Knight.indd Analysis of Citations in Undergraduate Papers 1 Stacey Knight-Davis and Jan S. Sung This paper presents the findings of a citation analysis of papers written by undergraduate students.The analysis included the types of materials cited, number of citations per paper, publication year, online availability, andrefereedstatusofmaterialscited.Libraryownershipofmaterialswas also analyzed.Number of citations in each paper increased over the first three papers, as did the number of refereed journals cited.There was also a positive correlation between the number of citations in the paper and the word count of the paper. itation analysis is a useful method to gather information about the materials students have available when writing papers. Student citations offer an op- portunity to assess library collections and services. A library’s collections can be compared to works cited to see if they hold the items used most o en by stu- dents. Citations can also be analyzed to determine the format, date, and refereed status of the materials cited. This kind of data is useful in determining whether or not information literacy programs are ef- fective in encouraging the use of scholarly sources. This project began with the desire to improve the collections and instruction services at Eastern Illinois University’s Booth Library by be er understanding which sources undergraduate students were citing in their papers. We dis- covered that our campus had already built a depository of student papers to assess student writing. This collection included papers drawn from the entire undergraduate student body, with papers collected from the same student peri- odically to show changes over time. This collection of papers is unique because it represents truly authentic examples of student writing. Students were free to submit any paper they considered repre- sentative of their writing ability. As there were not strict criteria in place, and each paper was also a graded assignment, the papers submi ed by the students offer a snapshot of genuine student writing. This paper collection contains accurate representations of the papers students write for course credit. The study of this excellent collection of student work pro- vides baseline data for future instruction and information literacy programs. It also serves to collect evidence to guide collection development by describing the types of materials students cite, their use of online resources, and the availability of materials cited in the library’s collection. Literature Review Citation analysis has a long history as a collection development tool. Librarians have examined citations to determine the Stacey Knight-Davis and Jan S. Sung are Librarians and Assistant Professors in Booth Library at Eastern Illinois University; e-mail: and 447 448 College & Research Libraries September 2008 value and need for specific materials for decades. More recently, citation analysis has become a tool librarians can use to assess the information literacy skills of students. In 1998, Margaret J. Sylvia studied both graduate and undergraduate psychology student bibliographies to evaluate the use of her institution’s journal collection. Syl- via found that 70 percent of the journals cited were held by the library.1 Erin T. Smith also performed citation analysis to evaluate collections, studying theses and dissertations. Books, periodicals, confer- ence proceedings, theses, dissertations, and Web site citations were analyzed. The library owned 87 percent of all materials cited. 2 Citation analyses performed to assess information literacy include the landmark study by Phillip M. Davis and Suzanne Cohen with undergraduate economics students.3 Davis replicated his own study in 2002, finding a significant increase in the citation of Web sites between 1996 and 2000. He also found that library instruc- tion alone was not effective in increasing the number of journal and book citations in student bibliographies.4 Andrew M. Robinson and Karen Schlegl studied bibli- ographies from political science students. Their findings showed that an effective method to raise the number of scholarly sources in student bibliographies was to combine a library instruction session with an academic penalty for using nonschol- arly sources.5 Other studies providing data on the types of cited materials include Joseph R. Kraus’ analysis of papers presented at an undergraduate research symposium for advanced biology. Kraus found the majority (76.2%) of citations were to schol- arly journals. Only 1 percent of citations were to Web sites.6 Charles Oppenheim and Richard Smith analyzed final-year projects from Information Science stu- dents, finding books (40.2%) and journals (29.5%) to be the most heavily cited.7 Fei Yu, Jane Sullivan, and Leith Woodhall analyzed bibliographies from engineering students, finding that citations to Internet sources decrease as students progress in their course of study. For first-year bibli- ographies, 67.1 percent of citations were to Web