Allen.indd Toward a Formula-Based Model for Academic Library Funding: Statistical Significance and Implications of a Model Based upon Institutional Characteristics Frank R. Allen and Mark Dickie This study tests the hypothesis that a positive relationship exists between academic library funding (dependent variable) and selected institutional variables taken as indicators of the demand for library services at the university (enrollment, number of doctoral programs, doctoral degrees awarded, number of faculty, select other institutional characteristics). The research employs 11 years of longitudinal data from 113 members of the Association of Research Libraries to create a multiple regression model. Empirical results indicate that operational indicators of the demand for library services are positively associated with funding, and most of the as- sociations are statistically significant at the five percent level or less in two tail tests.In a corollary finding, libraries associated with private universities in the United States spend 21 percent more than their public counterparts, while Canadian university libraries spend 21 percent less than U.S. public university libraries.The presence of a medical school is associated with an 8.6 percent greater expenditure, and the presence of a law school is associated with a 12.3 percent greater expenditure.The study suggests that this formula may be useful as a tool for library funding and assessment of adequacy of library budgets. any academic libraries in the United States have tradition- ally experienced funding in an incremental or haphazard fashion. This served libraries adequately until the la er two decades of the 20th century. The challenge in recent years has been to find a model to support the sea change of issues facing academic libraries, including serials inflation, new technology initiatives, growth in academic degree programs, and changing usage pa erns. Models that may have worked decades ago and models that may be effective in our universities at large no longer serve libraries. How does the 21st-century Frank R. Allen is Associate Director for Administrative Services, University of Central Florida Librar- ies, and Mark Dickie is Professor, Department of Economics, College of Business Administration, at the University of Central Florida; e-mail: and, respectively. 170 http:tests.In Toward a Formula-Based Model for Academic Library Funding 171 academic library petition for funds? What new funding models can libraries employ? What benchmarks are used to determine if a library is adequately funded? Where can we go to identify other models that might serve academic libraries? Subjective funding mechanisms for libraries can impair short- and long-term planning. How can a library director or col- lection manager make informed resource allocation decisions when there is li le predictability for the materials budget? Funding uncertainties are exacerbated by the explosion of published literature, pack- aged deals that encourage libraries to buy what they do not need, and redundancy of content format. It is impossible to know when the library is adequately funded because there is no defined target toward which to aim. Libraries may benefit from an element of objectivity worked into the funding mechanism, one that would center the task of allocating dollars to the library. The library might then be more resigned to going about the business of allocating its scarce economic resources internally, knowing that at least it got its share of the university pie. It is the thesis of this study that the library’s budget should be more program driven and less susceptible to the econom- ic and political vagaries of the institution. A formula-based budget may provide more stability and render the library less vulnerable to disproportionate cuts. A program-driven budget may reinforce the notion of the library as an academic as opposed to an administrative campus unit. Many libraries do not have much traction when negotiating for funding. A program-driven approach may build in growth drivers based upon the health of the institution as a whole. The economic well-being of the library would rise and fall along with the larger university. Literature Survey Few published studies address funding mechanisms for the academic library as a whole. It is important to distinguish between models for funding of the entire library (the focus of this study) versus models for the allocation of the materials budget, not the focus of this