poole.p65 Technological Change in the Workplace 503 Technological Change in the Workplace: A Statewide Survey of Community College Library and Learning Resources Personnel Carolyn E. Poole and Emmett Denny It is a commonly held belief that technostress caused by change is af­ fecting library personnel, although research on its impact in two-year colleges is practically nonexistent. This investigation examined how employees in Florida community college library and learning resource centers are dealing with technological change in their work environment. The results of the investigation indicated that staff are reacting posi­ tively. However, greater attention needs to be directed toward improving their inclusion in decision-making, revising job descriptions, and experi­ menting with alternative reward systems. he professional library litera­ ture of the past decade is re­ plete with articles on the rapid­ ity of change taking place in libraries and its symptomatic technostress exhibited by library employees. Most studies have focused on technological challenges faced by MLS-degreed librar­ ians in university work environments. Few, if any, researchers have paid com­ parable attention to staff in two-year com­ munity college libraries or in learning resource centers. As the youngest stratum of the Ameri­ can higher education system, community colleges tend to be more flexible, innova­ tive, and nimble in responding to society’s educational needs than are older, estab­ lished universities. A recent national sur­ vey conducted by the American Associa­ tion of Community Colleges found that two-year institutions are playing a criti­ cal role in the new technology-driven economy by narrowing the “digital di­ vide” and delivering convenient, cost-ef­ fective computer training.1 Far from be­ ing second choice, community colleges have risen to the status of “provider of choice” for computer/technology-related education. Consequently, one might ex­ pect these institutions to provide a degree of computer training to staff equal to that training offered their customers, as tech­ nically competent employees tend to en­ hance both services and reputation. Community colleges in the state of Florida are held in even greater esteem than four-year colleges or universities, and Florida residents have high expecta­ tions of their impact on the workforce.2 Several Florida two-year colleges—in­ cluding Florida Community College at Carolyn E. Poole is Director of Library Services at Chipola Junior College; e-mail: poolec@chipola.cc.fl.us. Emmett Denny is Library Services Specialist at Tallahassee Community College; e-mail: dennye@tcc.cc.fl.us. 503 mailto:dennye@tcc.cc.fl.us mailto:poolec@chipola.cc.fl.us 504 College & Research Libraries November 2001 Jacksonville, Miami-Dade Community College, Okaloosa-Walton Community College, and Chipola Junior College— were ranked in the top 100 of “America’s Most Wired Colleges,” according to the Yahoo! 2000 list.3 Library resources were part of the judging criteria. Florida’s twenty-eight public community college libraries are well connected through an automated information system, Library Information Network for Community Colleges (LINCC), which is considered to be one of the most advanced and sophis­ ticated networks in the country. Commu­ nity college library systems in other states often look to Florida when making stra­ tegic and tactical plans for their state sys­ tems.4 If community colleges are key provid­ ers of computer/technical education, and Florida in particular is a model two-year system, one might wonder whether li­ brary employees in these statewide insti­ tutions are in a better position to deal with technochange in the workplace because they are so well supported, philosophi­ cally and practically. Review of the Literature Revoee io tee Worerlvce The nature of library work has changed dramatically in the past twenty-five years, largely because of technology. Changes are evident in role definitions, tasks, or­ ganizational structures, user expectations, vendor relations, and campus perceptions of academic library/learning resources personnel. Larry R. Oberg’s 1997 article in the Journal of Academic Librarianship on achiev­ ing clarity in an age of change reminded readers that professional librarians have yet to resolve issues of who does what in the workplace or what to call themselves.5 Traditional production work performed by librarians a generation ago is accom­ plished today by machines, forcing a re­ definition of roles or imminent extinction. As library work as been more intellectu­ alized, several writers have suggested that the information professional’s role has expanded into that of a knowledge worker, access engineer, content expert, negotiator, trainer, facilitator, translator, teacher, and guide.6 Moreover, new titles have emerged for support staff, such as library technical assistant (LTA), library technician, and computer specialist, re­ flecting new directions in duties.7 Changes in roles were evident in a recent survey of position descriptions used by Association of Research Libraries (ARL) member institutions and analyzed in SPEC (Systems and Procedures Exchange Center) Kit 256.8 The mushrooming expense of buying electronic information, site licensing, and accuracy of coverage, in addition to continuous pressures to update computer hardware and software, have given rise to new worries. Tasks that once were the sole preroga­ tive of librarians (e.g., reference desk shifts, cataloging, systems maintenance) have been usurped by paraprofessionals whose work, in turn, has migrated to stu­ dent assistants. According to Oberg, Bonnie A. Osif, and Richard L. Harwood, task overlap exists at all levels, creating tension and resentment, devaluation of the MLS, more ambiguous work assign­ ments, and