sites, while in bibliographies from fourth-year students 22.9 percent of cita- tions were to Web sites.8 All of the studies mentioned above use student work selected from a single discipline, course, or year of study. In contrast, Jake Carlson selected papers from classes across all disciplines that assigned a research paper. The research paper assignment required sources be- yond class readings. Carlson found that the majority of sources cited (50%) were books. Journal articles were the next most commonly cited, at 19 percent, followed by Web sites at 16 percent. First-year students cited Web sites more o en than journals, but all other classes used journal articles more than Web sites.9 Method Student work analyzed in this study comes from the Electronic Writing Portfo- lio. Each undergraduate student at East- ern Illinois University (EIU) is required to periodically submit writing samples to build an individual portfolio. The Elec- tronic Writing Portfolio was developed by the EIU Commi ee for the Assessment of Student Learning (CASL) to assess stu- dent writing effectiveness. For submission 1, students must submit a paper wri en in a 1000-level English course before they have earned 30 credit hours. Submission 2 must come from a writing-centered or writing-intensive course below the 4000 level and be submi ed when the student has earned between 30 and 59 credit hours. Submission 3 is made when the student has between 60 and 89 credit hours completed and must be from a 3000- or 4000-level writing-centered or writing-intensive course. Students who have completed 75 hours are required to complete a senior seminar and submit work from that course to their writing portfolio. All submission 4 papers come from senior seminar. The senior seminars Analysis of Citations in Undergraduate Papers 449 are designed to be interdisciplinary cap- stone courses, and students must choose a seminar topic outside their major area of study. When the sample used in this study was drawn, students could submit any type of work, including creative and technical writing, as long as work was submi ed from each required level. While students are encouraged to submit their best work, they are limited by the number and types of writing projects produced in each course that meets the requirements for each submission level. Submissions may only come from certain classes, so the documents in the portfolio become a snapshot of the types of assignments required in these classes. Electronic writing portfolio documents are stored on a server on the EIU campus. A program to pull random samples was developed locally under the guidance of the EIU Center for Academic Support and Achievement (CASA). In 2005, a sample of completed portfolios containing work submi ed between 2000 and 2005 was pulled to assess writing ability. Permis- sion was granted by the CASA director for this sample to be used for this study also. The sample included 957 papers from 312 portfolios. The average total undergradu- ate student population from 2000 through 2005 was 9,690 students. Not all portfolios contained all four submissions, as transfer students were generally exempted from the first two submission requirements. The year each document was submi ed was available in the sample data, but no information about the student, such as major or college, was provided. Information on sources used in student writing was gathered by one person. Each paper was available electronically as a separate file. Each file was opened and skimmed on screen to find footnotes or a reference list. The publication year for each source found was recorded. Sources were then coded as one of the following cat- egories: Book, Web, Journal, Newspaper, Government Document, or Audiovisual. Sources not fi ing into these six categories were coded as Other. Library ownership of books was determined by searching the online catalog. Journals were checked against a list that included both print and electronic journal holdings, as well as the contents of aggregated databases acces- sible through the library. Journal titles were further coded as Refereed or Not Refereed. Refereed status was determined using Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. All identifying information on the student was removed from the paper by the CASA staff. Each paper was assigned an identifying number, and the year it was wri en was recorded. A word count was made for each paper using Microso Word. Data were initially recorded in a spreadsheet and later converted for analysis with SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science 14.0). Data were heav- ily treated using recoding, frequencies, and cross-tabulation. Statistical tests employed were Chi-Square, ANOVA, and correlation with two-tailed significance tests at the 0.05 level. Results From the sample of 957 papers, 293 had no citations, footnotes, or reference list of any kind. Another 244 papers included in-text citations but no reference list or footnotes (table 1). We defined in-text citation