study. In a 1992 article, David Baker revealed findings from a survey on resource allocation in university libraries in the United Kingdom. His major conclusions were that there is a movement toward using formulae and unit costs as the basis of allocation of central (state) funds to universities; however, there is li le sign that such approaches are being adopted by universities once the funds are received. He found virtually no evidence of a formula approach to the method of fund- ing university libraries.1 In a 1993 article, Frank Goudy presented data from 1971 to 1990 to show that the ACRL Libraries stan- dard that the library’s appropriation shall be 6 percent of total institution budget has never been realized. According to Goudy, the “6% rule” was wishful thinking that never existed.2 The authors note that ACRL subsequently dropped this standard, rely- ing on a more generalized statement that the library budget should be appropriate to the library’s objectives. (See: ala/acrl/acrlstandards/standardslibraries. htm.)3 Kendon Stubbs lamented in a 1994 study the decline in research libraries’share of university funds. Based upon survey data from 88 ARL libraries, the percent- age of university E&G funds allocated to these libraries fell steadily from 3.91 percent in 1982 to 3.32 percent in 1992. He postulated several causes for this decline, but did not discuss funding formulas.4 Rolf Griebel discussed in a 1995 examination of German university libraries a financial approach known as the “Bavarian Model Budget.” The model uses a methodology that identifies the tier to which a library and university belong and then specifies what percentage of newly published literature a library in this tier should purchase. He concluded that German libraries are un- derfunded by approximately 30 percent, according to this model.5 In a 1996 opinion paper, Murle Kenerson criticized formulas that the Tennessee Higher Education Com- mission (THEC) uses for the distribution of monies to support higher education in Ten- 172 College & Research Libraries March 2007 nessee, including academic libraries. The formulas incorporate full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment and performance-based approaches using student test scores and placement of graduates. Kenerson argued that FTE may be appropriate for funding of classroom instruction; but, at the author’s home institution of Tennessee State Uni- versity, “half-time” students may require as many library resources as full-time students. “Grade point averages, improved test scores and similar mechanisms are of li le consequence in assessing the real value of library services and in securing a fair share of performance funding dollars.” Kenerson found that even when the library was allocated a certain stated amount of funding in the university budget, the full sum was never received by the library.6 In a 1999 article Jin-Chuan Ma argued that Chinese university libraries are slipping behind in their ability to support their in- stitutions’ research agenda. Ma suggested that, in addition to receiving 5 percent of the university’s operational budget, the current model, university libraries should also receive a percentage of the university’s research and grant funding, to be used for acquisition of information resources to support that research.7 Libraries are somewhat of a microcosm of a university, with large staffing, opera- tional, and program-driven costs. It may be of interest to look at the literature on funding mechanisms of universities as a whole. The picture here is also somewhat muddled. In a 2002 article, Peter Facione likened the fiscal process of most American colleges and universities to the “controlled economy approach” used by the former Soviet Union. Central commi ees project income and expenses, establish strict guidelines for expenditures of resources, and take back unexpended balances at year’s end. This approach does li le to reward strategic planning, program re- view, and new program development.8 In a 1985 paper, Jim Tolhurst discussed resource allocation and budgeting in U.K. and Australian universities. He reported on an earlier U.K. study that summarized university funding practices as routinely employing: (1) li le relationship between long-term objective and resource alloca- tion; (2) allocation of resources based upon incremental allocation from an historical base; (3) a division of resources between the academic and nonacademic sectors based upon historical cost-share basis; (4) resource