blurring of job responsibili­ ties.9 Editor Charles Schwartz introduced the concept of “boundary spanning” in his 1997 book, Restructuring Academic Li­ braries: Organizational Development in the Wake of Technological Change.10 He advised libraries to realign themselves closer to campus computer networking, consortia, and scholarly communication systems to achieve better collegial integration. A trend toward flatter organizations that are less hierarchical, which is now in favor, was predicted years ago by James G. Neal.11 Libraries have slowly adopted some managerial innovations (e.g., TQM, reengineering, benchmarking) that make them more flexible and responsive to changing needs.12 Team formation and increased communication among depart­ http:needs.12 http:Change.10 Technological Change in the Workplace 505 ments have helped emphasize the impor­ tance of everyone’s contribution to suc­ cessful library operations. In her 1999 essay, “Reflections on Aca­ demic Librarianship,” Karyle Butcher noted that as libraries have incorporated more electronic information resources into their collections, user demands also have accelerated.13 The convenience of unmediated searching is assumed; yet patrons also insist on immediate personal assistance in navigating complex data­ bases and expect instant online satisfac­ tion from the push of a button. Custom­ ers trust that librarians are always on call to handle technicalities involved in down­ loading files to disks, clearing paper jams, and troubleshooting computers. The frus­ tration voiced by Amy M. Kautzman, head of reference at Harvard’s Lamont Library, is typical: “I spend more of my time solving problems brought about by technology than I do thinking up new programs for my students.”14 Soo Young Rieh’s comprehensive overview of chang­ ing models of reference service high­ lighted empirical studies reporting library users’ confusion in identifying librarians from support staff and their perplexity regarding where to go for reference con­ sultation.15 Database interfaces and formats change (usually without announcement) at the business whims of vendors, often to the disadvantage of librarians, re­ searchers, and scholars. The mushroom­ ing expense of buying electronic informa­ tion, site licensing, and accuracy of cov­ erage, in addition to continuous pressures to update computer hardware and soft­ ware, have given rise to new worries. Li­ brarians are uncertain about the longev­ ity and/or accessibility of the products they purchase today.16 In “Technological Innovation and Or­ ganization Change Revisited,” Miriam A. Drake pointed out that librarian informa­ tion specialists in academic environments are increasingly being tapped to manage institutional knowledge bases involving internal data, legalities of copyright, in­ tellectual property, and consortium nego­ tiations.17 They are gaining more visible roles on campus through outreach, com­ mittee participation, and faculty collabo­ ration in the teaching/learning process. Moreover, academic librarians have en­ tered the political arena to voice library values in the changing information mar­ ketplace. One of the few constants in library life is change itself, so librarians may always fear falling behind in the technology race. Osif and Harwood’s article on the chal­ lenges of change quotes a memorable anomaly of “running in a marathon to­ day, clomping along in wooden shoes.”18 Impact of Technology on Personnel Opinions and anecdotes abound as to how technology has been received in li­ braries, although few writers have ven­ tured beyond descriptive research to de­ termine the impact on human resources. Some of those who have contributed sur­ vey investigations include Elizabeth B. Winstead, Cathleen C. Palmini, Roberta Kahan, and Dorothy E. Jones.19 Winstead examined staff and faculty reactions to automation in three libraries on a university campus during two time periods to see whether opinions changed after an integrated library system was fully implemented.20 She found insignifi­ cant differences between a survey instru­ ment administered in 1987 and one ad­ ministered in 1993. Library employees in this sample welcomed automation and expected it to enhance job satisfaction. Further, educational level had no bearing on the acceptance of automation. The majority of library personnel expressed concern about ergonomic factors associ­ ated with computer usage and suffered some negative repercussions. Automation apparently had no influence on the library’s administrative hierarchy, nor did it impede interpersonal communication. In a 1992 study of support staff in Wis­ consin academic libraries, Palmini sur­ veyed the impact of computerization and its relationship to job satisfaction.21 She hypothesized that employees who had been in their positions for an appreciable http:satisfaction.21 http:implemented.20 http:Jones.19 http:tiations.17 http:today.16 http:sultation.15 http:accelerated.13 506 College & Research Libraries November 2001 length of time would find it difficult to adjust to computers and would be less enthusiastic about new technology. How­ ever, such assumptions were unsubstan­ tiated. Although the majority of this sample expressed greater job satisfaction since the introduction of automation into their libraries, they did not believe that computers offered any major timesaving benefits to their workloads. More than one-third of respondents felt that their training was inadequate, underscoring a need for better preparatory programs. Health problems and high stress levels stemming from computer usage also were prominent. Without specific reference to technology, an open-ended question asked, “What part of your job causes you the most frustration?”22 Sixty-two percent of all replies mentioned computer-related frustrations (e.g., computer being down, slow response time, not enough termi­ nals, too many different systems to learn). After all, technostress is not terminal (although it can be caused by one). Kahan’s 1996 interviews with nine Ten­ nessee medical librarians revealed a strong commitment to, and an eager ad­ aptation of, emerging computer informa­ tion technology.23 Their proactive atti­ tudes toward self-training and integrat­ ing new skills into their professional re­ sponsibilities to improve customer service were laudable, particularly in light of the inadequate institutional support that was revealed. In an era when many academic librar­ ies were in their initial technology acqui­ sition phase, Jones conducted a 1988 sur­ vey of support staff perceptions in three university libraries—the University of California at Santa Barbara, Northern Il­ linois University in DeKalb, and the Uni­ versity of Richmond.24 On the brink of a computer technology revolution, her re­ search sought to analyze the assimilation process experienced by the bulk of library workers whose voice had yet to be ac­ knowledged. Although Jones presented data results of a questionnaire without drawing many conclusions, the overall survey indicated a positive attitude coupled with undercurrents of personal frustration and irritation. “Ten Years Later: Support Staff Percep­ tions and Opinions on Technology in the Workplace” presented the results of Jones’s 1998 follow-up survey of the same sample group.25 Her initial questions, which had probed feelings about work­ ing with new technologies, training, pro­ duction speed, workload demands, re­ wards, personnel changes, involvement in decision making, and philosophical/ social implications, were updated to also query Internet usage and health issues. Reactions to the effects of technological change generally remained positive, with slight hesitancy. The pressure to keep up had intensified, there was still a gap in training, and new health/stress anxieties over computer-related ailments surfaced. In the 1998 survey, respondents’ attention shifted from automation in cataloging/ technical services to an emphasis on tech­ nological advancements in reference/re­ search departments. Upon discovering that only 25 percent of support staff per­ sonnel were included in library technol­ ogy planning and decision making, Jones argued strongly on behalf of their in­ volvement. She observed that: Change in the magnitude we are now experiencing is almost sure to cause turbulence. Collegial under­ standing among all members of a library staff, if carefully fostered, can certainly minimize trouble and maximize the many strengths avail­ able to make technological transi­ tions smoother.26 Technostress in Libraries Defined originally by Craig Brod in 1984, technostress is considered to be a “modern disease of adaptation caused by an inabil­ ity to cope with new technologies in a healthy manner.”27 This definition covers a broad range of psycho-socio-physiologi­ cal problems that may be derived from the use of automation. There is an expanding http:smoother.26 http:group.25 http:Richmond.24 http:technology.23 Technological Change in the Workplace 507 body of interdisciplinary literature on the subject, but no definitive evidence of a technostress crisis affecting librarians.28 For pertinent commentaries, the reader is re­ ferred to the following: an expert analysis by John J. Kupersmith; Gary M. Pitkin’s overview of cause and reaction to stress; Virginia F. Moreland’s comparison of per­ sonality types; Richard A. Hudiburg’s re­ search testing using a “Computer Hassles Scale”; Katie Clark and Sally Kalin’s cop­ ing strategies; and Michael Gorman’s trea­ tise on library values.29 The 1993 World Labour Report placed computer-related jobs at the top of the list of stressful jobs, signaling that technostress has become increasingly glo­ balized.30 In striking contrast, the Jobs Rated Almanac continues to rank the posi­ tion of librarian in its list of top twenty- five least stressful occupations, thereby reinforcing a publicly held image (yet to be challenged) that library work is not a technological field.31 During the initial phases of conversion to a statewide automation system in Ohio, Donna Popovich surveyed eighteen li­ braries in the early 1990s to investigate staff resistance to change, computer anxi­ ety, and technostress.32 Attitudes toward the changes were analyzed in relation to implementation stages. She found that stress diminished as the system became fully operational and that both resistance and technoanxiety were found to be un­ related to the automation conversion. In 1995, Pamela M. Rose, Kristin Stoklosa, and Sharon A. Gray conducted a focus group study to ascertain causes of stress among part-time reference staff in a university health sciences library.33 They determined that the increasing use of technology was partially to blame for inducing anxiety. Sources of frustration included intrusive phone calls at the ref­ erence desk while trying to serve indi­ viduals and the “technological idolatry” of students who unrealistically expected to complete class assignments using in­ appropriate electronic resources.34 Robin Clute’s 1998 thesis examined technostress literature by evaluating fifty- eight articles for symptoms of, reasons for, and recommendations how to handle technostress.35 Coded results denoted com­ mon symptoms such as fear and anxiety, with reasons implying computer inexpe­ rience and performance anxiety. The most frequently cited recommendation to alle­ viate or avoid technostress was training. One of the few traces in the literature on technostress in community college li­ braries and learning resource centers was a 1992 article edited by Kate D. Hickey.36 The authors contributed case study ex­ amples from