as any bibliographic information inserted into the text of the document. This included standard in-text citations in APA and MLA formats, as well as par- enthetical fragments of information. We encountered page numbers without a title or author, Web page titles, author names, and URLs, all of which we defined as “in- text citations.” We defined reference list as any bibliographic information at the end of the document or as a footnote. Again, this category included standard citation formats as well as bare URLs and other citation fragments. A total of 420 papers had reference lists that could be analyzed. The percentage of papers that had no citations of any kind remained relatively the same over the 450 College & Research Libraries September 2008 TABLE 1 Number of Papers with/without Citations Papers Sub 1 Sub 2 Sub 3 Papers without In-Text Citation or Reference List 38 (25%) 64 (33%) 92 (30%) Papers with In-Text Citations but without Reference List 64 (42%) 54 (28%) 74 (24%) Papers with In-Text Citation and Reference List 51 (33%) 74 (39%) 140 (46%) Total 153 (100%) 192 (100%) 306 (100%) Chi-square=36.44, df=6, p<0.001 Sub 4 99 (32%) 52 (17%) 155 (51%) 306 (100%) Total 293 (31%) 244 (25%) 420 (44%) 957 (100%) four submissions. However, the number of papers with in-text citations that lacked a reference list decreased steadily over the four submissions. For submission 1, 42 percent lacked a reference list. Submis- sion 2 had 28 percent with no reference list; and in submission 3, 24 percent had no reference list. For submission 4, 17 percent of papers had no reference list. The differences in citing behaviors of students over the four submissions were statistically significant (Chi-square=36.44, df=6, p<0.001). Word counts (table 2) were significantly affected by whether students cited sources or not (F=65.05, df=2, p<0.001). While the average word count of papers without any form of citation was 946, average word count of papers with a reference list was 1,651. The correlation coefficient between TABLE 2 Word Counts and Citations Paper Word Counts N Mean SD Papers without In-Text Citation or Reference List 288 946 831 Papers with In-Text Citations but without Reference List 243 1,350 722 Papers with In-Text Citation and Reference List 415* 1,651 833 Total 946 1,359 858 F=65.61, df=2, p<0.001 *Papers without word counts, total of 5 papers, were not included. word counts and the number of citations among 415 papers with a reference list was r=0.554 (p<0.001). Thirty percent (r2=0.3) of the variation in word count can be ac- counted for by the number of citations. Simply put, papers with more citations will typically have a higher word count. The word count of the reference list or footnotes was included in the word count for each paper. However, the difference in word count between papers with no cita- tions of any kind and papers with a refer- ence list is much higher than the number of words in the reference list. All of the following analyses were based on the 420 papers with reference lists. The information available in the papers without reference lists was too fragmentary and vague to be usable. Table 3 shows the mean number of cita- tions, by type of source, for each submission number. The average overall cita- tions increased over time from 3.57 for submission 1 to 5.13 for submission 3. This trend is broken at submission 4, where the average dropped to 4.88. Differences in mean number of citations among submissions were statisti- cally significant (F=3.22, df=3, p<0.02). However, at the individual level, only the difference between http:Chi-square=36.44 Analysis of Citations in Undergraduate Papers 451 FIGURE 1 Number of Papers vs. Number of Citations in a Paper 0 20 40 60 80 100 N u m b e r o f P a p e rs 2 1 1 8 3 (2 0 % ) 5 6 (1 3 % ) 5 8 (1 4 % ) 4 5 (1 1 % ) 5 3 (1 3 % ) 3 4 (8 % ) 1 9 (5 % ) 1 1 (2 % ) 1 4 (3 % ) 1 2 (3 % ) 9 (2 % ) 1 5 (4 % ) 5 (1 % ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 Number of Citations in aPaper 3 18 1 21 submission 1 and submission 3 was sta- tistically significant. Figure 1 provides more information on the number of citations per paper. Most students cited 5 or fewer sources in their papers. Only 37 of the 420 papers ana- lyzed had more than 10 citations. Table 3 breaks down the citations per paper to each submission. The mean number of citations per paper for all four submis- sions combined was 4.42. Figure 2 illustrates the use of different source types. The books category includes monographs, reference books, two e- TABLE 3 Mean Number of Citations to Different Types of Source Type of Sources Submission 1 N = 51 Submission 2 N = 74 Submission 3 N = 140 Submission 4 N=155 Sum Mean SD Sum Mean SD Sum Mean SD Sum Mean SD Books 52 1.02 0.97 137 1.85 2.11 197 1.41 1.82 201 1.30 2.20 Web 80 1.57 2.69 50 0.68 1.38 147 1.05 1.71 282 1.82 2.18 Journals 36 0.71 1.68 81 1.09 2.24 278 1.99 3.59 139 0.90 2.05 Other 11 0.22 0.50 20 0.27 0.87 36 0.26 0.80 27 0.17 0.70 Newspapers 1 0.02 0.14 4 0.05 0.28 27 0.19 