allocation that does not appear to take into account the relative strengths of departments.9 In a 2003 article, Nancy Cantor and Paul Courant discussed recent trends in higher education finance that carry disquieting consequences. The use of “bo om-line departmental budgeting” in which units retain the revenues associated with their activities, but are also responsi- ble for the costs of those activities, works to the detriment of university “public goods,” a prime example of which is the university library. Public goods such as the library are vulnerable under this model because it is o en difficult to establish an exact return on their investment, yet their presence is thought to have a significant impact on the intellectual and cultural well-being of the community as a whole.10 In a 2003 paper, Gunapala Edirisooriya advocated an entirely new approach to funding of higher education in the United States. The author’s premise was to create a reserve for higher education by reducing the amount of funding for higher education by X% per year, beginning far enough out to allow universities to prepare, and increasing this percentage each year until a sizable reserve is established. The reserve is then used to provide a stable source of revenue for both the state and higher education.11 In summary, there appear to be few published models for academic library funding. Furthermore, of the few to be postulated, some of those have not been ap- plied. At least two studies have commented upon the decline of academic library fund- ing in the United States as a percentage of university funding, which one might argue gives further impetus for this study. The literature also reveals a concern at a larger level over university funding mechanisms, suggesting that most are short on objective http:plied.At http:education.11 http:whole.10 Toward a Formula-Based Model for Academic Library Funding 173 rigor and long on political influence or incrementalism. One example of a novel budgeting technique, responsibility-cen- tered management, is a move in an interest- ing direction but denudes the library to an administrative support function devoid of academic mission. Hypothesis and Methodology The purpose of this study is to illustrate a model in which funding of an academic library depends on institutional char- acteristics. The model assumes that the funding an academic library receives is influenced partly by the demand for the library’s services from the university’s students, faculty, and programs. One reason for adopting this assumption is to explore the plausibility of a model that relies on variables external to the library as drivers of funding. This represents a significant departure from arguments that the library’s funding, or more specifically petitions for increases in funding, be pred- icated upon its existing size, holdings, serials inflation—in essence, inertia. To implement the model empirically, we turn to the annual statistical survey of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) as the source for operational indicators of the theoretical construct “demand for the library’s services from students, faculty, and programs.” Specifically, we use X1 = undergraduate enrollment to indicate demand from undergraduate students; X2 = graduate enrollment and X3 = number of Ph.D. degrees awarded annually to reflect demand from graduate students; X4 = number of teaching faculty to indicate de- mand from faculty; X5 = number of Ph.D. fields, X6 = presence of medical school (1 if present, 0 if not), and X7 = presence of law school (1 if present, 0 if not) to reflect demand from graduate and relatively expensive professional programs of the university. Although these variables are imperfect measures of the theoretical construct and, as discussed in more detail later, there are other potential determinants of library funding that might usefully be considered in future research, the variables selected represent measurable indicators of institutional characteristics related to the demand for library services. Our research hypothesis is that a positive relationship exists between total library expenditures (dependent vari- able – Y) and the independent variables just described (X1 through X7).We use multiple regression to quantify this rela- tionship. Recognizing that there may be systematic differences in funding between private and public institutions in the U.S. and Canadian institutions, we include two additional qualitative independent variables: X8 = U.S. private