Kentucky, Florida, and Geor­ gia two-year institutions where stress re­ sulted from rapid implementation of new technologies. Start-up of a statewide li­ brary automation system in Kentucky required employees to juggle learning new computer programs while serving increased user demands. Good planning, inclusion of staff, and thorough training were remedies for the strain. Experiences at St. Petersburg Junior College, in Florida, showed that person­ nel felt overwhelmed when required to adopt and adapt to simultaneous tech­ nologies involving different operating systems. Inventory preparation for con­ version to a statewide library system, while also complying with local campus networking, demanded extensive train­ ing (without equivalent practice time) that had a negative impact on public service. At DeKalb College, in Atlanta, library staff learned to use an online catalog, e- mail, facsimile, laser scanning, CD-ROM, and Internet technologies all at once. Sur­ prisingly, the loss of traditional print in­ formation was the factor that created the most distress for staff. Recommended coping strategies that were successfully employed by adminis­ trators in these community colleges in­ cluded endorsement of proper balance among work/professional life, periodic breaks, participation in professional or­ ganizations, group planning to stimulate a team atmosphere, and maintaining a sense of humor. After all, technostress is not terminal (although it can be caused by one). http:Hickey.36 http:technostress.35 http:resources.34 http:library.33 http:technostress.32 http:field.31 http:balized.30 http:values.29 http:librarians.28 508 College & Research Libraries November 2001 Purpose of the Research The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions and attitudes of library personnel in Florida community colleges regarding issues of technological change affecting their work. In light of commu­ nity colleges’ innovative orientation, adaptability to changing educational needs, and strong state network, do Florida community college library em­ ployees react positively to change? Five general areas were scrutinized: (1) per­ sonal/philosophical factors, (2) training, (3) personnel, (4) management issues, and (5) performance, workload, and reward. The current research was the third rep­ lication of a survey originally designed by Dorothy E. Jones of Northern Illinois Uni­ versity and published in Library Trends.37 Her first questionnaire and its follow-up administration ten years later revealed some reservations among university li­ brary support staff about technological change on their work. Pressures to keep up with learning new technologies in con­ junction with heavier workloads and per­ sonnel decreases, were growing concerns among the support staff in the university libraries sampled. The authors of the cur­ rent research were interested in seeing whether administration of the same ques­ tions to a broader spectrum of library per­ sonnel in community colleges would yield results similar to those generated from the university group. Procedures Permission to use her questionnaire to conduct a Florida survey was granted by author Dorothy E. Jones. The instrument consisted of thirty-four multiple-choice questions requiring one or more answers, followed by a section soliciting open- ended comments. Questions related to the five areas under investigation were dis­ persed randomly throughout the survey rather than grouped together. Personal background queries on education and experience as asked by Jones were omit­ ted in the Florida survey so as to encour­ age maximum participation and anonym­ ity. Respondents were assured the results would be tabulated and presented with­ out reference to particular libraries. The American Library Directory 1999­ 2000, 52nd edition, was used to estimate the number of workers employed in the twenty-eight Florida public community colleges.38 Both professional and parapro­ fessional library staff were included in the sample population. An explanatory cover letter and a packet of surveys were mailed to the designated director of each library/ learning resource center in May 2000, with a three-month window of opportu­ nity for completion. Of the 665 surveys distributed, 302 were returned by August 2000 for a response rate of 45.4 percent. The collected data were compiled and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Re­ sults of the research were displayed in pictorial representations as charts and graphs for presentation to the Learning Resources Commission of the Florida As­ sociation of Community Colleges at its annual convention in November 2000. Findings FinsonallFhilosophical Factons Several questions of a subjective nature were designed to elicit personal feelings, reactions to working with computers, impact on health, stress levels, and philo­ sophical attitudes. Respondents were given a choice of nine words to describe their feelings about working with computers, as exhibited in table 1. Positive terms—excitement, enjoy­ ment, pleasure, and competency—were checked most frequently. “Frustration” was the most-checked negative word. Other negative terms—inadequacy, dis­ like, irritation, and tolerance—were checked much less frequently. The overall picture was one of positive attitudes to­ ward using computer technology. Another way to probe reactions to working with changing technologies was to ask respondents how they felt about learning something new. Almost 63 per­ cent indicated that they look forward to learning something new, compared to 12 percent who said they felt irritated be­ cause of insufficient time. http:colleges.38 http:Trends.37 Technological Change in the Workplace 509 TABLE 1 Descriptions of Feelings about Working with Computers (N = 302) mastering humans (56.9%, n = 302). Nearly a third