1.09 47 0.30 0.82 Gov Doc 2 0.04 0.20 7 0.09 0.71 28 0.20 0.69 23 0.15 0.48 Audio-Visual 0 0 0 5 0.07 0.30 5 0.04 0.22 38 0.25 0.91 Total Citations 182 3.57 3.28 304 4.11 2.96 718 5.13 3.94 757 4.88 3.49 Differences in Number of Total Citations among Submissions: F=3.232, df=2, p<0.022 Difference in Mean Number of Citations to Books among Submissions: F=2.11, df=3, p<0.1 (Not significant) Difference in Mean Number of Citations to Web among Submissions: F=7.0, df=3, p<0.001 Difference in Mean Number of Citations to Journals among Submissions: F=5.28, df=3, p<0.001 452 College & Research Libraries September 2008 FIGURE 2 Percentage of Papers with Certain Type of Sources by Submission Number Actual number of papers citing certain types of sources was denoted in parentheses. For example, 65% or 33 papers submitted during submission 1 cited book(s). N=51 N=74 N=140 N=155 books, and an electronic encyclopedia. Web is defined as electronic documents that are not electronic books, journals, newspapers, or government documents. Journals include both print and elec- tronic serial publications that are not newspapers or government documents. Magazines are included in the journals category. The other category includes annual reports, personal interviews, brochures, instruments, and works for which a source type could not be deter- mined due to lack of information in the citation. Newspaper includes both print and electronic newspapers. The Gov Docs category also includes both print and elec- tronic documents. Audiovisual includes films, television shows, recordings of songs, and two-dimensional artwork. Books were the preferred source for submissions 1, 2, and 3. The percentage of papers with book sources increased from TABLE 4 Number of Papers with Citations to a Single Source and Papers with Different Types of Sources in the Same Paper Number of Source Types Submission 1 Submission 2 Submission 3 Submission 4 Total 1 29 (57%) 39 (53%) 72 (51%) 67 (43%) 207 (49%) 2 17 (33%) 26 (35%) 35 (25%) 49 (32%) 127 (30%) 3 5 (10%) 7 (9%) 24 (17%) 29 (19%) 65 (15%) 4 0 2 (3%) 9 (7%) 8 (5%) 19 (5%) 5 0 0 0 2 (1%) 2 (1%) Total 51 (100%) 74 (100%) 140 (100%) 155 (100%) 420 (100%) Chi-Square=15.63, df=12, p<.21 (Not significant) Analysis of Citations in Undergraduate Papers 453 TABLE 5 Articles Available Online by Submission Number Online Availability Submission 1 Submission 2 Submission 3 Submission 4 Not Available Online 18 (50%) 33 (41)% 63 (23%) 24 (17%) Available Online 18 (50%) 48 (59%) 215 (77%) 115 (83%) Total 36 81 278 139 Chi-Square=27.15, df=3, p<0.001 Total 138 (26%) 396 (74%) 534 submission 1 to submission 2 and decreased for later submissions. Students were more likely to cite Web sources than books for submission 4 from the senior seminar. Cita- tions to Web sources were more common than journals in first-submission papers, but the trend reversed for second- and third- submission papers. Citations to journals steadily increased over time except for submission 4. There was no statistically significant difference in the average number of citations to books over time (F=2.11, df=3, p<0.1). In contrast, the average number of citations over time to Web or to journals was statistically significantly different (F=7.0, df=3, p<0.001 for Web, and f=5.28, df=3, p<0.001 for journals). Table 4 shows the number of papers with citations to a single source type and the number of papers with multiple source types in the same paper. Of the 420 papers with a reference list, nearly 50 percent of the papers cited only a single source type. Among 207 papers with a single source type, almost half of them, or 99 papers, cited only books. Web sources were the only source for 46 papers, and 38 papers cited only journal sources. The number of papers with a single source type decreased over time from 57 percent for submission 1 to 43 percent for submis- sion 4. The use of multiple source types increased over time, but the difference did not reach statistical significance (Chi- Square=15.63, df=12, p<0.21). For all source types combined, 57 per- cent of citations were to materials avail- able online. These materials included Web sites as well as newspapers (60 online/79 total), books (5 online/587 total), govern- TABLE 6 Publication Year by Source Type Source Type N/A -1950 1951- 1960 1961- 1970 1971- 1980 1981- 1990 1991- 2000 2001- 2005 Total Books 15 18 13 33 57 71 273 107 587 Journals 10 0 3 16 17 32 245 211 534 Web 296 0 0 3 2 3 88 167 559 Newspaper 5 0 0 0 0 4 11 59 79 Gov Doc 15 0 0 0 2 5 19 19 60 Audio- visual 4 0 3 0 1 6 21 13 48 other 66 0 0 0 0 0 14 14 94 Total 411 18 19 52 79 121 671 590 1961 http:Square=15.63 454 College & Research Libraries September 2008 FIGURE 3 Percentage of Papers with Certain Type of Sources by Submission Number 30 (27%)25 (69%) 64 (23%) 89 (64%) 50 (36%) 214 (77%) 51 (63%) 11 (31%) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Submission 1 Submission 2 Submission 3 Submission 4 Not Refereed Refereed N u m b e r o f P a p e rs w it h C it a ti o n s to