university (1 if U.S. private, 0 if not) and X9 = Canadian university (1 if Canadian, 0 if not). Finally, we include a time trend in the regression as a rough way of partially accounting for factors outside the university that may increase the costs of meeting a given level of demand for the library’s services (such as serials inflation or rising salaries). To test the hypothesis we analyze 11 years of data from 1992 through 2003 for 113 libraries that are members of the ARL, yielding a total of 1,190 observations. ARL libraries not examined include nonuniver- sity libraries and a small number of insti- tutions that were dropped due to missing data. The ARL data set is selected because this is a widely recognizable and complete longitudinal data set that represents a relatively homogeneous population. We regress the natural logarithm of total real library expenditures (Y) on the logs of undergraduate enrollment, graduate en- rollment, number of teaching faculty, num- ber of Ph.D. fields and number of Ph.D.s awarded annually. The use of a logarithmic rather than linear model allows the esti- mated marginal impact of a change in an independent variable to diminish. For ex- ample, the impact on cost from adding the 90th Ph.D. program is probably less than the impact on cost of adding the 20th. Also included in the regression are a time trend, a constant term and indicator variables for: presence of a medical school, presence of a law school, public/private status, and Canadian/American affiliation. 174 College & Research Libraries March 2007 TABLE 1 Coefficient of Measurables Independent Variable Regression Coefficient (t-ratio) Log of Undergraduate Student Population 0.037 (1.908) Log of Graduate Student Population 0.071 (4.284) Log of Number of Ph.D.s Awarded 0.049 (3.511) Log of Number of Ph.D. Fields Offered 0.004 (0.291) Log of Number of Faculty 0.071 (6.051) Medical School (=1 if present, 0 if not) 0.086 (5.319) Law School (=1 if present, 0 if not) 0.123 (5.421) Private (=1 if U.S. private, 0 otherwise) 0.212 (3.773) Canadian (=1 if Canadian, 0 otherwise) –0.216 (–2.882) Trend (=1,2,…,11 by year) 0.024 (34.613) Constant 14.637 (60.837) Lagrange multiplier test vs. OLS 4,170.88 R-squared 0.489 Sample Size 1190 Note: The dependent variable is the natural logarithm of total real expenditures. A “random effects” model is used to account for unobserved library-specific factors that persist through time. Ex- amples of such factors would be a large library endowment, costly special collec- tions or archives, multiple branches, or any other unmeasured variable specific to a library with an ongoing impact on spending. By accounting for effects of persistent, unobserved library-specific factors, the random effects model rec- ognizes that the observations are not all independent, since each library is observed repeatedly over the years. This feature allows for more efficient estima- tion (that is, lower standard errors) than would be obtained by estimators that ignored unmeasured library-specific factors. Intuitively, the model assumes that the funding response to a change in an independent variable is the same for all libraries, but the base level of funding may vary due to library-specific factors. The model is estimated by generalized least squares. Results The estimated model is sum- marized in table 1. Coefficients of the operational indicators of demand for library services take the expected positive sign, and most are statistically significant at the five percent level or less in a two-tail test. The t-ratio for un- dergraduate enrollment is 1.908, slightly below the five-percent critical value, and there appears to be no significant association between funding and the num- ber of Ph.D. programs a er con- trolling for other independent variables. The model produces a coefficient of determination (R2) of .489, indicating a modicum of correlation between the inde- pendent variables and library funding. A “Lagrange multi- plier” test of the random effects model against an ordinary least-squares model that ignores persistent library-specific fac- tors yields a chi-square test statistic with one degree of freedom of 4,171, providing strong support for the importance of ac- counting for library-specific effects. The coefficient of a logarithmic variable measures the estimated “elasticity,” or the percentage change in total real expendi- ture associated with a one percent change in the independent variable. All of the estimated elasticities are well below