thought that automation neither dehumanizes nor influences creativity. Training The training needs of library per­ sonnel appear to be well met in the Florida community college system. With regard to what is demanded of employees relative to learning new technologies, those who think they are expected to learn too much too fast were found to be in the minority (24.5%). Eighty-one percent of commu- Frequency* Percentage Enjoyment 209 69.2 Excitement 189 62.6 Competency 155 51.3 Pleasure 140 46.4 Frustration 122 40.4 Tolerance 64 21.2 Irritation 59 19.5 Inadequacy 39 12.9 Dislike 13 4.3 * Respondents could check as many as applicable. Although technology-related health issues (e.g., technostress, carpal tunnel syndrome, ergonomics) appear to be prominent subjects in popular literature today, they received only slight concern from this sample group of library em­ ployees. Most (51.5%) believed that tech­ nology had made their work “neither less nor more stressful.” Reasons why some felt that technology increased their levels of job stress included: too little training (26.2%), rapid rate of change (11.9%), things too complicated (8%), and unrealistic pressure to produce (9.1%). In contrast to Jones’s survey reporting se­ rious levels of medical/psychiatric technostress suffered by university library staff, it was practically a moot question in the commu­ nity college ranks. People for whom tech­ nology had impacted health negatively were in the minority, and 38.9 percent had no opinion one way or another. As for opinions on the social-philosophical implications of technol­ ogy, most respondents viewed people in con­ t rol of automation, rather than machines nity college library personnel said the quality of training they receive is moderately good to excellent. When asked to think beyond their own personal training experiences to judge the technol­ ogy training program librarywide, the re­ spondents’ quality ratings dropped slightly to 70 percent, perceiving quality to be adequate to excellent. As portrayed in figure 1, the question concerning whether employees are “ex­ pected to learn too many things too fast” received a significantly negative response from 62.4% of the sample. Preferences among various types of technology education also were solicited. Workshop learning, in a structured class, and with a manual on one’s own received FIGURE 1 Do You Think Library Employees Are Expected to Learn Too Many New Things Too Fast? (N = 302) No 62% No Opinion 13% Yes 25% Yes No No Opinion 510 College & Research Libraries November 2001 cording to 60.6 per-TABLE 2 cent of respondents. Perception of Displacement/Replacement of People Whether technologyby Technology (N = 281*) has influenced staff stability apparently Frequency* Percentage was difficult for re-We have a better organization. 88 31.3 spondents to deter-I feel good about the changes. 67 23.8 mine because nearlyPeople have been treated fairly. 64 22.8 a third (32.9%) of the We are no better off than we were before. 45 16 sample had no opin-People have been treated badly. 13 4.6 ion.It makes me angry. 4 1.4 * Twenty-one people did not respond. Management Issues Community college the highest number of favorable re- library personnel in Florida are posi­ sponses. Learning new technologies from tively inclined toward implementing a supervisor or friend were the least-pre- new technologies, as evidenced by the ferred methods (9%). fact that three-quarters (75.4%) of the survey respondents rated their library’s Personnel progress as being “just right” and sup- Sixty-two percent of the Florida commu- ported quick movement into new areas. nity college respondents felt that people Although most were satisfied with the had been neither replaced nor displaced pace of technological development, one- by technology, almost twice as many as fourth (25.2%) felt that new technologies in Jones’s university sample who re- were introduced into their work areas too sponded more negatively. Less than two slowly. percent of the community college em- The availability of technical assis­ ployees felt angry about displacement/ tance was queried, with almost 81 per- replacement of people by technology, and cent rating their libraries as very good nearly a third said that “we have a better or excellent. Seventy percent of commu­ organization” as a result of it. Table 2 dis- nity college library/learning resource plays sentences that respondents chose to employees use the Internet in their work describe their feelings about the displace- “a lot.” ment/replacement of people by technol- As shown in table 3, when asked what ogy. library department had made the great- Recent patterns of personnel changes in community college li- TABLE 3 braries were difficult to deduce Greatest Positive Technological Strides from this survey. Nearly a quarter by Department (21.5%) of the respondents indi­ cated that there was no change in Frequency* Percentage the number of library personnel in Reference 132 43.7 the past five years; the departments Circulation 84 27.8 that increased or reduced employ- Information Delivery/ILL 81 26.8 ees seemed evenly divided. How- Cataloging 73 24.2 ever, the majority (52.5%) did not Serials Management 49 16.2 believe that technology was re- Acquisitions 48 15.9 sponsible for most of the person- Other 18 5.9 nel changes. The personnel stability factor * Some respondents checked more than one answer. has remained about the same, ac­ Technological Change in the Workplace 511 est positive technological advancements, Florida community college individuals ranked reference first, followed by circu­ lation and information delivery/interli­ brary loan. Only two years earlier, Jones’s university study cited stronger numbers for the cataloging department as making the most progress. Respondents were asked