A rt ic le s 208 (39%) 326 (61%) Total SubmissionNumber ment documents (40 online/60 total), and journals available on the Internet (396 online/534 total). For journals, 396 articles, or 74 percent out of 534 articles cited, were available online. Online availability of articles increased steadily, from 50 percent for submission 1 to 83 percent for the last submission from the senior seminar (table 5). It is not known if students used the on- line version of these materials or the print version. It is only known that the online version was available to them. Table 6 shows the pa ern of publica- tion years and source types. For all source types, students tended to use more cur- rent materials. More than 65 percent of books and 85 percent of articles cited were published a er 1991. Overall, students cited refereed jour- nals more o en than nonrefereed, with 61 percent of journal citations to refereed titles (figure 3). The use of refereed articles doubled from 31 percent for submission 1 to 63 percent for submission 2. The per- centage increased again to 77 percent for submission 3 but decreased to 36 percent for submission 4. This difference was statistically significant (Chi-Square=80.63, df=3, p<0.001). Figure 4 and figure 5 show whether the library held the books and articles cited by the students. Overall, 55 percent of cited books were held by the library. Many of the cited books not owned by the library were course textbooks, which the library does not generally include in its collection because all students are issued textbooks from the university textbook rental service. Journals, which are typi- cally available only through a library, are a be er indicator of the match between library holdings and student use. The library offered access to 80 percent of the articles students cited. Discussion It is clear that the submission number of the paper, which is a reflection of the course taken and the amount of time the student has been in college, is related to the type and amount of material that students cite. In general, we had expected that the number of reference list citations per paper would increase from submis- sion 1 to submission 4, but this was not the case. While it is difficult to completely establish which factors most heavily in- fluence student citation behavior, some trends are clear. The number of papers that included a reference list did increase over the four submissions, as expected. For submission http:Chi-Square=80.63 Analysis of Citations in Undergraduate Papers 455 FIGURE 4 Ownership of Books Cited 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 N u m b e r o f B o o ks C ite d 3 (2%) 6 (4%) 3 (6%) 84 (42%) 46 (34%) 25 (48%) 110 (56%) 85 (62%) 24 (46%) Submission 1 Submission 2 Submission 3 Not known Not owned Owned 9 (4%) 89 (44%) 103 (51%) Submission 4 1, only 33 percent of papers had a refer- The large number of papers without ence list, but submission 4 had a reference citations was disappointing when first list in more than 51 percent of the papers. discovered. This result was partially ex- This aspect of citation behavior has a plained by the CASA staff. Students are simple relationship to the amount of time encouraged to submit their best writing, the student has spent in school. The more not their best research. Many students hours a student has completed, the more choose to submit essays, creative writing, likely he or she is to cite sources. or reflective pieces. CASA staff also ex- FIGURE 5 Ownership of Journals Cited 1 7 (1 2 % ) 2 5 (9 % ) 1 3 (1 6 % ) 2 (6 % ) 1 2 (9 % ) 1 9 (7 % ) 1 0 (1 2 % ) 9 (2 5 % ) 1 1 0 (7 9 % ) 2 3 4 (8 4 % ) 5 8 (7 2 % ) 2 5 (6 9 % ) 0 50 100 150 200 250 Submission 1 Submission 2 Submission 3 Submission 4 Notknown Notowned Owned N u m b e r o f A rt ic le s C it e d 456 College & Research Libraries September 2008 plained that some students choose to keep their works-cited list as a separate file. Students are not required to combine the works-cited file with the file containing the body of the paper before submi ing, which resulted in a group of papers with in-text citations but no reference list. In addition to the positive relationship between including a reference list and number of class hours completed, the analyses performed here also show a posi- tive relationship between paper length and word count. While the idea that longer papers would cite more sources is intuitive, it is reassuring to see that this idea holds up with a large sample of papers from many disciplines. Averaged across all submissions, students who cited sources and had a reference list wrote 705 more words than those who did not cite sources and did not include a reference list. The reference lists were included in the word count. It is estimated that the typical citation in a reference list for pa- pers in this study was 19 words. As noted in other studies, books were the preferred source for many students. For all submissions combined, books ac- counted for 59 percent of citations. This is comparable to