College and Research Libraries Indexing Price Trends of French Academic Books in the Humanities and Social Sciences Ronald E. Austin Information on the cost of academic books published abroad is important for American college and research libraries. These libraries expend considerable sums of money annually on foreign books, and reliable information on the cost of these books is essential for the budget planning process. In a recent article Frederick C. Lynden points out that American research libraries purchase a substantial amount of foreign materials "with particular emphasis on materials from France, Germany, and the Netherlands. Although these countries have a well-developed book trade, there is, unfortunately, very little published data available on the costs of academic materials from these countries . . .. It would be a significant contribution to library budgetary planning if there were some standard and reliable sources of data on the costs of foreign materials."1 The purpose of this paper is to fill that lacuna in part by providing data on recent price trends for French academic books in the humanities and social sciences. • he availability of information on the prices of foreign aca- demic books is very uneven. - · Information on the cost of British and German academic books, de- rived from vendors' databases, is pub- lished annually in The Bowker Annual. The same source also publishes informa- tion on the cost of La tin American books, based on purchases made by nine re- search libraries that have significant ac- quisitions programs for Latin American books.2 General and statistical information on French book publishing can most con- veniently be found in the Annuaire Statis- tique de Ia France, a publication of the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) and in Livres Hebdo, the weekly magazine of the French booksellers' association (Cercle de Ia Librairie)Y The Annuaire Statistique publishes annual statistics on the num- ber of books published and the number of books sold in France. Statistics_ are given for several broad subject catego- ries. No information on book prices is included. Livres Hebdo publishes an an- nual summary of publishing and book selling activity (entitled Le Bilan), which appears as a supplement to the first issue of Livres Hebdo in January of each year. The information on the prices of French books given in Livres Hebdo reflects the interests of the sponsoring organization and is directed primarily toward book- sellers. For example, the statistics in Livres Hebdo show gains or declines in the publishing industry, but no informa- tion is given for specific subject areas. In addition to the annual summary given in Le Bilan, statistical information appears Ronald E. Austin is Reference/Collection Development Librarian at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1205. 37 38 College & Research Libraries from time to time in the various weekly issues of Livres Hebdo. The statistical information that ap- pears in the Annuaire Statistique and in Livres Hebdo is of limited value to college and research libraries in their budget planning process because price informa- tion is not given for specific subject areas, and academic books are not treated sepa- rately from book publishing as a whole. METHODOLOGY The data presented in this paper are derived from the Bulletin Critique du Livre Fran~ais, a book-reviewing journal published monthly in Paris by the Asso- ciation pour Ia diffusion de Ia pensee fran- t;aise.5 The Bulletin Critique was founded in 1945 when the French publishing in- dustry was reestablishing itself after World War II, and has been published continuously since then. Its purpose is to inform academic scholars and libraries - abroad about current French book pub- lishing.6 The Bulletin Critique publishes critical reviews of a broad selection of new French books each month. About 450 to 500 books are selected for review in each monthly issue. Most of the re- views are from 200 to 250 words, and are written by university professors or other subject specialists in a particular subject area. At present, the Bulletin Critique is the only publication that covers the whole range of French book publishing with a substantial number of critical re- views, and that is directed specifically toward an academic audience. There- fore, it is an excellent source of data on the costs of French academic books. This paper presents data on price trends for French academic books in the humanities and social sciences for the five-year period 1986-90. The definition of an academic book is somewhat prob- lematic. In the context of this paper, an academic book is one that would be of interest to an academic library. But col- lection development practices vary con- siderably from one academic library to another. For example, detective fiction, comic books, or cookbooks may be ex- cluded from some libraries as being non- academic, but may be included in others January 1994 as primary source material for the study of popular culture. Likewise, science fic- tion may be studied as a literary genre in some academic settings but not in others. At present, the Bulletin Critique is the only publication that covers the whole range of French book publishing with a substantial number of critical reviews, and that is directed specifically toward an academic audience. In order to make the data from the Bulletin Critique as useful as possible to most college and research libraries, cer- tain categories of materials were ex- cluded. These categories include: (1) French-language books published out- side of France (since this is a study of the prices of books from France); (2) publica- tions of UNESCO (these are better treated as international documents rather than as French publications, although they do have a Paris imprint); (3) foreign belles lettres translated into French; (4) single issues of periodicals and single fascicles of reference works; (5) titles listed in the Bulletin Critique as science fiction, ju- venile literature, humor, cartoons, sports and