whether su­ pervisors in their libraries/learning re­ source centers used technical surveillance to monitor staff productivity, but nearly half (41.6%) ventured no opinion on this practice. A low degree (37.9%) of staff involve­ ment in technological decision-making was revealed, although there appears to be very high interest (72.6%) in offering more input into planning and decision- making regarding technology. Performance, Workload, Reward As revealed by their positive responses to a series of questions about technologi­ cal progress in libraries/learning resource centers, community college personnel perceived that technology has made li­ brary work easier, faster, and more accu­ rate. The majority (63.5%) also believed that technology has increased their workload and added more responsibili­ ties to their jobs. Whether technology al­ lows more or less control over one’s work­ day received a neutral reaction. There was little disagreement that technological ad­ vances have improved the accuracy of li­ brary records, as expressed by 82.6 per­ cent of respondents. Technostress resulting from too little training has apparently been alleviated in Florida by a strong statewide training program available to community college library personnel. As displayed in figure 2, many partici­ pants felt that additional responsibilities stemming from technological changes were not adequately reflected in pay­ checks, job descriptions, or degree of re­ spect from colleagues. Comparisons to Jones Study Library automation is new to neither uni­ versities nor community colleges, al­ though implementation and expansion of it within these systems of higher educa­ tion has varied considerably over the past few decades. In Jones’s study of univer­ sity support staff and the current investi­ gation of community college personnel, FIGURE 2 When Additional Responsibility is Assigned in My Library, It is Reflected in: (N = 302) Paycheck Paycheck 2% Job Job Description None of Description Above 33% Respect Shown to 50% Individual Respect None of Above Shown to Individual 15% 512 College & Research Libraries November 2001 reactions to working with new technolo­ gies were quite similar. Overall, there was a positive attitude among library employ­ ees toward learning and using high-tech automation. Both library groups of university and community college employees felt left out of decision-making during acquisition and incorporation of technology in their workplace and indicated a strong desire to participate in the process. The impact of technology on health was surprisingly different between the univer­ sity and community college respondents, with Jones’s sample suffering more nega­ tive consequences. Technostress resulting from too little training has apparently been alleviated in Florida by a strong statewide training program available to community college library personnel. There was a greater perception by Jones’s university respondents of a less- stable personnel environment in libraries and the belief that people have been both replaced and displaced by technology. More community college library respon­ dents felt that they have been treated fairly during the recent surge of techno­ logical growth than did Jones’s univer­ sity support staff. Implications for Planning and Implementing Technological Change Results of the survey imply that library personnel in Florida community colleges are receptive to a changing workplace, but greater consideration should be given to issues involving decision-making, job descriptions, and reward. Employees feel disenfranchised from the process of incorporating new technolo­ gies into their work areas. Who better to be included in the technical planning than those who are directly affected by such changes! Increased cooperation, smoother transitions, and greater support of changes could result from such inclusion. More attention needs to be directed to­ ward revising and updating library job descriptions to adequately reflect increased duties involving new technologies. Rapid changes in library automation require that job descriptions at all levels be reviewed by supervisors more frequently, not just when human resource departments de­ mand the procedure. In recent years, many Florida institutions have engaged the ser­ vices of consulting firms outside education to accomplish this analysis, often to the detriment of academic library units. A compilation of current job descriptions published by ACRL offers a starting point to improve the “one-size-fits-all” industry terminology being applied by such exter­ nal forces.39 Areas of performance, workload, and reward produced the most noticeable red flags. As job descriptions are revamped in light of new technologies, it is important to be realistic about heaping more tasks on library personnel without also scaling back on inessentials. For example, com­ munity college libraries and learning re­ source centers in Florida have begun a “stop doing” campaign in an attempt to identify practices that are no longer vi­ able in a changing information environ­ ment. Community colleges have a long tradition of doing more with less. Perhaps it would be better to point out that we can no longer afford to do so. Florida public community colleges continue to receive meager increases in funding from the state legislature.40 Sig­ nificant pay increases are unlikely in the near term, despite the spiraling technical complexity of library/learning resource jobs. Therefore, college administrators should think beyond traditional reward systems for their personnel and test in­ novative incentives and recognitions in lieu of monetary compensation. Employ­ ees with good performance records may be recognized with perks such as flex­ time, floating holidays, telecommuting, job sharing, career-banding (i.e., no