unity, indicating that one percent changes in independent variables are associated with much smaller than one percent increases in library funding. For example, the larg- est elasticity estimates of .071 indicate that a one percent increase in graduate student enrollment or in the number of teaching faculty is associated with about a 7/100 of one percent increase in total real expenditure. That these estimates, as well as the elasticity for Ph.D.s awarded, are larger than the elasticity for undergradu- ate enrollment should not be surprising given the relatively greater investment in library resources required by research Toward a Formula-Based Model for Academic Library Funding 175 and graduate education. Coefficients of indicator variables when multiplied by 100 approximate the percentage change in total real expenditure associated with presence of the indicator. Thus, presence of a medical school is associated with 8.6 percent greater expenditure, and presence of a law school is associated with 12.3 percent greater expenditure. Libraries associated with private universities in the United States spend about 21 percent more than their public counterparts in the United States, while Canadian university libraries spend about 21 percent less on av- erage than U.S. public university libraries. The coefficient of the trend variable repre- sents the average year-to-year growth in expenditures when holding all indepen- dent variables constant and reflects the influence of factors like serials inflation or real increases in salaries. According to the model, expenditures increase on aver- age by 2.4 percent annually, holding other independent variables constant. Researchers seeking a more parsimo- nious model might consider whether all three of the independent variables mea- suring graduate enrollment, number of Ph.D. degrees awarded and number of Ph.D. fields should be included, as they correlate highly with one another. Pearson correlation coefficients between pairs of these variables range from 0.65 to 0.76. While Pearson correlation is useful for assessing linear relationships between pairs of variables, the “condition num- ber” of the data matrix indicates whether more general linear relationships between multiple variables are problematic.12 The condition number computed for the data matrix (the ratio of the largest to the small- est characteristic root of the normalized cross-product matrix) is 10.59, well below the value of 20 that Belsley, Kuh, and Welsch suggest as indicating a potential collinearity problem. Application to a Specific Institution Table 2 shows an application of the for- mula to an actual set of data for a rapidly growing university in the south that is not an ARL member. Based on changes in the independent variables, the formula produces a relatively modest increase of $364,903 in library funding. There is, how- ever, also an underlying rate of growth in university library budgets independent of growth in these campus independent variables. This trend growth, produced from the aforementioned trend variable, is what the library would have experi- enced on average with no growth in the TABLE 2 Application of Model to a University Trend 0.024 Base: $10,000,000 Year 2002 Year 2003 % Change X100 Elasticity % Impact Change in Funding Faculty 976 1,050 0.076 7.58 0.0710% 0.0054 $53,832 Undergrads 22,054 25,799 0.170 16.98 0.0370% 0.0063 $62,830 Grad Students 2,066 2607 0.262 26.19 0.0710% 0.0186 $185,920 Number Ph.D.s 87 97 0.115 11.49 0.0490% 0.0056 $56,322 Ph.D. Fields 20 23 0.150 15.00 0.0040% 0.0006 $6,000 Total change $364,903 Trend growth $240,000 Overall change $604,903 As percent 6.05% http:problematic.12 176 College & Research Libraries March 2007 FIGURE 1 Actual and Model Expenditures independent variables. In the example above, the increase from applying the trend variable yields $240,000. The total increase suggested from the formula is $604,903, a 6.05 percent rate of growth. Application to Expenditure Growth over Time A second application of the model is to compare the time path of actual expen- ditures of a library or set of libraries to the time path of expenditures predicted by the model. Figure 1 illustrates this type of comparison for the 99 libraries having complete data for each of the 11 years. The solid line plots the average of the 99 libraries’ total real expenditures in each year, while the dashed line shows the average real expenditure predicted by the model in table 1. To simplify the comparison, the model-predicted