Carlson’s results10 of 50 percent of citations to book sources. However, the mean number of citations per paper found by Carlson was much higher. In this study, mean number of cita- tions for submission 1 was 3.57. The mean for submission 4 was 4.88. In comparison, Carlson’s first-year student papers had a mean of 7.78 citations per paper, and senior papers had a mean of 10.11. This difference is most likely due to Carlson’s sampling method, which selected papers only from classes assigning a research paper. The number of citations to journals was highest for submission 3, with a mean of 1.99. This is lower than Carlson’s finding11 of a mean of 2.57 citations to journals in papers wri en for 3000- and 4000-level courses. However, Carlson found that the mean number of citations to journals in papers by juniors in the humanities was only 0.43. As the exact proportions for the number of students in each discipline was not known in this study, it is not possible to determine whether the relatively low number of journal citations in 3000- and 4000-level courses is due to discipline- specific citation practices or some other factor. Use of refereed journals increased sharply for submission 3, with 77 percent of article citations to refereed journals. Since the courses from which students can submit submission 3 typically require a research paper, the sharp increase in use of refereed articles is likely due to re- quirements in the paper assignment. This assumption is borne out by the sharp de- crease in journal usage for submission 4. The citation pa erns seen in submis- sion 4 papers do not follow the trends established in the first three submissions (graph 2). Journal citations drop off (28% for submission 4, 42% for submission 3), and citations to Web sites rise (61% for submission 4, 38% for submission 3). Ci- tations to audiovisual materials also rise (13% for submission 4, 3% for submission 3). The number of citations to nonrefereed journals increased as well (64% for sub- mission 4, 23% for submission 3). All papers for submission 4 come from senior seminar classes. Two circumstantial factors were identified that may contribute to the citation pa erns seen in papers from these classes. First, a study of writing ef- fectiveness conducted by CASA on this same sample found that senior papers were of lesser quality than papers from other classes.12 The second factor is the lack of a coordinated library instruction program for senior seminar students. Rob- inson and Schlegl found that instruction together with enforced instructor guide- lines are an effective way of generating quality student bibliographies.13 Considering these two factors, we suspect that the lack of standardization in writing requirements for the senior seminar classes is responsible for the cita- tion pa ern seen in submission 4 papers. The goal of all senior seminar courses is http:bibliographies.13 http:classes.12 Analysis of Citations in Undergraduate Papers 457 to provide a “cross-disciplinary culminat- ing experience that will provide students with an opportunity to apply concepts and use skills developed in both their general education and major courses,”14 and all courses must include a writing component. There are requirements on the percentage of the grade that must be based on writing and also a requirement that at least one paper must be revised, but there is no requirement on the length of those papers. The wide range of topics and teach- ing styles used in these courses leads to a huge variability in the assignments given, and the lack of standards for the length of writing assignments allows for a large variation in the length of papers submi ed. While all courses must address literacy, critical thinking, and citizen- ship, library research is not specifically required. Assessment of these courses is carried out by the instructor, based on his or her set learning objectives. It is possible to argue that students simply revert to more basic Web search- ing and more basic magazine articles when faced with material from outside their major in senior seminar. However, the poor writing quality found in these courses suggests a problem with the as- signment or poor revision. Since only one assignment must be revised, it is possible that students submit assignments that did not require revision. Conclusion This analysis of student citation behavior reaffirmed some of the assumptions we had made about our collections. It also gave us further insight into the types of materials students cite and how many citations their papers typically include. Having this study completed allows Booth Library to make decisions based on the evidence of past student behavior instead of anecdotal observances and assumptions. One of the assumptions confirmed by this study is the heavy use of materials that are available on the Internet. Over all four submissions, 74 percent of the articles cited were available online. For submission 4, 83 percent of articles cited were available online. We are pleased to