mini­ mum/maximum pay ranges), office space privileges, equipment upgrades, and ex­ perience certificates in the form of vouch­ ers to attend special schools, retreats, or excursion groups.41 http:groups.41 http:legislature.40 http:forces.39 Technological Change in the Workplace 513 Other states may look to emulate Florida’s College Center for Library Au­ tomation (CCLA) in addressing the train­ ing needs of library personnel. The well- organized statewide series of workshops sponsored by CCLA have a proven track record of assuaging technophobias asso­ ciated with learning new technologies. They are also planning to experiment with alternative training formats and will soon launch Web-based modules. Because staff training will always be a continuing need, benchmarks and best practices such as those used in Florida and other state systems should be widely disseminated to a national audience. Conclusion Results of the survey indicate that Florida community college library/learning re­ source employees ar e handling techochange admirably. With regard to the personal/philosophical factors inves­ tigated, they appear enthusiastic and op­ timistic about incorporating new tech­ nologies in their work, while manifesting nearly negligible stress-related conse­ quences. Training needs have been cov­ ered sufficiently in Florida two-year col­ leges. Perceptions of the impact of technology on personnel changes are somewhat ambiguous, although most employed in community college library/ learning resource centers are unruffled by any technological threat of displacement/ replacement. In terms of management is­ sues examined, the professional mantra to include staff in planning and decisions that affect their work environments is ap­ parently still lip service that has yet to be actualized. Areas of performance, workload, and reward produced the most noticeable red flags. Despite enhanced work performance resulting from techno­ logical progress, it also has expanded workloads while commensurate remu­ neration remains stagnant. If other states are experiencing eco­ nomic belt-tightening of a degree compa­ rable to Florida, a collective national dia­ logue is now critical. More than merely adapting, coping, or tolerating new tech­ nology is requisite for library/learning resource specialists to take a leadership role in the information marketplace. If we fail to ride the waves of change, we may soon find ourselves drowning beneath the deluge! Recommendations for Further Research The authors suggest replicating this sur­ vey in Florida after a new statewide li­ brary automation system has been imple­ mented. Although the community colleges were in final stages of migration to a new DRA system (Taos) in early 2002, the entire public higher education system is currently in a reorganizational flux. Recent government actions have decreed that the twenty-eight public community colleges and ten state universities must merge their library management systems and develop one new, common library portal.42 Under the gun to proceed imme­ diately, they are being forced to work to­ gether cooperatively to deliver seamless library information services to a broad clientele. It is expected that the State Li­ brary of Florida—including all public li­ braries—and K–12 schools also will join to form an experimental future model of “womb-to-tomb” (or K–100) library ser­ vices to a statewide population. As imple­ mentation of the shared system progresses, it will be interesting to com­ pare rates of technostress among all seg­ ments of library/learning resource per­ sonnel resulting from this state-mandated technological change in the workplace. Notes 1. Kent A. Phillippe and Michael J. Valiga, “Summary Report,” Faces of the Future: A Portrait of America’s Community Colleges, Apr. 2000. Available online from http://www.aacc.nche.edu/ initiatives/faces/facesfut.pdf. 2. John Immerwahr and Anthony Foleno, Great Expectations: How the Public and Parents— White, African American and Hispanic—View Higher Education (San Jose, Calif.: National Center for http:http://www.aacc.nche.edu http:portal.42 514 College & Research Libraries November 2001 Public Policy and Higher Education, 2000). See also “Florida and the Nation at Large,” Great Expectations: How Floridians View Higher Education, Aug. 2000, available online from http:// www.highereducation.org/reports/expectations_fl/expectations1.shtml. 3. Yahoo!, “Two-Year School Rankings,” America’s Most Wired Colleges 2000. Available online from http://www.zdnet.com/yil/content/college/college2000/rank_twoyears_100.html. 4. State of Florida Technology Review Workgroup, “New Developments Arising from Cur­ rent Legislative Session” (Unpublished document submitted to State of Florida Legislature, Tal­ lahassee, Mar. 2001). 5. Larry R. Oberg, “Library Support Staff Deployment and Utilization: Achieving Clarity in an Age of Change,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 23, no. 1 (Jan. 1997): 42–43. 6. Allen B. Veaner, “Paradigm Lost, Paradigm Regained? A Persistent Personnel Issue in Academic Libraries,” College & Research Libraries 55 (Sept. 1994): 389–402; Jerry D. Campbell, “Shaking the Conceptual Foundations of Reference: A Perspective,” Reference Services Review 20, no. 4 (1992): 29–36; Mary Lynn Rice-Lively and J. Drew Racine, “The Role of Academic Librar­ ians in the Era of Information Technology,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 23 (1997): 37; Miriam A. Drake, “Technological Innovation and Organizational Change Revisited,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 26, no. 1 (Jan. 2000): 53–59. 7. Marshall A. Berger, “Technology Brings Challenges and Opportunities for Support Staff,” American Libraries (Mar. 1997): 30–31. 8. Janice Simmons-Welburn, comp., “Changing Roles of Library Professionals: SPEC Kit 256,” ERIC ED 443440 (2000). 