leisure, tourism and travel, and daily life, cooking, and fashion; (6) law books; (7) science and technology (since this paper is limited to the humanities and social sciences). In addition to the categories listed above, books are oc- casionally reviewed in the Bulletin Cri- tique without any indication of price. These titles were also omitted. RESULTS Table 1 shows the number of French books in the humanities and social sciences reviewed in the Bulletin Critique for the years 1986-90, together with average prices and prices indexed to 1986. Prices are given in French francs. In reviewing the results shown in table 1, perhaps the most surprising thing to note is the relatively small increase in the price of French academic books during TABLE 1 FRENCH ACADEMIC BOOKS IN THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: AVERAGE PRICES AND PRICE INDEXES, 1986-90 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 No. of Average Titles Price No. of Average Titles Price Index No. of Average Titles Price Index No. of Average Titles Price Index No. of Average Titles Price Index Humanities General works 17 106 Fine arts .. 247 159 224 188 118 318 187 117 330 180 113 255 209 131 Linguistics 53 177 40 123 69 43 123 69 47 161 91 56 138 78 Literature+ 571 101 606 100 99 657 106 105 685 115 114 673 109 108 Philosophy 54 107 55 147 137 74 138 129 85 114 107 123 142 133 Religion 219 129 211 134 104 253 140 109 240 136 105 197 131 102 Total humanities 1,144 123 1,136 127 103 1,345 134 109 1,387 136 111 1,321 136 111 Social Sciences Anthropology 33 113 42 180 159 60 178 158 102 147 130 66 151 134 Archeology 38 259 35 190 73 28 233 90 33 220 85 40 248 96 Communications 15 112 15 117 20 167 Economics 124 124 87 117 94 93 131 106 143 140 113 142 138 111 Education 77 95 103 86 91 70 101 106 86 103 108 64 116 122 Geography 40 116 40 147 127 33 150 129 30 150 129 33 157 135 History 419 145 383 154 106 422 156 109 502 158 109 389 163 112 Political science 159 96 177 118 123 177 122 127 146 109 114 127 130 135 -= Psychology I Q.. tD psychoanalysis 76 125 81 126 101 67 117 94 117 130 104 101 140 112 >< Sociology 73 104 74 112 108 83 125 120 60 121 116 61 126 121 s· QQ Total social sciences 1,039 129 1,022 135 105 1,048 142 110 1,234 142 110 1,043 151 117 '"a Reference books+ 34 276 33 234 85 39 236 86 30 276 100 71 226 82 :::t. n tD Grand total 2,217 128 2,191 132 103 2,432 139 109 2,651 140 109 2,435 145 113 ~ ·In the Bulletin Critique this category includes painting, sculpture, architecture, music, film and photography. tD = + In the Bulletin Critique this category includes theater. Q.. {I} t Adjusted by omitting four titles of more than 1,000 French francs each. (.1) 1.0 40 College & Research Libraries the five-year period 1986-90. The 1990 price index (113) compares with a price index of 131.5 for North American aca- demic books and 132.2 for British aca- demic books for the same time period? No comparable data are available for German academic books.8 One possible explanation for the relatively low price index for French books is that there is a negative price index for reference books for the five-year period under consideration. One possible explanation for the rela- tively low price index for French books is that there is a negative price index for reference books for the five-year period under consideration. It is sometimes dif- ficult to integrate price information for reference books with data for mono- graphs. The range of prices for reference books, from the least expensive to the most expensive, is generally much greater than for monographs. Thus there may be some distortion in the data when reference books are included with mon- January 1994 ographs in a comparative price study. Of course, this would be true whether or not unusually expensive items (all those above a certain price) are eliminated from consideration. In this case, however, in- cluding the data for reference books does not alter significantly the index figures. If the line for reference books is removed from table 1, the price index for there- maining items would be as follows: 104 (1987), 109 (1988), 110 (1989), and 113 (1990). CONCLUSION This paper points out the need for data on the prices of French academic books. It presents a source (the Bulletin Critique du Livre Fran~ais) from which this data can be derived, and demonstrates a method for developing a price index for this material. Average prices for French academic books in the humanities and social sciences are given for the years 1986-90, and prices for each year are indexed to the base year 1986. The data presented here are intended to support the budget planning process and collec- tion development activities in academic libraries. REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. Frederick C. Lynden, "Prices of Foreign Library Materials: A Report," College & Research Libraries 49 (May 1988): 217. 2. For recent information, see Filomena Simora, compiler and editor, The Bowker Annual; Library and Book Trade Almanac, 36th ed. (New Providence, N.J.: R. R. Bowker, 1991), 415-21. 3. Annuaire Statistique de Ia France. (Paris: Institut national de la statistique et des etudes economiques). Publ~hed annually. 4. Livres Hebdo. (Paris: Editions professionnelles du livre); 44 issues per year. 5. Bulletin Critique du Livre Fran~ais. (Paris: Association pour la diffusion de la pensee franc;aise); 11 issues per year. 6. For a general statement of the history, scope and purpose of the Bulletin Critique, see Jean-Pierre Seguin, "Le 500e numero du Bulletin critique du livre franc;ais, 1945-87; presentation historique," Bulletin Critique du Livre Fran~ais, no. 500-501 (aout-sep- tembre 1987): 3-22. 7. These indexes were derived from data given in The Bowker Annual, 34th ed., 1989-90: 453-54,463-65, and 36th ed., 1991: 404-405,416-18. 8. According to the explanatory note in The Bowker Annual on prices for German academic books, '1the base year has been changed to 1989 because data from prior years are not comparable to those for the last two years." The Bowker Annual, 36th ed., 1991: 420.