expen- diture is adjusted so that it matches the actual expenditure in the first year. As shown, the average library experienced erratic transitory swings in its expendi- ture growth rate, namely the dip in the mid 1990s and the pronounced slowing in year 2002–2003. In contrast, a hypo- thetical library with the same starting level of expenditures in 1993 but funded according to the model (represented by the dashed line) would experience a much steadier and more predictable rate of budget growth. Application across Libraries The model can be applied in a third way by comparing a library’s actual spending against the hypothetical spending that the model suggests. Table 3 provides this comparison for the ARL libraries that formed the data set for this study. The Ac- tual column shows the library’s average annual total expenditures, as reported in the ARL statistics, for the 11-year period, in 2003 U.S. dollars. The Model column shows the library expenditures predicted by the model, based upon the averages of the independent variables for that institu- tion for the 11 years of data. The difference between these two produces an Over Pre- dicted or Under Predicted amount based upon the methodology of the model. To argue that these terms are synonymous with “overfunded” and “underfunded” would be presumptuous; however, the Toward a Formula-Based Model for Academic Library Funding 177 suggestion is worth exploring on a com- parative basis. Static results that are of limited value for one institution might be useful in comparing a library against a cohort group of peers. For example, three of the ten libraries with the largest excess of actual over model-predicted funding are at Ivy League institutions (Harvard, Yale, Princeton) and two are in the UC system (Berkeley and UCLA). Only one Ivy League library (Brown) and two of seven of the included UC-system libraries (Davis and Riverside) have actual funding below model-predicted funding Limitations to the Model There are a number of limitations to this research. There is no separate enumeration of independent sources of funding such as endowments, or of important cost drivers such as archives, special collections, and multiple library branches (although the net effect of all persistent library-specific factors is implicitly accounted for in the random effects model). The analysis does not account for the myriad of preserva- tion and digitization efforts underway in libraries. The model may be more useful for growing institutions and less useful for institutions in a steady state of existence. Last, the formula does not explicitly esti- mate the impact of serials inflation but only accounts for it indirectly through the trend variable.Practical applications of formula- based allocation schemes should account more directly for the funding necessities born from serials inflation. Further Study If the goal were to make this model truly practical and more applicable, one might consider other possible independent variables. Libraries can argue that there should be a correlation between research grant money flowing into the institution and the library’s budget. A more ambi- tious extension would be to measure the amount of scholarly productivity for the universities under study and use this to create an independent variable that would factor the number or quality of scholarly publications into the model. Both of these ideas suggest that the greater the univer- sity’s rate of research and publication, the more money should flow into the library to support research. This approach turns the notion of the size of the library as a measure of its “goodness” on its head. At least one study in the library litera- ture suggests that a university library’s collection helps shape the university’s reputation. Lewis Liu provides empirical evidence that the library’s ARL ranking correlates closely with its U.S. News and World Report ranking.13 This may be true; however it should be noted that U.S. News and World Report includes library funding per student as a metric in its ranking of colleges and universities. In any case, the extensions to the analysis proposed here suggest the opposite relationship: that a university that is demonstrating growth in research activity should support its faculty by building a stronger library through increased financial support. This is a subtle but important distinc- tion, which moves the debate away from measuring the goodness of the library by input measures (volume count, number of