9. Oberg, “Library Support Staff in an Age of Change: Utilization, Role Definition and Sta­ tus,” ERIC ED 382197; Bonnie A. Osif and Richard L. Harwood, “Support Staff Issues,” Library Administration & Management 14, no. 4 (fall 2000): 228–32. 10. Charles Schwartz, ed., Restructuring Academic Libraries: Organizational Development in the Wake of Technological Change. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 1997. 11. James G. Neal, “Academic Libraries: 2000 and Beyond,” Library Journal, 121 (July 1996): 74–76. 12. John Perry and Anne Woodsworth, “Innovation and Change: Can We Learn from Corpo­ rate Models? Journal of Academic Librarianship 21, no. 2 (Mar. 1995): 117–19. 13. Karyle Butcher, “Reflections on Academic Librarianship,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 25, no. 5 (Sept. 1999): 350–53. 14. Amy M. Kautzman, “Digital Impact: Reality, the Web, and the Changed Business of Ref­ erence,” Searcher 7 (Mar. 1999): 23. 15. Soo Young Rieh, “Changing Reference Service Environment: A Review of Perspectives from Managers, Librarians, and Users,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 25, no. 3 (May 1999): 178–86. 16. Kautzman, “Digital Impact,” 18–23. 17. Drake, “Technological Innovation and Organizational Change Revisited,” 53–59. 18. Osif and Harwood, “Change: Challenges and Coping, Part II,” Library Administration & Management 14, no. 1 (winter 2000): 39. 19. Elizabeth B. Winstead, “Staff Reactions to Automation,” Computers in Libraries 14, no. 4 (Apr. 1994): 18–21; Cathleen C. Palmini, “The Impact of Computerization on Library Support Staff: A Study of Support Staff in Academic Libraries in Wisconsin,” College & Research Libraries 55 (Mar. 1994): 119–27; Roberta Kahan, “Attitudes of East Tennessee Medical Librarians about Evolving Computer Information Technology,” Tennessee Librarian 49, no. 1 (summer 1997): 19–26; Dorothy E. Jones, “Library Support Staff and Technology: Perceptions and Opinions,” Library Trends 37 (spring 1989): 432–56; —–, “Ten Years Later: Support Staff Perceptions and Opinions on Technology in the Workplace,” Library Trends 47 (spring 1999): 711–45. 20. Winstead, “Staff Reactions to Automation.” 21. Palmini, “The Impact of Computerization on Library Support Staff.” 22. Ibid., 124. 23. Kahan, “Attitudes of East Tennessee Medical Librarians.” 24. Jones, “Library Support Staff and Technology.” 25. ———, “Ten Years Later.” 26. Ibid., 711. 27. Craig Brod, Technostress: The Human Cost of the Computer Revolution (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1984), 16. 28. D. Fisher, “Technostress and the Librarian: A Critical Discussion,” Education Libraries Jour­ nal 39, no. 2 (summer 1996): 9–14. 29. John J. Kupersmith, “Technostress and the Reference Librarian,” Reference Services Review 20, no. 2 (summer 1992): 7–14, 50, available online from http://home.pacbell.net/jjkup/ tstress.html; Gary M. Pitkin, “Technostress in Libraryland,” Colorado Libraries 23 (fall 1997): 58– http://home.pacbell.net/jjkup http://www.zdnet.com/yil/content/college/college2000/rank_twoyears_100.html www.highereducation.org/reports/expectations_fl/expectations1.shtml Technological Change in the Workplace 515 61; Virginia F. Moreland, “Technostress and Personality Type,” Online 17 (July 1993): 59–62; Rich­ ard A. Hudiburg, “Assessing and Managing Technostress,” available online from http:// www2.una.edu/psychology/alatalk.htm; Katie Clark and Sally Kalin, “Technostressed Out? How to Cope in the Digital Age,” Library Journal 121 (Aug. 1996): 30–33; Michael Gorman, “Technostress and Library Values,” Library Journal 126 (Apr. 2001): 48–50. 30. James McPartin, “Ten Years of Hard Labor: Computer-related Jobs Top the List of Stressful Occupations,” Information Week, 29 Mar. 1993, 52. 31. Les Krantz, Jobs Rated Almanac (New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 1999). 32. Donna Popovich, “The Effects of Computer Anxiety and Technostress, as Functions of Resistance to Change, on the Staff of the 18 Founding OhioLINK Libraries as the OhioLINK System Is Initiated,” ERIC ED 401923 (1994). 33. Pamela M. Rose, Kristin Stoklosa, and Sharon A. Gray, “A Focus Group Approach to As­ sessing Technostress at the Reference Desk,” Reference & User Services Quarterly 37, no. 4 (sum­ mer 1998): 311–17. 34. Ibid., 314. 35. Robin Clute, “Technostress: A Content Analysis,” ERIC ED 423911 (1998). 36. Kate D. Hickey, ed., “Technostress in Libraries and Media Centers: Case Studies and Cop­ ing Strategies,” TechTrends 37, no. 2 (1992): 17–20. 37. Jones, “Ten Years Later,” 711–45. 38. American Library Directory 1999–2000, 52nd ed. (New Providence, N.J.: R. R. Bowker, 1999). 39. Judy Born, Sue Clayton, and Aggie Balash, comps. and eds., Community College Library Job Descriptions and Organizational Charts (Chicago: Community and Junior College Library Section, Association of College and Research Libraries, 2000). 40. Florida public community colleges were allocated $29.8 million more state program fund­ ing in the 2001 legislative session, in comparison to a $45.4 million increase given to the State University System, despite the fact that community colleges serve four times more students. See “2001 Session Summary of Major Legislation Passed,” Florida Senate 2001 Session Summary, avail­ able online from http://www.leg.state.fl.us/publications/2001/senate/reports/summaries/pdf/ approp.pdf. 41. Kathryn Tyler, “Compensation Strategies Can Foster Lateral Moves and Growing in Place,” HR Magazine 43 (Apr. 1998): 64–71. 42. State of Florida Senate Bill 1162 Second Engrossed, 8 May 2001, 47. Available online from http://www.leg.state.fl.us/session/index.cfm. http://www.leg.state.fl.us/session/index.cfm http://www.leg.state.fl.us/publications/2001/senate/reports/summaries/pdf