations looking to cloud computing services may not concern themselves with. And they discuss the pluses of cloud computing: that it theoretically offers quick mobili- zation of services without an increase in personnel or infrastructure costs. Each subsequent chapter in part one primes librarians for comprehending all aspects of cloud computing. Rosalyn Metz’s “Understanding the Cloud: An Introduction to the Cloud” defines the cloud, lists five characteristics, three ser- vice models, and four deployment models, all of which provide context for readers to relate their working knowledge of services to concepts. H. Frank Cervone’s “Cloud Computing: Pros and Cons” persuades li- brarians to introduce cloud-based services one at a time so that they may be agile in responding to changes, but also so that they are not locked into long-term stifling relationships with one vendor. “What Cloud Computing Means for Libraries” discusses the opportunities that cloud computing brings for information technol- ogy organizations to reallocate resources and reconfigure personnel. Carl Grant of-