serials, expenditures, etc.) to a model that suggests that the library should be strong to reflect the level of research taking place at the university. Conclusion The purpose of the study is not to create a one-size-fits-all model for funding. The model illustrates a foundation for what could evolve into funding strategies based upon measurable inputs. Easily measurable inputs or drivers can potentially shield the library from arbitrary cuts. An institution can devise its own set of measurable inputs. Is the model a good thing or a bad thing for libraries? Libraries with exceptional influ- ence on campus may find no benefit to such an approach. Libraries faced with political disadvantages or distinct underfunding relative to peer institutions may be able to use this approach to their benefit. Does increased library funding even necessarily convey additional benefit to http:ranking.13 178 College & Research Libraries March 2007 TABLE 3 Actual Expenditures, Model Expenditures, and Over or Under Predicted as Percentage of Model: Average Year Thousands of 2003 US Dollars University Actual Model Difference Percent Over (+) or Under (–) Predicted ALABAMA 10,870 16,512 –5,642 –34% ALBERTA 18,402 15,061 3,342 23% ARIZONA 22,400 19,898 2,502 12% ARIZONA STATE 21,972 18,461 3,510 19% AUBURN 10,399 13,835 –3,436 –25% BOSTON 14,848 24,051 –9,203 –38% BOSTON COLLEGE 15,884 19,655 –3,771 –19% BRIGHAM YOUNG 16,073 17,318 –1,245 –7% BRITISH COLUMBIA 22,254 15,891 6,362 41% BROWN 15,711 15,798 –87 0% CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 42,217 19,251 22,966 119% CALIFORNIA, DAVIS 18,982 19,598 –616 –3% CALIFORNIA, IRVINE 16,691 15,695 996 6% CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES 39,396 21,871 17,526 81% CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE 10,322 12,427 –2,105 –17% CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 20,720 15,960 4,760 30% CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA 14,553 14,124 429 3% CASE WESTERN RESERVE 11,414 21,098 –9,684 –46% CHICAGO 23,378 22,871 507 2% CINCINNATI 17,082 18,828 –1,746 –9% COLORADO 17,526 15,710 1,816 12% COLORADO STATE 11,630 14,058 –2,427 –18% COLUMBIA 35,062 25,059 10,003 40% CONNECTICUT 19,677 18,347 1,330 8% CORNELL 34,170 22,372 11,798 52% DARTMOUTH 14,118 15,702 –1,584 –10% DELAWARE 13,040 13,574 –534 –4% DUKE 25,969 22,013 3,956 18% EMORY 24,691 20,702 3,988 18% FLORIDA 22,267 21,247 1,020 4% FLORIDA STATE 12,363 17,506 –5,143 –29% GEORGE WASHINGTON 17,475 22,471 –4,996 –23% GEORGIA 19,672 18,200 1,473 8% GEORGIA TECH 8,820 13,854 –5,034 –36% HARVARD 83,090 25,112 57,978 230% HAWAII 13,023 13,942 –919 –6% Toward a Formula-Based Model for Academic Library Funding 179 TABLE 3 Actual Expenditures, Model Expenditures, and Over or Under Predicted as Percentage of Model: Average Year Thousands of 2003 US Dollars University Actual Model Difference Percent Over (+) or Under (–) Predicted HOUSTON 12,779 16,443 –3,664 –22% HOWARD 12,269 20,098 –7,829 –39% ILLINOIS, CHICAGO 16,297 16,979 –682 –4% ILLINOIS, URBANA 28,473 19,592 8,881 45% INDIANA 27,385 18,103 9,282 52% IOWA 20,907 19,064 1,844 9% IOWA STATE 15,062 15,038 24 0% JOHNS HOPKINS 24,128 19,165 4,963 26% KANSAS 16,973 19,109 –2,136 –11% KENT STATE 10,974 13,540 –2,566 –19% KENTUCKY 17,996 18,321 –325 –2% LAVAL 12,378 15,297 –2,919 –18% LOUISIANA STATE 11,367 17,027 –5,661 –33% LOUISVILLE 16,519 19,189 –2,671 –14% MCGILL 15,639 15,546 93 1% MCMASTER 9,557 11,599 –2,043 –17% MANITOBA 10,688 13,550 –2,862 –21% MARYLAND 18,769 16,424 2,345 14% MASSACHUSETTS 12,337 14,357 –2,019 –14% MIT 14,808 18,253 –3,446 –19% MIAMI 15,430 21,635 –6,205 –29% MICHIGAN 39,918 22,588 17,330 76% MICHIGAN STATE 17,916 16,816 1,099 6% MINNESOTA 30,511 20,646 9,865 48% MISSOURI 13,001 18,298 –5,297 –29% MONTREAL 16,296 18,180 –1,884 –10% NEBRASKA 12,112 16,331 –4,220 –26% NEW MEXICO 18,547 17,400 1,147 7% NEW YORK 29,357 25,690 3,666 15% NORTH CAROLINA 25,944 20,314 5,630 28% NORTH CAROLINA STATE 19,014 14,934 4,080 26% NORTHWESTERN 21,047 24,191 –3,145 –13% NOTRE DAME 15,925 18,264 –2,339 –14% OHIO 12,241 15,715 –3,474 –22% OHIO STATE 25,372 22,242 3,130 14% OKLAHOMA 12,206 17,147 –4,941 –29% 180 College & Research Libraries March 2007 TABLE 3 Actual Expenditures, Model Expenditures, and Over or Under Predicted as Percentage of Model: Average Year Thousands of 2003 US Dollars University Actual Model Difference Percent Over (+) or Under (–) Predicted OKLAHOMA STATE 10,368 15,262 –4,894 –32% OREGON 13,140 15,369 –2,229 –14% PENNSYLVANIA 