note that eleven journals cited by students in print were later licensed in electronic form. Having evidence of undergraduate students’ strong preference for electronic content is helpful when discussing elec- tronic-only journal subscriptions with the teaching faculty. The large percentage of online material cited in student papers also provides support for licensing elec- tronic content. In addition to providing baseline data on citation behavior, this project also provided important insight into current library instruction programs at our uni- versity. At this time, library instruction is offered to any instructor requesting it. Each instructor determines type and amount of library instruction students receive. A dialogue has begun between the library and academic departments to determine if the current system is meet- ing the needs of students and instructors. Should changes be made in curriculum or in the way library instruction is of- fered, this study will provide valuable baseline data to assess the effectiveness of the change. An important point to be taken from this study is the importance of the re- quirements of the paper assignment on citation behavior. The sources a student will choose to cite are o en heavily in- fluenced by the requirements regarding sources, or lack thereof, in the paper as- signment. Librarians typically see only students who are actively seeking sources and may overlook students who have not had classes that required them to conduct research or cite sources. It is important to remember this diversity of student ex- perience when conducting bibliographic instruction sessions and helping students in the reference room. Another benefit from this project was that it allowed Booth Library to develop a good working relationship with the people and commi ees responsible for student 458 College & Research Libraries September 2008 assessment on our campus. The library has also become more involved in campus assessment activities. A library faculty member now belongs to the Commi ee for the Assessment of Student Learning (CASL). We hope that this involvement will ensure that the library’s assessment needs are considered as changes to the Electronic Writing Portfolio procedures are discussed. A major limitation of this study was that no information on academ- ic discipline or college was available. We hope that, by having a library representa- tive at CASL, we can encourage changes that permit this data to be collected. While this study describes the citation behavior of students at one university, all libraries should take an interest in what students at their institutions are writing and how well the library is supporting student needs. While citation analysis can show us what students choose to cite, additional research is needed to determine why students choose these sources. It is imperative that all librar- ians and information professionals continually examine the behavior of their users and clients to ensure that the best possible services and resources are provided. Notes 1. Margaret J. Sylvia, “Citation Analysis as an Unobtrusive Method for Journal Collection Evaluation Using Psychology Student Research Bibliographies,” Collection Building 17, no. 1 (1998): 20–28. 2. Erin T. Smith, “Assessing Collection Usefulness: An Investigation of Library Ownership of the Resources Graduate Students Use,” College & Research Libraries 64 (Sept. 2003): 344–55. 3. Phillip M. Davis and Suzanne A. Cohen, “The Effect of the Web on Undergraduate Citation Behavior 1996–1999,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 52 (Feb. 15, 2001): 309–14. 4. Phillip M. Davis, “The Effect of the Web on Undergraduate Citation Behavior: A 2000 Update,” College & Research Libraries 63 (Jan. 2002): 53–60. 5. Andrew M. Robinson and Karen Schlegl, “Student Bibliographies Improve When Profes- sors Provide Enforceable Guidelines for Citations,” portal: Libraries and the Academy 4 (Apr. 2004): 275–90. 6. Joseph R. Kraus, “Citation Pa erns of Advanced Undergraduate Students in Biology, 2000–2002,” Science & Technology Libraries 22, no.3/4 (2002): 161–79. 7. Charles Oppenheim and Richard Smith, “Student Citation Practices in an Information Science Department,” Education for Information 19 (Dec. 2001): 299–323. 8. Fei Yu, Jane Sullivan, and Leith Woodhalll, “What Can Students’ Bibliographies Tell Us? Evidence Based Information Skills Teaching for Engineering Students,” Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 1, no. 2 (2006): 12–22. 9. Jake Carlson, “An Examination of Undergraduate Student Citation Behavior,” The Journal of Academic Librarianship 32 (Jan. 2006): 14–22. 10. Ibid. 11. Ibid. 12. Eastern Illinois University, Electronic Writing Portfolio Readings Report Fall 2005 (Charleston, Ill.: The University, 2005). 13. Robinson and Schlegl, portal: Libraries and the Academy (Apr. 2004): 275–90. 14. Eastern Illinois University, SENIOR SEMINAR MISSION (Charleston, Ill.: The University, 2001). Available online from [Accessed 13 November 2007].