28,942 24,911 4,031 16% PENNSYLVANIA STATE 33,508 20,321 13,188 65% PITTSBURGH 22,283 19,753 2,530 13% PRINCETON 29,226 16,088 13,138 82% PURDUE 14,251 16,331 –2,080 –13% QUEEN’S 10,395 13,161 –2,767 –20% RICE 13,502 14,528 –1,026 –8% ROCHESTER 12,658 17,292 –4,634 –27% RUTGERS 28,018 18,619 9,399 51% SASKATCHEWAN 9,055 12,983 –3,928 –30% SOUTH CAROLINA 15,956 18,292 –2,336 –13% SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 24,929 25,123 –194 –1% SOUTHERN ILLINOIS 12,657 15,706 –3,048 –19% STANFORD 53,723 24,130 29,593 121% SUNY-ALBANY 10,530 12,988 –2,459 –19% SUNY-BUFFALO 16,153 18,823 –2,670 –14% SUNY-STONY BROOK 12,237 15,959 –3,722 –23% SYRACUSE 12,154 19,253 –7,099 –37% TEMPLE 13,181 18,841 –5,659 –30% TENNESSEE 15,399 17,681 –2,282 –13% TEXAS 30,418 20,665 9,753 47% TEXAS A&M 20,744 18,776 1,968 10% TEXAS TECH 15,337 19,073 –3,736 –20% TORONTO 38,465 17,260 21,205 123% TULANE 11,607 20,490 –8,883 –43% UTAH 19,466 18,058 1,408 7% VANDERBILT 17,031 21,965 –4,934 –22% VIRGINIA 24,683 18,668 6,015 32% VPI & SU 12,178 15,427 –3,249 –21% WASHINGTON 29,972 21,701 8,271 39% WASHINGTON STATE 12,231 13,996 –1,765 –13% WASHINGTON U.-ST. LOUIS 21,984 20,676 1,308 5% WATERLOO 9,444 10,658 –1,213 –11% WAYNE STATE 17,683 18,427 –744 –4% Toward a Formula-Based Model for Academic Library Funding 181 TABLE 3 Actual Expenditures, Model Expenditures, and Over or Under Predicted as Percentage of Model: Average Year Thousands of 2003 US Dollars University Actual Model Difference Percent Over (+) or Under (–) Predicted WESTERN ONTARIO 12,497 13,113 –616 –4% WISCONSIN 32,378 21,869 10,510 48% YALE 47,174 23,299 23,876 102% YORK 14,115 11,805 2,310 20% the institution? Assuming that the institu- tion’s budget process is a zero sum game, gains in library funding reduce funding elsewhere. It is well beyond the scope of this study to compare the marginal utility of dollars steered toward the library ver- sus other programs on campus. However, in the cases of obvious underfunding one might argue that the utility of marginal dollars allocated to the severely under- funded library may be high (i.e., a good investment by the institution). Last, the model may also serve to move the debate for funding away from traditional input measures and toward a broader set of institutionally based output indicators. This approach may be favorably received as universities as a whole move more toward outcomes- based planning. Notes 1. David Baker, “Resource Allocation in University Libraries,” The Journal of Documentation 48 (Mar. 1992): 1–19. 2. Frank W. Goudy, “Academic Libraries and the Six Percent Solution: A Twenty-Year Financial Overview,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 19 (Sept. 1993): 212–15. 3. Association of College and Research Libraries, “Standards for Libraries in Higher Educa- tion,” College & Research Libraries News 65 (Oct. 2004): 534–43. Available online from www.ala. org/ala/acrl/acrlstandards/standardslibraries.htm. [Accessed 15 September 2005]. 4. Kendon Stubbs, “Trends in University Funding for Research Libraries,” ARL: A Bimonthly Newsle er of Research Library Issues and Actions 172 (Jan. 1994). 5. Rolf Griebel, “University Library Budgets – Model and Reality,” New Review of Academic Librarianship 2 (1996): 59–67. 6. Murle E. Kenerson, “Performance Funding and Full-Time Equivalence: Implications for Funding in Academic Libraries,” 13 (1996). ERIC, ED398927. 7. Jin-Chuan Ma, “Fund Allocations for Information Resources in China’s Key Universities,” College & Research Libraries 60 (Mar. 1999): 174–78. 8. Peter A. Facione, “The Philosophy and Psychology of Effective Institutional Budgeting,” Academe 88 (Nov./Dec. 2002): 45–48. 9. Jim Tolhurst, “Resource Allocation and Budgeting,” Journal of Tertiary Educational Admin- istration 7 (Oct. 1985): 143–55. 10. Nancy Cantor and Paul N. Courant, “Scrounging for Resources: Reflections of the Whys and Wherefores of Higher Education Finance,” New Directions for Institutional Research 119 (Fall 2003): 3–12. 11. Gunapala Edirisooriya, “State Funding of Higher Education: A New Formula,” Higher Education Policy 16 (Mar. 2003): 121–33. 12. David A. Belsley, Edwin Kuh, and Roy E. Welsch, Regression Diagnostics: Identifying Influ- ential Data and Sources of Collinearity. (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1980). 13. Lewis G. Liu, “The Economic Behavior of Academic Research Libraries: Toward a Theory,” Library Trends 51 (Winter 2003): 277–92. 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